World of Wildstar

Just because a majority wants something doesn’t make it good in the longrun for a game/country/state whatever.

Spending more time failing something than someone else did conquering something shouldnt be rewarded the same.

Maybe, I guess we will find out. If what that person said was true then in theory most people dislike it. If they dislike it enough they will unsub. I wonder how long the game will last if it’s truly the most.

Time spent does not equal conquering a challenge.

15+ years apparantly, and if classic’s anything to go by I think it just shows an interest in a more linear, fair, and well balanced version of the game.

I understand our difference in point of view here. Repeating it won’t really make me change my mind that time should be part of the factor.

Wiping for 5 hours on a raid boss is still worth it in the long run, picking up experience/knowledge is a part of this game, but from what I can tell you want to skip that and just go to the reward.

I agree just because you spend time on something doesn’t mean you should reach your end goal, you actually have to pick up the knowledge and invest time/effort into it to learn anything and be good at it.

Literally many players said that during Legion when the term “invalidated” began to be used just in this exact context.

Okay, I spend 8 hours a week raiding, and dozens of other hours doing things like transmog farming, mythicplus, visions, old raids, leveling alts, casual content, difficult content alike.

Minus those 8 hours, my time spent is in very casual content. Why isn’t yours?

Not even going to entertain this, irrelevant.

Illogical opinions/decisions in this regard don’t matter. You’re clearly making up a problem for your unknown issue, like we said we saw it as being lazy. The content is available to you just like everyone else yet you either can’t or refuse to put in the same time or effort as me by researching your class and raid boss mechanics, finding a guild and if necessary xferring to clear mythic or what ever.

I understand your point of view. It’s just we are unable to agree on what part time plays on the effort equation. For me time is effort, and effort atleast in a fantasy world should be rewarded. Too much stick without a proper carrot is bad. Once the stick gets too long chasing the carrot becomes pointless.

Simple question but if that’s what you enjoy as end game why do you need Mythic level gear?

Always found it ironic that most raiders consider gear a mean to an end, just something necessary to meet numerical benchmarks in order to progress through difficult content. While more casual players makes it their focus while it accomplish nothing for them beyond trivializing the content they enjoy.

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So you think those that afk in lfr deserve a reward, or those that get carried in group content deserve something for wiping the group, pulling less damage than the tank or afking in general. Or those that don’t research a boss fight before stepping into it on mythic, those that want to make gold yet they don’t want to watch a few hours of youtube videos or go on the economy discord. You think those guys deserve what their end goal is without doing the work to get there?

The need isn’t really a thing if we talk practical use. I mean sure it could make me do things faster but that isn’t really important. The key thing here is the motivator. Once the reward is gone. There is no longer a reason to remain subbed to the game. Playing loses it’s value. IDK about you but I personally want the type of content I enjoy to feel rewarding for as long as possible.

Honestly it doesn’t even need to be mythic gear… Just some way to endlessly progress my character.

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I entirely agree, people overreach too much in this game, if you’re a casual player and only do world quests and heroic raid, heroic provides enough gear/ilvl for you to do it at your skill/effort level.

Just to be clear here, someone who sits in a city killing critters is spending time ingame so they deserve a reward? Hell I spend 8 hours a week raiding but you might spend 10 hours a week farming old raids and in lfr , do you deserve the same reward as someone in heroic or mythic?

You’re in the same boat as the rest of us but you’re wanting to invalidate those that put in more time/effort than you to get better gear because you sub basically.

10char lol