World of Wildstar

Also, this. Nobody here as an issue with you or anyone else in this thread. You, time and time again brought your own identity into this discussion. Nobody else. Even when we ignored it, you kept bringing it up.

So if someone is unironically being lazy we can’t call them out on it because it has a “negative connotation”…?

You sure are treating it like your own personal diary. Nobody asked you or even wanted you to get into you personal struggles or whatever. The original person who called you lazy struck a nerve and you went off on all of us for no reason. Wonder why?

No it’s not when you’re exhibiting lazy behavior and attitudes.

Seriously, nobody at all is attacking your circumstances. You simply got your argument ripped apart by numerous people and are having a tantrum and a pity party.

Because it is lazy to say the game should give you a similar level of character power to that of someone else while only putting in a fraction of the work they did. Attempting and failing a task is not lazy. Saying you should be rewarded anyway because you paid the same fee and you’re anti social IS lazy.

IT’s what the game had already been doing…

I’m not asking the game to change. I’m saying I want it to NOT change.

Like 4-6 people saw that immediately, I mean if you want your handheld/coddled or sugar coated words the internet is probably not the best place to look. Calling someone lazy isn’t even offensive, you’re pointing out a part of their character from the information you have.

Construction workers appear to be lazy most of the time when you see them, but I’m sure they’re waiting on someone else to move on with what ever they’re doing so they can continue. May be a bad example but our view of you did point towards being lazy because that’s all we have to go off of, but you aren’t understanding your own situation nor do you accept that you’re mostly the issue in it.

It’s what the game had already been doing for two expansions, which led to the absolute clown show we have now in terms of balancing and endgame gear progression. Like, do people forget expansions other than legion/bfa existed?

The game “had been doing” fine without all of these secondary RNG elements on top of loot. You are asking for change.

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That doesnt make it not lazy. The game should never have started rewarding players without putting in the effort to begin with. It is time for the game to go back to rewarding people based on their accomplishments, not just for paying the sub fee.

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How is it lazy to expect a game to provide entertainment value… That is nonsense. Honestly it’s kind of strange for anyone playing games to call other people Lazy at all.

Your lazy in a game… WTF even is that? It’s not physical labor.

Even at a mythic lvl wow doesn’t provide much of that anyway lol, but you keep diverging from the topic. Were talking about putting in the same effort as mythic raiders but you’re wanting to do lfr and get the same reward or have blizzard capitulate to you and make it available in solo content.

You can be lazy in anything, I don’t help people in trade chat because if they expect the correct answer in trade chat they’re typically an idiot, they’re lazy because they could just minimize and go to wowhead or one of the dozens if not hundreds of other 3rd party websites that has the answer.

Yes. I want the game to continue providing the same level of entertainment it has been per dollar ratio. Because I purchase a game for fun. Pure entertainment value. What do you purchase it for?

This isnt a movie, nor is it your typical video game. You dont just play wow for “entertainment value”, you play wow for a sense of accomplishment through completing challenging tasks and watching your character grow from them. But when some players feel they should be rewarded the same as other players while putting in only a fraction of the work they did, it is lazy, plain and simple.

To be better than other players in a competitive multiplayer scene, to get end game gear by putting more effort into it, not necessarily more time because you can still prog mythic on a 6-8 hour a week schedule. Mounts/collecting stuff and making gold. Any game that has more than one person becomes competitive, some people view the game more seriously than others clearly in this case.

How do you measure work Though? I’m more then willing and have for some time been fine putting in even more time to obtain those items. Isn’t that work? It takes me much longer to achieve.

I do want to apologize for going off on you guys at this point though. I shouldn’t have stooped. I try to be better then resulting to insults even when they are tossed at me.

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This is most of the new players in the game, you pick up efficiency over time. Most players want their hand held through every little step they take through the game. Why would I bother to teach someone their class/spec or how to make gold when they could youtube/google/wowhead it and put in the same effort/time as I did. Everyone including you it seems wants to skip all of that and go to the end reward even if it surpasses the content you’re doing.

You measure by the level of difficulty of the content the players have completed. If you do a mythic 0 dungeon, and you get a piece of gear that is similar in power level to something someone would get from a heroic or god forbid mythic raid because it titanforged, there is a very clear unbalance, and frank lack of fairness. Its not so much about how much time you spend on it, its about what you actually achieve in that time. Spending 5 hours wiping on the first boss in heroic ny’alotha wouldnt justify rewarding that player the same way you would someone who cleared 3 mythic bosses in 3 hours.

Ok look, I’m kind of done repeating this. After all of this you still don’t seem to get it. A game isn’t your personalized entertainment tool to provide an equal amount of entertainment with some sort of formula.

A game, especially an online game, is based around varying difficulties of content providing various rewards corresponding to the difficulty. Games (particularly mmo’s). WoW is not about paying set money for a set entertainment, like a movie. You pay for server access in a sandbox. The sandbox is what you make of it.

Some people feel like they should be rewarded with the same things without achieving and conquering the challenges that award some of the best rewards in the game. Again, this genre is not mario bros. It isn’t metered, or as linear.

Consider this equal to you participating in a video game session with friends, you’re playing a game with 4 difficulty modes, you stop after the first, but your friends play it all the way through. Your session lasts 2 hours, theirs lasts 20. Is the game robbing you of entertainment, or are you just being lazy by demanding that the game be catered to you and spoonfeed you? Yeah you paid the same price for the game but you chose to not play the hard mode levels, and as such your “value per dollar” went down. Is this really the game’s fault, or yours? Or is it your friends? Think about it.

With that, I’m kind of done here. The fun of a game like wow comes from what you make of it, with the constraints of a fair and balanced reward system which it is the devs responsibility to maintain. Making loot linear again in a way restores this.

If that is what the majority wants… Wouldn’t it be more profitable to be that way? Not saying I think what you just said is remotely true.

As a person with terrible social anxiety, I feel this post in my soul. So much of the game I love is basically not accesible to me for these reasons. It really sucks that they lock up crafting reagents in that content as well, which keeps me from reaching what I want in that portion of the game.

This is probably our fundamental disagreement area. I value time in the equation.