World of Wildstar

I wonder if people ever stop to think what they are saying when they tell people to stop being lazy without fully seeing a full picture. There could be any number of reasons a person stays away from groups as much as possible. None of which is Lazy. Yet to be belligerent to such a person and write them off as lazy. Unknowning of their situation could lead to tragic things. While no such thing would happen to myself. I do hope people realize exactly what the consequences of their words could be.

Seriously what does this have to do with game design, are you just trying to make us feel bad now?


It is lazy to demand gear from content you didn’t deserve just because you pay a sub.

I was evicted from my apartment once give me titanforged gear or you’re a big fat stinky meanie

Dude seriously insinuating that someone not getting mythic raid gear can lead to suicide is insulting.

Oh sure instead of admitting you lost an argument just say everyone else is the bad guy lol. You’re the victim just like you were from the very first post in this joke of a thread.

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Now you just seem to be fishing for pitty because some people on the internet said things you dont agree with. Simple fact is what you’re asking for comes from a place of pure laziness. I dont care how anti social you are, this is an mmo, group content should matter above all else. The game shouldnt be designed around people being anti social.

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I wonder if you even really understand just how anti social the people are in that so called content.

It’s an arena of Exclusion
Name calling

A simple mistake leads to a person being berated. Yet. I am the anti social one.

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I’m pretty sure anyone would read this post up to this point and agree

Don’t want to play with other people : why be on an mmo or online for that matter

Can’t play with other people : bad at the game or just too lazy to find a guild or pug

Unable to move up in content for better rewards : Either bad or lazy to do the same exact work and put in the same effort/time as those that have done since vanilla to do end game content

Physical or mental disability : which is understandable, I’ve played with a paraplegic that played with a straw from his mouth, he did great damage but obviously was bad at mechanics but he didn’t whine about it ever

Lack of time : well I don’t think this was ever a good excuse even in vanilla but that was really the only time it was even a valid problem because the amount of information we had in vanilla was scarce at best.
If you can’t do something for the lack of time well firstly I would play a game that I can do while working 60-70+ hours a week or just do what I can. I never expected wow to capitulate to me for my schedule nor would I ever.
If you really want something you make time for it, that’s common sense for everything in life.

Any other issues that I’m not thinking of can be related to not putting in the effort/time I’m sure.


It does. We each pay $15 a month (approximately at least), and get access to the entire game.

I’m not on some premium subscription that allows me access to M+ or Raiding. Doing that content is up to the individual.

You’re not getting grapes because you’re unwilling to go to the part of the shop that has grapes. You’re just grabbing whatever happens to be closest and complaining that it’s not grapes.


No dude don’t you see you’re being a bully because you made a point about loot in a video game and basically you’re going to cause someone to do something tragic.

It doesn’t. This has to do with people running around calling people Anti Social and Lazy. And me defending myself. Don’t try to stop me from that. There is no reason I should have to sit there and listen to that and not defend myself. It’s not the topic I agree… But people are saying nasty crap.

You don’t have to sit there and take it, it’s an observation from multiple people and calling you out on it, if you don’t want to read it ignore them or leave forums and move on. Noones forcing you to stay here. It’s probably clear to everyone that reads all your comments up to now.

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Be pushed out of my thread by a bunch of elites that think they should be able to run around and call people things? Yeah. No.

I’m not calling you guys a bunch of things… Why do that to me?

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You’re doing that all your self by showing your true character, getting called out on it and thinking were forcing you to stay here. You do realize you’re on the internet you aren’t going to get exactly the most friendly people calling out your bs right.

Because you aren’t getting over your self, you’re doing the pity party over here.

That makes no sense as the previous systems made that situation even worse, hence the design of secondary progression through azerite/essences etc. They were designed as alternative progression due to the lack of meaning and availability of gear.

Deterministic gear makes things more valuable as you can physically measure the worth your rewards, no more “oh but if I get this with an upgrade then that will be better instead”

Why will non-M+ dungeon, LFR, and world content rewards be trash? Will you suddenly be unable to complete the content that you do with the rewards you get? Of course not, so wherein lies the problem?

If anything the gap closes, a player with 30 ilvls lower is going to be in a much better place than the current gap between a player with ~460 and a few random corruptions and a player with 475+ ilvl with full BiS corruptions, essences, and numerous gem slots.

If you think item level is currently the most determining factor of player strength in the game right now then I’m afraid you don’t understand the interactions between secondary power sources too well.

This hasn’t changed. All of the “casual friendly” introductions to the game have been “under the helm of a mythic player”.

I wouldn’t say “go play a solo game” however, people who insist on playing the game solo should understand that the game is developed around groups of people in an online community.

Whilst they have all the right to play the game, there is no reason why how they choose to play the game should dictate the direction that the game goes.
Design direction should always take the base game identity and push that as the prerogative, allowing accessibility where it doesn’t hurt the games inital philosophy.

Think of it this way, League of Legends (and other PvP style games) are built and balanced on player verses player team interactions, it would be ridiculous for them to them to instead balance the game around players who only want to play player vs AI games or something similar.
Do people solely play those modes? Yes. Should that affect the overarching design and balance of the game? Of course not.

Your thread that said pretty much nothing to begin with, and was clearly inflammatory, yeah, that thread?

You got called out on lazy behavior wanting loot from content you didn’t participate and now you want pity and want people to feel bad somehow for destroying your various arguments?

And “elites”?.. Seriously dude? Anyone who disagrees with you is an elite…? You’re showing your true colors now, and this will only cause more people to pile on.

And your being an insenstive toxic piece of garbage.

There I stooped to your level. Now we really having a constructive conversation. Because that is exactly how we should all communicate. With assumptions and being mean to eachother.

Saying that your fews on this topic come from a place of laziness is not people trying to berate you. You need to understand the core problem here. Its not about being anti social, its about being too lazy to push yourself to stop being anti social to enjoy an mmo for what its meant to be. Instead of taking it so personally, realise nobody here has any personal issue with you, people just want whats actually best for the game as an mmo

This is why I compared this and you to those that confuse elitism with toxicity. Pointing out a part of your character is not being toxic. Like I said you’re trying to get everyone on your pity party side of things when in fact it’s your own fault for not getting what you want and blaming either the players or the game and expect the game to capitulate to you.

Remember that 90% of people in this thread disagreed with you and provided numerous counter arguments to what you said in a constructive manner.

You showed your true colors as someone who A) Refuses to admit they’re wrong and/or B) someone who was just doing all of this to be inflammatory.

You have a victim complex. A bad one. And if you’re saying or doing any of this just to get a rise out of people, that’s even sadder.


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This exactly, best explanation so far.

It’s as if you willing choose to ignore the negative cognization of the word Lazy. Or how often there is people unable for specific circumstances I’m not going to get into because this isn’t my Diary. nor are you guys anywhere near the kind of people to share those things with. Unable to accomplish a task. Simply calling them Lazy is uncalled for.