World of Wildstar

Maybe this will bring a little of the community features we lost long ago…

If your socially awkward you don’t really need the top tier gear anyways, since you won’t be doing any of the content that needs better gear as it requires at least bare minimum communication with people. So what’s the problem?

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Yeah, that patch is taking a while.

Covid delay.

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The issue is the character stops growing. When that happens the fun ends.

The point of playing ends.

Ah ok so you do think you deserve a CEO’s paycheck for flipping burgers at a wendys basically. Got it thanks.

If you knew jack about some CEOs you’d know the burger flipper is actually working harder.

No I believe my $ should give me the same level of entertainment as someone else’s $.

I am giving a dollar and getting a cucumber, you are giving a dollar and getting grapes.

If character progression is that important to you, go do the content. If you want a game without a linear reward structure, WoW is fundamentally not that game.

No it doesn’t. You just don’t want to or cant do the more difficult content which gives the best rewards.

Again, if all you do is LFR or visions or whatever why do you insist on your character becoming endlessly stronger? YOU choosing not to do the content blizzard has on offer to get the best rewards possible is not a game design issue, it’s your issue.

I’m also not really sure why your character shouldn’t have a point where the power growth stops. As a matter of fact, that point is typically never achieved by a large portion of players in games like this, keeping you on the hamster wheel more than titanforging ever did in a more challenging and engaging way, making you actually do the content that awards the gear.

I agree, but the person flipping burgers clearly isn’t or attempting to do what they did to get that paycheck. I’ve had some bosses when I worked retail at an early age that were as dumb as a brick, I did way more work than them but I still understand how our job system and economy works when it comes to knowing the right people / networking, and putting in the effort/time to acquire degrees so you open those doors. I don’t think degrees have much worth but they do get you to the table or your foot in the door in another term.

I am giving a dollar to blizzard, you are also.

We both get server access. Do what you will with your time. Your sub isn’t a theme ride ticket, it is what you make of the game, and your character. The amount of hubris required to assume that blizzard has some sort of metric that equally measures everyone’s enjoyment of a video game on some sort of linear scale is kind of insane to me. This isn’t on rails, it’s a sandbox.


Bro. The only gates kept by raiding guilds are literally a minimum ilvl to have and the ability to play your class EFFECTIVELY and LEARN the content. See that, you need to put in effort, something you won’t do. No raiding guild I’ve seen demands it’s players be AoTC or cutting edge before joining. They don’t care about your IO score. They just want someone who’s going to put in the time and effort required to beat the content. But OP won’t do any of this. At the end of the day his just lazy and unwilling to learn.

Not as much as you think they do. Its who you know not what you know in a lot of cases.

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That won’t ever happen, not until Blizzard decides to stop investing in WoW.
That’s why new patches are being released constantly, also that’s why each of any expansion gimmicks are temporary.

Most of casuals and solo players are not getting mythic ready gear nowadays either way.

Don’t presume to know me, my life, or my experiences and hardships. You are wrong to call people lazy like that based on assumptions.

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You still aren’t considering the fact if you’re a casual player you should be doing casual content like lfr/norm/heroic, you’re overreaching as usual. This game is inherently competitive, takes time/effort. You clearly aren’t taking advantage of what it has to offer because as far as I’m concerned you’re lazy or just bad and can’t cross that gap up to mythic which is fine with me, you still have 90% of the game available to you that is if you stop being lazy about doing it.

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Again with the identity crap. You are indeed being at least a bit entitled to presume that you aren’t being handed items in a game because you pay the same subscription fee as someone at the top end.

If you want a metered experience equal to everyone around you, go to a themepark, not an MMO.

Your money merely grants you access to the game. If you want to achieve the same character level as high end players, you should have to do the same content and earn it as they do. You say its unfair for you to not be on the same level as mythic raiders, purely because you pay the same fee as them, but they could say the same about you. Its not fair to them that you get to be as powerful as they are, for putting in a fraction of the work they do, purely because you paid the same amount of money. Those who work the hardest should be the most rewarded, not the other way around.

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I agree, still got my point across I’m sure in what I said.

They are calling you lazy because you refuse to do the content that gives better gear , most people would agree . If there is some Legitimate reason why you cant do that content , then thats a different story , however Bliz should not have to cater to every senario , the game is what it is , if you cant do it then its not for you

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I’m not assuming anything. I’m calling you lazy. LAZY. You want to earn things others have to put in effort to get just by what, paying a sub? Dude get over yourself , you don’t need the gear if you’re not doing the appropriate content.