World of Wildstar

Basically a bunch of hyperbole how Ion is an elitist and that the evil elitists are on a crusade to remove LFR, then when people responded OP was simply pretending you see.

Then, we all agreed with him apparently all along that titanforging is good for the game because it makes people feel nice or something.

Then, we spoke about charity and tip jars, and then someone typed an essay about how casuals are under attack meanwhile not a single person even spoke about hurting casual players.

I think it was supposed to be essentially about loot structure in WoW? But who knows what this thread is anymore.

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Iā€™m not surprised.

Close to the end of the expansion and almost everything for people like myself to do has been removed. All that remains is mostly mythic people and people preparing for the next expansion. When you chase out everyone besides the people who think like you, you usually get an echo chamber.

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Lfr still exists, nothing has been removed.

again , if your not going to do higher content why do you need better gear. You dont .

what do you do you asked . the content your gear is meant for . all content is repeatable . I dont play this game for gear , its NOT the only way to develop your toon . I play to do the content , rewards are neither hear nor there . Would I raid if they dropped no gear or had no rewards whatsoever - most definitely , its the content not the rewards that mater.

Do you usually do content that offers nothing to progress your character?

Define ā€œā€¦people like myself.ā€

Well if you arenā€™t good enough to get into higher content thatā€™s noone elseā€™s problem but yours, I can recommend a good carry group though unless you want to put in the same/time effort to earn those rewards as those that are clearing mythic are already doing.

IF not I have no sympathy for you, itā€™s like refusing to go to school to get a degree to get away from that minimum wage job.

Nothing has been removed. You just donā€™t play as much of the game as others. When you play less of a game, you have less to do in it, weird how that works right?

I mean come on, what the hell sony this guy whoā€™s earning the platinum trophy in a ps4 game has 80 hours played but I only have 20 and I already ran out of stuff to do and Iā€™m a casual so Iā€™m not even aiming for that trophy!

See how this sounds? How exactly do you want blizzard to make an expansion last as long for those at the bleeding edge as it does for you? Of course if someone is more invested they have more goals, and have the same amount of time you do between expansions. Theyā€™re just playing a bit more seriously.

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He will say the extremely broad term of ā€œcasualsā€ to bring the conversation back to identity rather than game design, watch.

So reward people who stop at nothing to remove what I enjoy from the game by paying them.


Yes because Iā€™m sure you subscribed to wow because you heard you can randomly get the best gear in the game from completing a world quest at a 1% droprate.

Please. Drop the act. This clearly isnā€™t an issue about game design anymore, itā€™s one of you feeling attacked because others find more to do in a video game than you.


I think the biggest issue is that wildstar was an mmo for fans of old style MMOs like classic wow. It wasnt made for modern players, but the biggest problem was that it simply wasnā€™t world of warcraft. A lot of the people who really played wow in vanilla and stopped after wrath likely dont play mmoā€™s much anymore period due to the fact theyā€™re so radically different to what made them so successful years ago. Wildstar wanted to recapture the essence of old school mmos like vanilla wow, but it ultimately just wasnt world of warcraft, the game its target audience wanted out of an mmo. I think classic wow is so successful for the pure fact that it is vanilla wow at its core. The community is definitely a lot different, but the game itself is vanilla wow as it was 14 years ago.

I seriously doubt any mmo could ever do what vanilla wow did, even if it had the same principles, based on the fact it still wouldnt be world of warcraft.

I donā€™t even know what youā€™re whining about unless you have another account you havenā€™t even touched any content, looks like youā€™ve logged in once every 6 years since like 2013 or something, and or just keeping your sub up to troll people on here is more likely.

everything there was to do before is still there . YOU are choosing not to do it because you cant get rewards for it . That says more about you then the game

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I think thereā€™s merit to classic existing and proof thereā€™s an audience for it but a game like wildstar failing shows that itā€™s more a very large cult following more than anything. Wildstar wasnā€™t for the masses and thatā€™s why it failed but at the same time we shouldnā€™t make retail like classic, we need to strike a balance between challenge/reward, and modern game design. Not disagreeing, just a sidepoint.

So they are getting rid of LFR?

No. Just more hyperbole from OP.

I have always played WoW due to the Dollar per entertainment value versus what the rest of the market has to offer. Titan forging and other systems like it allowed a person to continue to progress their character without a hard block which can be created by community members or the like. With this removal the game becomes effectively less fun at a much earlier point of the game because the ability for the character to grow in power stops. If you canā€™t understand the importance of the ability for the character to continue getting stronger I really donā€™t know how you will ever understand my point.

At any rate this reduces the level of entertainment I get per dollar.

I still feel Final Fantasy 14 is more fun. Lots more to do and it certainly is challenging at higher difficulties. Seems easier to get money too. WoW pays you jack for some quests and in FF 14 At higher levels Iā€™ve gotten lots of gil.

Iā€™m on hiatus while I wait for that delayed patch.