World of Wildstar

If I am able to provide a list of games that offer only entertainment without said reward structure. Would you concede that games do not have to have a reward structure to do their job as a source of Entertainment?

Who said anything about destroying it, you just don’t deserve to get end game gear from solo player content as far as I’m concerned.

Because a lot of good games let you do so?

OP’s concern with this thread is that “it’s an MMO” means the game will suffer Wildstar’s fate and shut down.

Sure I can concede that but WoW isn’t one of them. This game has a reward structure.

Oh so if WoW has something then that is the way it should be?

WoW had titanforging thank you for agreeing that it shouldn’t have been removed.

Yeah. Torghast in SL will let me feel rewarded.

I’ll probably be doing that a lot for my Weekly Chest.

I fully agree with you, this is the comprehension others here lack. As far as I see it people are getting over catered/over rewarded as is, doing content that doesn’t even coincide with the reward you’re receiving.

I’ve seen this claim too, that it didn’t even matter if it ever happened, if it was mathematically possible that a casual could get a 1 in 1 trillion titanforge, the game was broken and everything you had ever done was invalidated.

Didn’t matter that you had milked the system for far more than any casual ever had. The problem was that you wanted to nerf gear to casuals, but you wanted that same sweet loot for yourself. Beg for more corruptions. Elites will never stop demanding that casuals lose loot and they get more guaranteed upgrades. Just don’t call them “titanforges”, horrors that an occasional casual got a 5 ilvl upgrade they didn’t deserve for doing content that was beneath you.

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I have absolutely no idea what you’re even talking about, and I didn’t agree with a word you said about titanforging. Like, that wasn’t clever at all lol.

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Okay but wow is not other games. Wow is wow. The game will not die because it required you to group with other players to take on challenging content. In fact, that aspect was one of the most anticipated, and still is one of the most beloved parts of classic.

If you want to solo content, play a single player game, not an MMO.

Literally nobody is saying that though. Nobody is saying everything I or anyone did was invalidated. All I and arch said was that it messes with linear progression to have that sort of a cog in the system.


He did put it in a manner I agree with, but also that you agree with.

That’s pretty nice of him.

That’s not nerfing gear to casuals it just wasn’t implemented very well. Lfr should cap at normal for ilvl, normal to heroic and heroic to mythic base or something. NOT GO FROM 440-475 from lfr. That’s only an example, it may need a tighter cap but that’s a general idea.

There needs to be a clear progression system, if all you had to do was roll the dice it completely negates that system. Like I said I’ve seen people fully decked out with almost every single item they had equipped at maxed ilvl without touching raids, this is more of an example from legion. Today you just need the weekly cache and not to get dupilcate slots.

You said WoW has a reward structure. As if the current system is the best because it is what is in place. When not long ago Titanforging was in place. So you are defacto agreeing that Titanforging should of stayed because it is something that WoW had.

If what WoW has = What WoW should have
Then what WoW had = What WoW should keep


The only thing i want is for gear rewards to be appropriate to the amount of effort/content completed by the player. If all you do is heroic/low mythic dungeons, you have no right to obtain gear comparable to that of a heroic or mythic raider, without going and doing that content yourself. If thats elitist then so be it, its what is fair.

If you want the power, go and earn it, the game shouldnt be handing it to you.

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A paladin soloed all of ZG Pre-Cata naked. Say that again.

That was Wildstar’s fate.

FF14, heck, even SWTOR, do this better. We want WoW on the trend.

Great, and I’m happy torghast exists. I’m sure many people will enjoy it, and see how it’s not necessary for it to provide the best rewards in the game, but still be valid as fun and rewarding? Now, if torghast proves to be as difficult if not more difficult than a heroic or mythic raid then hell, give it that sort of reward.


I hope so. No more LFR and welfare gear please. This is an MMO go be antisocial in another game.

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It probably will.

Now you are on the same page and why I want the tech to all content moving forward.

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I wonder if you even realize how antisocial it is to tell people to leave the community.
