World of Wildstar

Weird how the games most popular points didn’t have corruption or forging of any kind.


Weird how the games most popular points didn’t have mythic+ of any kind.


I have participated in numerous AOTC carries and carries for free or paid with randos, guildies, and my raid team or pugs. I’m kind of done with this now, because you’ve derailed this so far from the original point that you’ve got me going in circles now repeating a statement which has nothing to do with my point to begin with.

Loot isn’t this virtual tip jar of paying it forward, that is something that happens regardless of WF/TF/Corruption existing. You can take this charity argument to the ends of the earth because all you will keep doing is repeating a fact I stated as an opinion, or saying “but what if X item titanforged, then I could do even MORE charity so basically if you’re against it you’re a big meanie!”

The classes felt whole in WOTLK-MOP.

It was WOD-Onwards, even with Cata as a low point in the game’s life.

Weird how this thread isn’t about Mythic+.

The devs are into flashy gimmicks. They’re way more fun to design than it is to make balanced classes. Expect more flashy gimmicks and more broken classes.

That doesnt mean it wasnt a bad system. There is zero reason a player should get gear comparable to that of a mythic raider without doing similar content, IE mythic raiding or very high level PVP. It doesnt matter if titanforges of that level were rare, the fact they existed period makes it a bad system.

Gear level should have a strict lock per level of content. There is no justification for a player getting gear comparable to a higher level player without putting in the same effort/doing the same content.

The point is, it was a bad point. It completely ignores everything that time brings with it.

Yes this may be a game but just because you don’t care to put effort/time into it or have the skill to get better, yes in that regard you don’t affect me. But like I was saying if I’m spending 6-12 hours a week in a mythic raiding guild and you do 1 15 dungeon in an hour with 1/4th the players no you don’t deserve to get mythic ilvl equivalent loot when it takes 20 people, far more coordination/skill/timespent/effort. All the time it takes to find a guild, everyone knowing their class and the content to complete.

You are painting a negative picture over charity. A virtue pretty high up there. Rewarding patience, another virtue.

I think I’m done as well. Learn to stop gatekeeping and be nice to your fellow humans.

No it wasn’t, you just chose to ignore it.

The only part that matters.

so if my entertainment doesn’t impeach onto your entertainment. Why should mine be destroyed for the sake of some Arbitrary desire to have more then someone else?

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This was a later decision based on the fact that titanforging, much like corruption, made player power too high for current content and blizzard was stuck with it.

This really still doesn’t have much to do with game design and linear loot in MMOs.

Shadowlands is proof that mythic plus and titanforging are not mutually exclusive.

Nobody said that that’s everything wrong with the game. Rare or not it’s still quite a confusing cog to add into a system that is supposed to be remotely linear.

I told Sensei that as well. That’s why I liked your post.

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Because video games have a reward structure. This isn’t a film, it’s a game that you actively participate in where loot is the carrot on the stick for most people.

Not only did you tell me this but you also said it was good game design to have LFR award the same item level as mythic or else I’m “pidgeonholing you into my content”.

They may have been rare but I’ve seen some very lucky people with a full set of nearly all capped ilvl items, the system is bad I’ll leave it at that and that it should not be a thing, warforging is fine but tf and corruptions never should’ve existed and I’m glad they’re gone even though I’ve had a lot of luck with them.

I was 453 when I quit near the end of bod, the highest ilvl at the time you could get was 455, I got my bis ilvl wep like 4 weeks into bod. For palace I got my bis ilvl wep from radiance 2 weeks in. I benefited from those terrible system yet I’d rather see them demolished. Rng has always favored me but they remove any gratification/worth or even the feeling of earning it out of the game which makes this game less and less worth playing. If there’s nothing to work towards why play.

LFR != Mythic.

I want to solo Mythic.

Not only that, I want you to enjoy Mythic as well.

This is an mmo, why should you be allowed to solo the hardest content in the game?

You want to solo the most difficult group content in a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game?


I think you need to realize that solo modes are content “that matter” for solo players. Maybe we don’t want to play dark souls or Skyrim because we are ex-raiders in WoW and have been playing WoW forever. Maybe we’ve already exhausted solo games out there we care for and just love Blizzard games. Maybe now we have families and full time jobs and can only afford a bit of game time here and there but have no chance of playing organized group content anymore. Personally I’m ecstatic Blizzard is introducing solo game play modes that players can progress towards beating alone.

As a casual solo player it felt amazing getting the Mad World achievement just getting gear through solo visions and pugging darkshore and raids (which I consider solo play similar to LFR honestly). I only care about ilvl in terms of progressing solo goals. I do not care about ilvl of solo play versus group play, as long as solo modes can be beat with solo gearing methods. I agree that if the solo rewards are too good and impact incentive for group play for people who care about group play then Blizzard should work harder to incentivize group play.

I used to love raiding but I don’t care for organized group play anymore, so what you classify as content that counts doesn’t count for me. Torghast counts as content I care about for Shadowlands. It’s purely subjective.