World of Warcraft Reveal News Round-Up

This flying looks like identical to the “flying” that GW2 did when they introduced mounts.

It was a PITA then and it’ll be a PITA now


It makes sense that if Azeroth is healing, as it said in the cinematic, that all areas of ruin and destruction start seeing areas of growth. Old buildings rebuilt, charred remains growing new life, etc.

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What extent do you believe that Microsoft will start influencing the design decisions. Think what you will, but I hope that Microsoft feels that WoW is a slipping IP and will focus attention to regaining the peak numbers we have seen in the past.

Why cant we look like real dragons in dragon form instead of looking like a lizard. If I’m going to be a dragon then give me a dragon.


we still gonna all remain murder hobos! :confused:


I am kinda bummed there isn’t going to be a new playable class for all races. I wasn’t all that enthusiastic about the Tinker but I was hopeful to see a Dragon themed class like a Dragon Knight or Dragoon so to not see those makes the expansion a bit lack lustered to me.


I wished that Shadowlands was interesting. It was Blizzards’ final chance to finally grace us players with the Necromancer Class or making the Vrykul and Arakkoa into Playable Races due to their species’ history of being able to freely travel between the realms of Life and Death which would befit the nature of an expansion centering around the concept OF traveling through the many Afterlives.

Unfortunately, we are living in a timeline where Blizzard has nothing more than half-baked ideas and broken dreams for Shadowlands. I’ve been burned one time too many since the end of Legion, so I am tentative on what Dragonflight will even bring to the table.

Here’s to finally putting an end to Blizzard’s Borrowed Power Addiction (which we unfortunately know isn’t going to happen).


I gatta be honest, the concept is cool, but yes, it does not look good at all.


The new race looks really ugly, and do not like the idea of only being able to be one class as them. I love the concept though, and I’m really excited about the customizable dragon mount.


wotlk classic in 2022…that’s kind of an obvious announcement. no specific date given…

I second this. Specifically with the Forsaken and how they kind of opened that door via Calia Menethil.

A lot of people are excited for talent trees, but what they showed didn’t appear to allow any type of hybridization (using points in the tree of spec B while playing spec A).


Blizzard: No level cap increase in 10.0
Expansion reveal: New Level Cap: 70

At least you are consistent and know what you are doing…

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Probably has to do with the fact a good majority of the team has changed since then

Same as previous talent trees. Visit some external site to get the optimum talent build for your class, set and forget.


Will it be a true neutral race, which can interact freely with either Alliance or Horde, hang out in either side’s cities, Kill Alliance or Horde in PVP :slight_smile:


be constructive not rude, they could easily make it so you turn into a dragon briefly when using abilities and going back to humanoid form, like demon hunters and demon form.


BLIZZ…i love you guys, but why have we STILL not gotten actual housing. This game has almost 20 years worth of assets in the game you guys could fill our housing with so the assets wouldn’t be a problem. Please so many of us want it, the garrison had it’s problems taking away from the mmo aspects of the game, i feel the bad reception from that is why we haven’t gotten housing.


Spoilers here!

Didn’t The Dragonflight lose their powers after The Cataclysm? I remember a cut scene with them, Thrall, and his wife. Something about the future and Thrall’s wife touching her belly and Thrall realizing she was pregnant. Is his going to be a flashback to Dragonflight’s history? Will we see how one became Deathwing? Or is it future dragonflight?

The trailer looks interesting and so does the info but I’m gonna wait and see before I buy. Blizzard has a habit of sometimes making great cut scenes and trailers but then it lacks the hype it put out.

I absolutely love the new Dragon Class, but i must wonder the animations of the human-dragon hybrid, like if we are granted flight forms in the “mortal form” can it lease allow for customizable wings. :grin: :grin: :grin:

Side note, the “mortal forms”, are they just humans or do we unlock different skins as we progress :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:

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