World of Warcraft Remix: Mists of Pandaria Ends Soon!




I have been doing nothing but grinding for the Remix exclusive weapon mogs for the last two weeks, and am still all but certainly not going to complete the collection even as I continue to grind them this week simply because of RNG.

For crying out loud, I’ve been down to only a single 1h sword left from Heroic Vault/Heart/Terrace for the last week, and I still haven’t gotten it through a full world tour every day of the last week.

Heck, I can count the number of weapon drops I get after a T14 World Tour or an entire Throne of Thunder on one hand most times. Last night’s Heroic ToT solo scored me a grand total of ONE weapon drop from the entire thing, which I’d already collected.

The stated design of this mode was that we should be able to collect everything in the mode, guaranteed. 200+ exclusive weapon mogs with no recourse but grinding RNG drops goes completely against the spirit of this mode.


In the future, can you avoid temporary content such as plunderstorm, remix, and expansions? The long-term play value just isnt there. Cant be bothered to spend any time.

Here’s a test for you. Set your hearth there and see if it stays.

I hope we see Remix again! I really, really enjoyed MoP: Remix. Not only were the collectibles nice, it was just plain fun with the gems and the crazy, crazy cogs.

Crossing my fingers for another Remix in the future!

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All items, currencies (except gold), and quests will be removed from Timerunners

I hope this isn’t an oversight but I like many others missed the original Theramore scenario and completed it in Remix.

Horde get a toy which after learning is safe.

Alliance however get a tabard which plants a flag, Theramore Tabard is the name. Will this be lost as well? Because if so you’re taking away the Alliance reward while the horde gets to keep theirs.

I hope that this has been considered. Could Blizzard clarify whether there is an exemption there or if it’s literally every single item but ensembles?

edit It’s clarified that since warbands any character on an account that’s earned the achieve required to get the tabard can just go to a tabard vendor (like in Dalaran) and buy it on any character. So this will not be an issue.

See my thread here:

Others have mention in other threads that if you got the achievement in Remix you can indeed replace it.

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Someone just made a PSA thread on how you keep it:

Edit: Caz just beat me to it. :rofl:

Oh awesome. You’ve set my mind at ease and prevented me wasting hours of my life leveling a character to 35 on retail and doing the scenario there just to ensure I have it.

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While it would be nice to have a higher ilvl for the trinkets, rings, and neck…Does that mean the gear that i leveled up to 556 is going to be downgraded to 467?? RIP

Nope…no new mounts please!! I wasn’t that into the whole RePanda thing and allocated just enough work to get all the available mounts. Have one last set of dailies and I’m done. Sorry you spent all that time farming useless bronze. :hear_no_evil::see_no_evil::speak_no_evil:

If I could have just rolled a new toon and leveled to 70 easier in prepatch and ended with better gear, then besides collections, what was the point of remix?

didnt farm at all lol it was helping thousands of people in M SoO daily and doing H all raids Daily and SoO daily on N H M to help random people…tech it be your fault for not farming 2m cap incase blizzard did add a 2m bronze mount…I was capped for months

be ready to farm for Next remix for bronze cap because i bet they do a bronze cap mount for next remix

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I only get to play 10 hours a week with another 5 every other weekend. I was lucky to get the bronze I did. Unless they do a BfA remix and put the longboi up for bronze cap. In which case I could ignore it entirely. :hear_no_evil::see_no_evil::speak_no_evil:

Oh please, all CEOs are lazier than I am, they just get paid more to sit there and act important, look at Elon.

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What’s the fastest way to farm bronze? Just started the remix 3 days ago… got lvl 70 yesterday.

Removing the 36 slot Remix bags seems a bit unnecessary.


I wouldn’t bet on them not taking it away. Access to the actual tabard outside of the transmog appearance currently looks to remain exclusive to players with the original Feat of Strength.

467 item level is pretty pathetic considering the prepatch events gives 480…


I agree but I also suspect that gear will be very-quickly replaced for those playing TWW. Add on how easy it was to get some great mounts, pets, transmogs… I can’t really complain. I’m more upset about losing those 36 slot bags. THAT, in my opinion, is unnecessary.

yeah i agree but my guess is they are doing that on purpose to not make the new bags in the war within are not pointless as they are also 36 slots.

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