World of Warcraft Remix: Mists of Pandaria Ends Soon!

The way I see it, anything that exists in the retail game will still be there. I think this counts as that, since it was introduced in 5.0.1.

120-130 played hours on remix.
Every purchaseable item for bronze, all item upgrades.
Less than half the weapons unlocked.
I was okay with the weapon mogs, a little annoyed, but they will need something to get people to do mop remix again sometime in the next 10 years right?

But with the item upgrades that I spent weeks on, that overcosted crap. Somehow I can’t have the same iLvl gear for the 2 weeks before the new expansion comes out? Really? Pathetic. Good thing I have little interest in the new content Blizzard makes these days, might have helped a little having max gear for the new expansion launch after spending over a hundred hours to get it for a couple months…

Bags too? Sort of lame for like 1 character but if someone never needed to but a tailoring bag again… oh wait thats incredibly unlikely, just another hamfisted reason to nerf things players have already invested into.

Back to transmog and mount farming, maybe warbands and after TWW will get better.


I’d be mad if I’d loose the tabard!

It’d have been smarter of them to just convert bronze to residual memories.


Yea 526 gear would still be close to 100 ilvls below TWW heroic dungeon/entry level raid gear. Even just 500 ilvl would have been a good compromise. Upgrading that gear takes weeks, should be compensated more.


So let me get this straight… you acted all condescending and dismissive while not knowing the weapons weren’t all in raids… and now you’re claiming you’re 100% done, without knowing there are weapon transmogs unique to Remix that are from world content.

And you continue to act condescending and dismissive.

Yes. Because he doesn’t even know what he’s talking about, claiming everyone needs to run the nerfed raids and didn’t play enough.

Whatever you were babbling about has zero to do with the conversation.

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Does anyone know what will happen with the reputations of the remix toons? Will the warband gain their reputation or will the remix toons get set to whatever the warband rep levels were?

I was disappointed, as well, that we do not get to keep those bags. Then I thought about it from the Developer’s point of view and apparently allowing remix characters to switch over with a full set of 36 slot bags would break the game, the economy, maybe the universe and would probably end with Blizzard employs out their jobs. :+1: :dracthyr_shrug:

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The frustration people claim is about the raid drops since they are once a day, that I understand.

The others from outdoor zones you have no reason to complain, EVERY quest/rare mob can get you what you need from that zone.

I already proved you wrong on that. Try again.

RNG is RNG. Try again.


seeing the event was made to get stuff and this was on the vendor and they fixed it so you could unlock it they wont be taking it away

Was there ever a fix or workaround for the Chronomancer’s Regalia ensemble not working?

still surprising to have gone through and got 1 million threads on a cloak helped countless others in the process to turn around and only get 467 gear and a pat on the head ,_,)

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They didn’t really get into it in the conversion post from earlier today, but since those reputations are available on the Live game, I wouldn’t expect them to be removed. I know I am looking forward to buying several reputation mounts when this ends, and will be disappointed if it gets reverted.

So if you haven’t bought everything you wanted, scrap your gear and gems on the last day?

Make sure that you sell anything that you can sell to a merchant.

Transfer MoP related currencies to retail toons, if possible. Will check and update. Update-Can transfer out Timeless Coin but not Lesser Charm of Good Fortune.

Everything else will be deleted and replaced, as I read the process.

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From my experience with the warband changes you can ask for a replacement Theramore Tabard with any character on your account if you talk to some of the tabard vendors, like the one in Dalaran for example

I obtained the FoS in remix, my main in retail can ask for a new theramore tabard

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My chars are sitting in Pandaria like Squidward in the Window looking down at SpongeBob and Patrick having a grand old time :joy:

idk about anyone else, but I maxed out my gear in Remix so that I could blow stuff up with it in Remix. I didn’t do it with the hope of having it carry over once Remix ended and really couldn’t care less what happens since I’m not gonna be playing my Remix characters in retail anyway. The only reason I made them was because I had to if I wanted to participate. :dracthyr_shrug:


Give us 480 pre-patch gear at minimum.


Oh, that is good news, that wasn’t the case before this prepatch. I only had the tabard on a single alliance character til remix.