Theramore Tabard, post Remix

Since we just got confirmation on how the conversion to retail is going to work for characters in Remix, I’ve seen a few people ask:

What about the Theramore Tabard?

Well, a comment here on Wowhead, had me curious enough to investigate.

“With the Feat of Strength being obtainable again during Mists of Pandaria Remix (with a level 35 character) and the warband changes making it account-wide in patch 11.0, you can now recover the tabard with all characters on your account, regardless of which one did the achievement back then. The tabard vendor in Dalaran allows you to ask for a replacement, for example”

So I went ahead and took a fresh level 70 alt to Dalaran (Wrath), a character that I levelled via Radiant Echoes from 10-70. Never been to MOP or anywhere outside of SW, Legion Dalaran and the event zones.

Took her to Elizabeth Ross and I was able to get the Theramore Tabard.

I did get the Tabard back in Mists of Pandaria originally, and have since gained the achievement again in Remix.

Pretty sure anyone who got the achievement in Remix can take your retail characters now over to Elizabeth Ross and claim the Tabard, and take your newly converted Remix characters too, IF we lose the Tabard upon conversion.


Yep! I have a friend who has the Remix only achievement and picked up the tabard on alts from the vendor. And I’ve picked it up on alts from the original achievement, too.

Good thinking to post this for others, Caz. :slight_smile:

It doesn’t appear to be the case, unfortunately. Only players with the original Feat of Strength get the option to acquire a Theramore Tabard outside of MoP Remix. Players with only the Remix version of the Achievement get no options to get another Theramore Tabard in the main version of the world.

Neither Zidormi nor any of the other Tabard vendors offer anything for my alts and mains.

Elizabeth Ross in Dalaran had it for my friend who only has the Remix achievement. So it may be bugged.

I checked both Legion and Northrend Dalaran, can’t buy a replacement.

I have two of the three Theramore’s Fall achievements.

  • Remix: Pandaria > Scenarios
  • Expansion Features > Pandaria Scenarios

But the third is no longer obtainable

  • Feats of Strength > Events

Looks like the vendor requires the Feats of Strength version

So going by Wowhead;
The Feats of Strength version is required, and for some reason if your exactly level 35 when you do the scenario on remix you’ll be granted it. (sounds like a bug, but at this point should just be granted to anyone with the remix one)

It would be nice to know if this will be fixed or if I need to run another character through remix. (honestly the banner should be a toy, not an on use of a tabard)

[Edit: Failed to notice this thread was about the tabard specifically.]