Yeah… okay. That’s fair, I guess. I don’t like it… but it’s fair. Ah well…
It is a shame that bronze isn’t converted to gold. not on a 1-1 basis but it could have been 1 silver for 1 bronze.
Ha blizzard give gold to players when they are adding a huge gold sink for the warband banks. that will never happen, they got to fix the wow token prices with gold sinks so you get less gold so you spend more.
Should be allowed to keep our 4 personal bags as is. Weapon Arsenal also good. Add please.
Its like 20,000 gold if you’re at max bronze. That is like a week of world quests across a coupld of characters.
dude people would love them to do current season Weapon Arsenals but they are to out of touch for that.
20k is the first warband tab i think.
Thought it was 1,000. First tab should have been free though.
100 copper = 1 silver
100 silver = 1 gold
100 x 100 = 10000
10000 copper = 1 gold
2,000,000 \ 10,000 = 200 gold
And I think they are giving all level 70’s 5,000 gold.
Happy? Or you going to find something else to whine about?
What achievement? Buying the tabard from the vendor? I’m confused.
Could not be bothered to make a toon for this, it’s bad design to try to force people to make another alt or be locked out of a game mode.
It’s probably some dev thinking the FFXIV style of all classes being available on one toon being “wrong” and griefing by trying to lock people out of content if they play only on one.
Been in one of those for 12 years.
Personally, I hope they do it again with a different xpac.
they def will, it will prop be one of those things that use for place holders between expansions or something
Hold up… why? Our characters have bags and they are fine, why would you take these all away?
Me too!
my guess people will cry they didnt do remix and they dont got 36 slot bags…when we will all have 36 bags anyway from tailors lol
Please add a weapon vendor so that I have something to spend bronze on.
Gear’s not being ‘downgraded’, it’s being replaced. Obviously the design of Remix’s gear wouldn’t work for retail (the itemization and stat budgets are completely different, not to mention the sockets), so timerunners are getting completely new ‘standard’ equipment when they’re converted.