World of Warcraft - Midnight

Don’t tempt me with a good time! If they create a hero talent tree for Void Hunters. That will be my tree. I think if hero talents work like they intended. They’ll likely add more talent trees to make it more fitting. I don’t think they’ll be adding a new class well into the future, but we can hope!

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Keep in mind that Midnight’s description included the forces of the Light rallying to defend Quel’Thalas and the Sunwell. So, while the Void Elves may be present, it won’t be just them leading the fight against the void. Liadrin is likely to play a significant role. Maybe Arator will finally do something as well. I suppose that will depend on if the, ‘elven tribes,’ will include the Half-Elves.

He is a, ‘Child of Light and Shadow,’ after all. I just don’t see Blizzard suddenly deciding to use him after virtually ignoring him since he was added in BC.


Malfurion is more likely, they put him in statis in Shadowlands for a reason and he will probably come back with Sylvanas. They will be the duo characters like Andiun and Thrall are.

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Bob’s biggest achievement in sapn of couple achievements was to get married. And it wasn’t even his idea.

Oh he has a purpose, his death is stated as the fail state trigger to make Alleria go full Deathwing. I am sure Xal’atath isn’t twisted enough to exploit that. Nope.


Well, him and Turalyon. I find it more likely Turalyon dies and Arator is the only thing keeping Alleria from going full Void Goddess.


I didn’t disagree that the Void Elves would be present in some regard, and they may even receive a great deal of focus in tandem with Blood Elves, but to be front and center and have equal footing to Blood Elves in the expansion’s story? Doubtful.

I can see The War Within featuring the Void Elves to a greater degree, possibly helping out Alleria in her journey, as she is the Void Elf racial leader.

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That I agree, I don’t mean to implicate the Void Elves as the primary race for the Void expansion in Quel’thelas. It will be all Thalassians who primarily are Blood, but considering all the elven tribes will be uniting that implies Darnassian as well as Shalassian. Considering the 4 types of playable elves Blood Elves will be fighting for their kingdom along with their Void Elf cousins and their allies. As well as their distant kin among the Kaldorei and Nightborne respectively.

I wonder how elven unity would even look like… Who can cajole these elves into a solid unified force against oncoming darkness? Void Elves would know intimately the power and influence the shadows have and Liadrin along with her Blood Knights would know the Light’s resistance to the Void, and Night Elves would marshall nature to defend the planet as well as the Nightborne providing their unique arcane understanding as well as their skills and there of course another faction who above all has been preparing for this ultimate war against Light v Darkness aka the Draenei and specifically the Army of the Light. If any force on Azeroth knew how to engage the Void forces outside of the Void Elves it would be them. We have too little information on Xal’atath’s plans as well as her modus operandi. I still refuse to believe N’zoth is dead for good. Just seems to convenient for the narrative that their blood is what leads to this dark evolution for the Nerubian.

I suspect Xal’atath will be our Gul’dan for the next 3 expansions. She excapes the WWI and goes to unleash the Void on Quel’thelas then survives maybe to Northrend where the titans intercede. Since the only way they’d return would be if things got so out of control on Azeroth the emergency systems fail. Which I suspect is what Iridikron is waiting for. The primal dragon supposedly has a base of operations right near the remains of Galakrond. If anything, Iridikron will not make his presence known until the last expansion in the saga. Defiant in the face of gods. Iridrikon and Xal’atath will be the main antagonist playing in the background.

The speculation on what will happen in Midnight is wild. We hardly know anything about it. Metzen said the void was “intent on snuffing out the light of the Sunwell.” It’s unclear if the void will be successful. It’s also unclear how much of what Metzen said will remain the case after the War Within. Midnight will likely change in response to player feedback from now until the end of War Within.

The other issue is that Quel’thalas is not big enough for one expansion to be contained in it. It is also a TBC era zone specific to one race, the Blood Elves. Blizzard have never done something as radical as turning a race’s entire starting zone into the place of an expansion. I suspect Metzen was mostly being dramatic for effect. We still don’t understand why he used phrases like “Elven tribes.” It seems there’s a lot he’s not telling us, which is natural for an expansion so many years out.


“With the announcement of the second and third expansions of the Worldsoul Saga, Midnight, and The Last Titan respectively, we are going back to old zones like Quel’Thalas and Northrend as they serve new modern story purposes. Hight gave a little more details on how these new zones are being implemented while also preserving their past usage in the game, ‘We’re giving our world builders some free rein to expand. Those areas may be geographically larger than they were. That’ll give them more opportunities to introduce some of the smaller points of interest where you’ll have a culture or a local tribe and give them the ability to have storylines that center on that. We don’t want people to feel like, oh, wait a minute, it’s that same place I know. It’s gonna feel like the same place; it’s just that it is literally going to be a little bit larger than what you’ve experienced. Flight being much more accessible, we need to have a larger landmass for people to be able to explore.’”


The point of laying it all out was to show that they are confindent and planning ahead, are serious about the story theyre telling. Theyre not going to change it.

Theyve stayed on numerous interviews that theyre are already working on Midnight zones and story as we speak.


The Quel’Thalas revamp will have a seamless transition between Ghostlands and EPL.

I wonder if that means it really will completely replace the existing maps instead of two versions of Quel’Thalas existing ala Wrath Dalaran and Legion Dalaran. The reason I thought they could get away with having two versions is because Quel’Thalas is instanced off from the rest of the map, but if they actually put it on EK maybe not.


The technicals as we understand it currently, and as you pointed out, is that current Quel’thalas is all on Outland. So something new, theoretically, wouldnt even touch old Quel’thalas and would be an extension to the Eastern Kingdoms map imo.

However, they also said that Northrend will be redone and while Im sure they’re far off from those details it seems current intention is to redo the entire map. When they say ‘no time travel, only moving forward’ I read that as they’re going to Cata the entire map - old content will go poof to my dismay and be replaced with the new. To do that for Quel’thalas would potentially be even more work than just building it out and remapping portals?

However that also seems counter intuitive to current design, so who actually knows. At the same time, Cata Classic is coming out and so maybe they think they no longer need to keep content in retail as if you wanted to experience it, you can go to Classic?

I know, what a non-committal answer but we simply just dont know anything.


I just hope we finally get to see Rommath do something. I don’t want to see Aethas in a position of narrative importance ever again.

The B.Elf and Draenei zones aren’t part of the Kalimdor and EK maps. They’re actually part of the Outland map in the database. That’s why there’s a portal between the Plaguelands and Ghostlands and why you can’t just fly from Darkshore to Azuremyst. They can still put a revamped Quel’thalas on the EK map and just keep portals that take players to the TBC version.


I suspect BC era Quel’thelas and Azuremyst Isles will remain there out in the Outland map far from where anyone would need to be to see it. They will overhaul Northeron/ Northern Lordaeron and create whole new Quel’thelas on that open area similar to how they integrated Uldum back in Cata adding a whole new zone same with Twilight Highlands. It would be easy to keep the old versions out on Outland for those who want to visit and have Lordaeron updated and Quel’thelas integrated and likely expanded to be a lot larger consistent with the lore.

I really hope Arator doesn’t die. The last thing we need is to continue having prominent character’s children die off and ending their lineage. This seems to be a repeating trend that is never really addressed.

This happened with Tirion, Saurfang and Genn Greymane. Tess is Alive but the Greymane name essentially died with Liam.

I’m pretty sure there’s a few other characters where this happened, or that characters grow old with no stated Children and their line is pretty much gone.

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Killing kids is easy drama, and Blizzard loves to have their shocking drama (followed by completely ignoring any consequences).


True. Story consequences are only applied if they can whitewash or villainize the writers’ flavor of the month character.

Remove the old portal thing to Quel’thalas. Put Siridormi somewhere and boom, instant fix.

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I really hope somehow sylvanas brings back kaelthas and they are the dream team that arrives just in time to save the quelthalas from being destroyed. I think its the absolute best zone in the game, and really hope they dont do it dirty. I know its always been a fan favorite but nobody uses silvermoon because we cant fly, its BC graphics, and nobody else is there. Huge potential for a major city for the rest of wow if they do it right.