World of Warcraft - Midnight

Or we let death have some consequences.


With the Half-Elves of the Arathi Empire that seems to exist afar off I strongly suspect that Midnight will take place in Avaloren with Quel’Thalas being simply a Cataclysm Revamp.

Blizzard is already working on the Zones while designing the concept art for The Last Titan Expansion and coming up with the Continent that goes with Bigger Northrend.

Since Avalon is a Fairy Realm and as the Emerald Dream is a Life Realm I suspect that all Cosmic Realms are Mirrors of Planets resembling their concept which means I suspect that Avaloren will have a Feyweald with a Summer Queen of Night who will be the Summer-Half of the Winter Queen.

Of course if the Feyweald is in Avaloren than so to may the other Capitals of the Shadowlands: Heaven, Revendreth’s Mirror(presumably the Arathi Empire with the Arathi Noble trying to induce the Scarlet Brotherhood to conquer the Alliance being a Nathrezim who being a descendant of the Revendreth Aspect of the Arathi Emperor is Arathi himself), Maldraxxus’s Mirror and Korthia’s Mirror(presumably the High Elven Empire).

I strongly suspect that considering the Primus got knowledge from a being aligned with Time he is Aman’Thul though Aman’Thul of the Primus Aspect with his Reality Counterpart being Aman’Thul of the Winter Aspect. The Highfather Aspect I suspect is no longer in Aman’Thul the Titan due to him being a Demigod now so where could it have gone?

Considering the resemblance to the Primus’s Magic: Yogg-Saron. Yes… Yogg-Saron was merely an empty shell of Aman’Thul the Highfather who presumably had the Highfather forced on him by Titan Aman’Thul in order to access the resources to deal with the heresy in Avaloren. Remember: Odyn was informed he could not get the resources he needed without compromising the integrity of the prison so why wouldn’t he request the Highfather to give him his power specifically so that he could Order Yogg-Saron.

Odyn I suspect is another Aspect of the same God as Aman’Thul(the original considering his name The All-Father) and will be the Last Titan of The Last Titan Expansion when he claims the Titan’s Titan Nature for himself.

Of course considering Amirdrassil was manifested into Azeroth from the Emerald Dream I presume that once the Evil Gods(removed from the Robot Bodies enforcing Morality on them) have hijacked their Good Counterparts’ bodies and cast their Souls into the Shadowlands their Realms will switch places with the exception of Revendreth as Denathrius would probably want the Arathi Empire over a crumbling ruin filled with traitors that has an entire Ward presumably burned by the Arathi Emperor’s servants.

Midnight will be about switching between the two Realms which will have their Zones made larger just as Quel’Thalas will be(I suspect the Lore reason for Quel’Thalas’s increased size to be it’s Void Counterpart being merged with Reality).

Avaloren for the Realms of Death and Quel’Thalas for the Realms of Shadow…

Since Aman’Thul the Highfather has already accessed the Realms of Shadow thanks to his possession of Yogg-Saron he most certainly will team up with Aman’Thul the Primus and be the Big Bad of Midnight.

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My question is how are they going to keep zones interesting? There is currently

And maybe Zul Aman

Are they just going to revamp it or will they add extra zones? I could see Karesh being a patch zone

The fact that the Arathi Half-Elves have an Empire ruled by an Emperor and are merely an expedition force sent to Hallowfall which combined with the fact that Midnight is the Elf Expansion suggests that Avaloren will be the Continent for next Expansion.

Quel’Thalas in otherwords is getting a Cataclysm-style revamp but more grandiose since the Zones are getting a size increase for the sake of Dynamic Flight even as the Expansion includes it’s own Continent to join the revamped Zones.

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So there are two ways I can see how the Quel’thalas revamp goes. This also applies to the Northrend revamp.

  1. They outright remove the already existing zones (Eversong Woods, Ghostlands and Quel’danas) and replace them with the Midnight versions. Therefore Quel’thalas will be removed from the TBC map files along with Sunwell Plateau (raid), Zul’aman (dungeon) and MGT (dungeon). Similar to the Cata revamp for the vanilla zones and certain dungeons.

  2. They place the Midnight version on a separate map file and base things like teleports on triggers. Akin to how the Dark Portal teleport depends on which version of Blasted Lands you have currently active. Meaning the TBC versions still exist. Most likely the portal to Quel’danas in TBC Shattrah will always send you to TBC Quel’danas while the Silvermoon ↔ Undercity orb teleport will depend on which version of the zones you have currently active. I could see Blizzard linking these. So if you have the pre-BFA Trisfal Glades set, the pre-Midnight Quel’thalas will also be set. Like how changing the Uldum phase changes the Silithus phase as well and visa versa. Mages will probably get new portals / teleports with something to indicate which one is which. As they have done with the three different Dalaran portals.

As for new zones, I could see them expanding Zul’Aman into a full on zone. Originally there was a massive troll gate in Eversong Woods that would lead to Zul’Aman but that got removed when TBC clearly went into a different direction (around patch 2.1) and the Zul’Aman we got was a raid (patch 2.3) and later a dungeon (patch 4.1).

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I don’t think they will “remove” the original zones. I believe they will still be available for players either by taking a portal or talking to a bronze dragon.
What we do know however is that the new zones will be seamless with the rest of EK according to the devs. So you will be able to fly straight from the plaguelands into the new zones.


That is why I mentioned that the TBC Shattrah to Quel’danas portal will always bring you to TBC Quel’danas (and thus can access the rest of TBC Quel’thalas from there) and linking the Trisfal Glades bronze dragon phasing with Quel’thalas so horde can still use the undercity ↔ Silvermoon orb teleport as an alternative from going to TBC Shattrah → Isle of Quel’danas.

Which means that Eastern Plaguelands, to a degree will be impacted as well.

Arathi are half elves?

They all have pointy ears as shown by the Arathi Child Models.

Them having pointy ears makes them likely to be Half Elves which combined with reports of an Arathi Empire ruled by an Emperor that sent them as an expedition force combined with their Architecture makes it likely that Avaloren is where their Empire is situated and since Midnight is the Elf Expansion one would assume the Half Elf Empire’s Continent is the Continent for Midnight.

The ones we’ll be interacting with in TWW have pointed ears. For now, the popular theory is they’re half elves. But I’m honestly not sure what’s going on with them and we don’t know if all of the Arathorians have pointed ears, since this force is just a small expedition from their empire, it’s also possible that the pointed ears are a byproduct of the hallowfall crystal.

But I suppose we’ll see in a couple more months :dracthyr_nod:


Ringing Deeps Quest is coming up soon I do believe which will be followed by Hallowfall where most Lore on the Arathi will come up.


Sounds good. I’m excited either way. I’ll be happy with either result really. I just want to learn more about them :dracthyr_nod:

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Wait until the pointy ears is just the byproduct of natural selection and the arathi are just plain good old humans.


That’s also a distinct possibility too. Kinda boring, but I can see blizz going that route too.

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They said the Northern Eastern Kingdoms, I interpreted that to be North of the Thandol Span and I wouldn’t be surprised if they updated the Plaguelands, Gilneas, Hillsbrad and Tirisfal including an updated Lordaeron City. Along with Silvermoon, Eversong, Quel’Denas and Zul’Aman.