World of Warcraft - Midnight

Bring back the original queen!

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If there is some appointed “leader” I feel like it’d have to be everyone’s elf mom & dad duo Lor’themar and Thalyssra.

As much as I’d want it to be Baezshara because she’s my favourite WoW character hands down, it’d be pretty unrealistic considering she’s one of the Elves’ most prolific traitors.


I hope not. Void nonsense aside, I like Alleria. Overexposure is a surefire way to ruin a character. I’m already less than impressed by her new look.


I’m equally disgusted. I really hope Metzen was just being sensationalist. I hate those High Elf traitors and there’s no way they’d force Quel Thalas to be neutral for long. It might be like the Isle of Quel’Danas where there’s some endgame quests but nothing else.

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Agreed 100%. I just honestly don’t want him to simply because at this point he is probably the most stable leader on either side of the faction divide. Long reign, good reign, never gone insane, and has said he doesn’t like leading.

Let him retire to a cottage in northern Eversong along with Thal where we can see some nice children and what not. Dude deserves it as does Thal.

I am sorta wondering if he meant divided Thalassian Elven tribes… because I cannot imagine a timeline where the Night elves bend a knee to a non-kaldorei.


I’m pretty sure he meant all elves: he specifically said we’d be uniting the scattered elven tribes of Azeroth, not Quel’Thalas. QT just happens to be the setting of that expansion’s extinction event.

Although “tribes” is such a weird way to describe this game’s elven factions that it’s hard to tell.


Hate to break it to you, but if Blizzard makes Quel’Thalas the location for the expansion, then it’s going to be neutral so both factions can quest there. I don’t believe there will be any way this will go down which the more hardcore Blood Elf crowd is going to be happy with.

Would you rather:

A) See Silvermoon City become a neutral hub for both factions?
B) See SMC destroyed, possibly with swathes of Quel’Thalas corrupted, and a new neutral hub on Quel’Danas?
C) See SMC destroyed and Blizzard just park Dalaran somewhere for the umpteenth time?


I imagine Quel’Thalas will be the location of the Expansion, but what is likely to happen if Quel’Thalas does become neutral is that it’d be a temporary aspect of the Midnight expansion or all capital cities will become neutral to signify the new Horde-Alliance dynamic.

Of the options you suggested, I’d prefer Silvermoon City be a neutral hub for the immediate expansion and nothing more, reverting back to Blood Elf control next expanasion. I also see a scenario though where Metzen was just being sensationalist and none of these three hypotheticals happen.

What I’m fairly confident won’t happen is that Silvermoon City will just be neutral from then on with no other capitals turning neutral.

Maybe lorewise Quel’Thalas will go from Neutral back to Horde and Blood Elf. If you believe Blizzard is going to update the game world to reflect that, though, then you’re in for disappointment.

At least the BC version will still be available, from what I’ve heard.

I remember when Blizzard nuked Theramore, added Bilgewater Harbor, returned Dalaran to the Alliance, then made it neutral again with no final word on where the heck it’s standing even is.

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I can deal with Silvermoon serving as the expansion’s hub. Just as long as Blizzard don’t forget whose city it is, and that accepting aid from the Alliance doesn’t require the home faction of the Horde’s blood elves to leave the Horde.

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Expect the worst and… you’ll still end up disappointed, who am I kidding? Midnight is going to be such a sh*tshow.


If all that is required is removing a couple Alliance NPCs, then I don’t see why Quel’Thalas wouldn’t be time-gated back to a Horde only place. Time-gating didn’t happen till BFA and a race capital city has never been turned into a neutral hub for any expansion. If Blizzard takes the radical step of making Silvermoon City and all of Quel’Thalas neutral, it’s unlikely they won’t time-gate change it for the next expansion.

No matter how much Alliance High Elf and Void Elf fans may want Blizzard to permanently rip the Blood Elf capital city away from the Blood Elves, it will likely never go down like that. We don’t even know if Quel’Thalas will be made neutral, let alone Silvermoon City being made neutral.

Theramore and Dalaran were never a race’s individual capital city. Like it or not, Theramore was only a major questing hub. Dalaran has frequently served as a neutral hub. Silvermoon City is special just like any other race capital city.

Blizzard were hessitant to give Alliance High Elves because it’d be too much of a slight to Blood Elf players. Is your wish fantasy so high that you think they’ll just rip away our city and give it to you traitors? Think again.

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I find it odd. Because it came out of nowhere and the plot to unite troll tribes which was foreshadowed in Vol’Jin’s book in MoP period is left on the shelf.

And since when elves are forming tribes?


Try reading some of my posts on the topic before throwing shade, my dude.

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Right? It seems very out of the blue. I think Metzen isn’t telling us something to keep the community hyped.

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Hyped? I have the opposite feeling of hype, I am demoralized to the point that I cancelled my sub sooner than I estemeed originally.

I am happy for people that look out for it, But there are other races in game than elves.


Looking over these comments, I was in the wrong. I’m sorry man. I get very riled up when it comes to this topic. I’m very used to High Elves calling for the extinction of my favorite race’s identity. That doesn’t exuse me assuming though. I won’t let that happen again. Thank you for giving me a reality check.


I get where you’re coming from. I think Metzen’s aims were to hype people up though. Whether he succeeded is another question entirely. As a Blood Elf player, I’m not hyped at all to have my race’s city turn into a neutral hub.

We’re cool.

And I get it. There’s lots of trolls out there screaming to paint Quel’Thalas blue. For myself, I’ve always felt a High Elf Allied Race’s narrative needed to focus on it’s separation from Quel’Thalas and the Blood Elves. Use Dalaran as their capital (because I highly doubt the Horde ever wants to get crammed in there ever again). Focus their narrative on relations inside the Alliance, such as mending bridges with the Kaldorei, strengthening bonds with the Wildhammers, gathering the scattered Half-Elves to preserve what remnants of their bloodlines remains, all with the knowledge the race will eventually die out and all that will be left of them is going to be Half-Elves.

A narrative focusing around a race that chose it’s own slow extinction, not wanting anything to do with Quel’Thalas, the Sunwell, etc… That’s what I wanted. So, I can’t say I’m thrilled to be seeing, ‘the elven tribes uniting,’ for Midnight. It’ll be what it is, and I’m worried about how badly screwed over Blood Elves are going to wind up.