World of Warcraft - Midnight

Somehow I can see Midnight as the expansion debut for Night Elves Paladins with all the talk about Light vs Void/Midnight/Unified elven tribes.


A few thoughts-

I always enjoy content that involves Elves beyond the kaldorei that hog the spotlight. There are other Elves Blizzard, thanks for noticing.

The Suramar Campaign was a great way to showcase the Elves in a large scale. While the Windrunner Sisters along with so many big names show case the ground level personal connections and disputes.

I also am enthused with the idea of uniting the Elves. It calls to mind the Elven High Kings of Tolkien, and all that drama. The idea of uniting the various Elves and establishing some sort of Elven Union sounds awesome.

In Tolkien’s work, A Human High King and an Elven High King threw Sauron down. The twist with Warcraft might be having along with the High Kings, some bestial Warchief or Undead Banshee - or both.


I think you’ll see Night Elven Paladins much sooner. I wouldn’t be surprised if the launch of War Within marks the end of unlocking all classes for all races. One of the screenshots for Warbands showed a level 13 Dracthyr in leather gear that I think might be for Druids. Not positive.


Finally an excuse to slaughter the Void Elves.

Besides, you know, their very existence being a threat to the Sunwell and the life of every Blood Elf in existence.

I still don’t know why we let a bunch of them just walk out.

It’s the 10.2 zone gear so not druid-exclusive, but leather gear all the same so not an evoker.


Come, Midnight! Let’s disperse this petty rabble!

It’s a meat horse, but I’m not sure it can carry a whole expansion.

They just said on stage exactly this. Dracthyr still Evokers, and Evokers are starting from level 10 now.

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Yeah I’m not going to lie that disappointed me. I love how evoker plays but would really rather be a tauren or goblin.

True but the main new capital city was Shattrah for TBC. Silvermoon and The Exodar were more flavour cities for the new races.


Haha no but yes.

Psh, Azshara or bust. The queen we deserve.


clearly Elune shall descend from the heavens and lead her chosen elven peoples to glory.

…seriously though, I would bet we will be getting an elven coalition setup like we had with legion. Perhaps with some sort of council.


clearly tyrande should be the leader of the Untied States of Elves


Sylvanas is going to be the main character of Midnight, not Tyrande or Lor’themar or whoever.
Like really, really obviously Sylvanas.
Anduin is back in TWW which means Sylvanas is also going to come back soon since they left the story together.

And as much as we hate it, the entire cast is just going to forgive and forget.

In one of the interview they mentioned largely keeping the main characters through the whole saga, so I suspect Alleria to be the main character throughout. Sylvanas may return as a supporting character akin to the role they seem to have for Anduin for this xpac… but yea.

If she didn’t exile all the Highborne survivors who refused to give up arcane she could be. Except I guess we would still have Naga and Nightborne, but 99% of the offshoots wouldn’t have happened.

Clearly the only real choice is to drag Kael back from the dead and make him king. Lorthemar can move in with Thalryssa because he’s still the best elf and he deserves a happy life, while Kael can have the headache of leading.


She doesn’t like any other elves.


Thats why mezten said we where going to unite them cause the they dont like each other default duh

I suspect Azshara might have a part to play in Midnight.

It’d certainly be fitting for the Elf War to end all Elf Wars.