World of Warcraft Has No High Heels

I only mentioned high heels. So I don’t understand why you are jumping to conclusions
About all that other stuff you mentioned?

But I will say that in these games we see a lot of stuff that is beyond rationality. What you are referring to I think is what people call the Chain Mail Bikini syndrome. That is when gaming on computers and consoles began back in the late 90s. The Gaming Consumer base was primarily composed of young male teens and 20 somethings. Who grew up reading comics and looking at artwork of artists like Frank Frazzeta. And probably looking at
a certain magazine with women dressed in swimsuits and wearing bunny ears.

That’s where the industry took their que from in portraying men and women wearing skimpy outfits and tights. And it was almost mandatory that women must wear high heels.

When it comes to Wow. The original Warcraft I, II, III. Were tactical isometric view. games
with tiny sprites for characters models. Hence, everything was exaggerated so that it would be visible on the small computer monitor screens of that time. Blizzard in an effort to faithfully reproduce the World of Warcraft faithfully made the character models look as they did in the original isometric games.

You also see this big time in the way houses look, as well as the furniture that looks oversized. This also goes for things like the ballista, canons, ships and wagons etc. So the thing here is that the Dev’s Exaggerated Everything to reflect the original games.

So we get a mix of Exaggeration and Testosterone appeal. This also has a bases in the fantasy fiction from the old pulp fiction dime novels where everything is sensationalized in a lewd manner. So we have ended up with what you see in Wow today. Although it’s tame by comparison to what you see in the Asian gaming market.
So if we are gonna have Chain Mail Bikini Armor. And over-exaggerated male armor. Then I’m pleased that at least blizzard got the shoes right.

Now. I would like to point to your assertion that people could not wear so flimsy armor in a real battle. In part I agree with you if we are talking about medieval warfare. Where we have Knights who could afford it wearing full plated armor from head to foot. Unfortunately there were also the men at arms who were lucky to wear leather or cloth padded armor and a helmet. And the conscripted peasant levies that wore a cloth tunic and were armed with whatever they had including spears, clubs, pitchforks and kitchen knives.

Then if you look at it from a full historical perspective. There have been many warriors who have fought wearing pratically nothing more than a lioncloth and a sword and shield. Such as the Greek Spartans, the Native American warriors, African Zulu warriors. The Samoa, Tonga, and Fiji warriors who only wore grass skirts and carried spears and war clubs. And of course the Celtic warriors that fought painted there bodies blue and ran naked waving the claymore swords. Most of these guys didn’t even wear shoes.

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That I believe they need practice considering saddle sore and that ,oh dang.

When it comes to cavalry. What you see in movies is the cowboy wearing those very high heeled, pointed toed boots. The reason is as mentioned before the pointed toe made for quick insertion into the stirrup. And the hollow gap formed between the sole and heel of the boot basically semi-locked the boot to the stirrup. Granting the Cowboy greater stability and control while mounted. This for a time became part of the Cowboys gear.

Also as mentioned The Cowboys who spent most of there time mounted while on long cattle drives really needed this type of boot. But everyone else like farmers and townsfolk wore either flat-heeled boots or just plain shoes.

After a time, late mid 1800s the US Cavalry wore regular riding boots with normal heels.
Because the high heeled Cowboy boot was very hard to walk in and fight in. If you don’t
believe me and have never worn high heeled footwear. Go out and buy yourself a pair of high heeled cowboy boots. It’s gonna take you three months to get used to walking in them. “The breaking-in period.” After that trying not to fall down becomes an ever present issue.

I believe Tyrande’s model had high heels from Cata until right before she did the Night Warrior ritual. I remember thinking it looked really out of place for her character.

I think high heal boots will fit WoW properly.

Then I say you have a strange set of standards, which was my point.

If you are going to be against high heels, you should be against all the other strange armour you mentioned.

If you’re willing to give a pass on strange armour, you should be consistent and give a pass for high heels.

Can’t have it both ways.

I was commenting about how I appreciate that blizzard at least made footwear in Wow reasonable. It’s evident That I have no control over Wow’s content or art design. Would I like a more realistic looking Wow. Yes. Can I do anything about what we have now, no.

Would I like the world in general to be a better happier place without wars, and suffering.
Yes. Can I do anything about it. No. Same goes for Wow.

Wow as a complete mmorpg is a lot of fun. We as players sometimes have to ignore things we don’t like. But it is what it is. Me as a gamer can appreciate Wow and at times mention what I like about the game with out being negative.

You seem to assume too much. But that’s just you being you.

I don’t assume. I react to what you say. If you provide incomplete information, that is on you. I’m afraid my psychic powers are not working this week; I have a cold.

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Combat heels… ew

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High heels would be kinda nice. As would other more appealing gear. Then again both would turn this game into the ERP fest FF14 is.

Limitations wise, they probably just don’t care. For all we know Blizz is using their own custom 3D model management software (The game’s old as dirt) and they just don’t give enough flips to add another bone to the foot.


Wonder woman has superpowers so of course she can run on high heels. What a weird thing to be annoyed by.

I have with my opening statement as well as subsequent statements in this thread which collectively amounts to three pages of my opinion stated my stand completely. If you would be so kind as to read through the posts. You would understand completely my opinion and have no further need to try and project your misconceptions unto me.

As you said you have no psychic powers so we all must go by what a poster writes. I’m sorry you are feeling under the weather. I hope you feel better real soon.

In a nutshell I just find any woman running around while in combat wearing high heels in the movies and in game, just plain cringey. It just looks so out of place. That it ruins the belief factor. Well that’s just one of my little pet peeves.

Oh just a point here. Wonder Woman is supposedly a Amazon. The ancient amazons depicted in the Greek stories. Would of been part of the Greek time period. Everyone during that time period wore sandals. Even during the later ancient period even the Romans wore sandals.

If you google stills from the Wonder Woman movie. You will notice only perhaps two other women with major roles are wearing those high heeled boots. All of the other amazon extras are wearing moccasins type flat heeled boots. Just saying.

I find this type of thing as bad as having Thor running around in stilettos heels or having a confederate civil war regiment charging across the battle field in high heeled shoes.
Or for the sake of argument wearing Germen ww2 helmets and carrying a Russian flag.

But that candy cane sword though.

They exist, just not available to the players. The Venthyr have some really nice ones.

neither is a chain mail bikini.

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Neither are blades than are like three inches thick.

I agree to a degree. But, just wait a minute here.
If you look at it from a full historical perspective. There have been many warriors who have fought wearing practically nothing more than a loincloth and carried a sword and shield. Such as the Greek Spartans, the Native American warriors, African Zulu warriors. The Samoa, Tonga, and Fiji warriors who only wore grass skirts and carried spears and war clubs. And of course the Celtic warriors that painted there bodies blue and ran naked waving their claymore swords. Most of these guys didn’t even wear shoes. And no warriors in history ever wore strappy stiletto high heels.

The things that concern you Tiger are weirdly specific and worrisome.


Why hello Qamaits. Hope you are doing well today. Umm… what can I say. Please don’t worry about me. I have been unhinged all my life. This ain’t new, lol.


Carry on then.