World of Warcraft Has No High Heels

right… but they fought nekid because they felt armor encumbered them (ie wasn’t practical). Not because it protected them.

Let’s not forget the sheer intimidation of a bunch of naked dudes painted blue charging your line is going to cause.


My Brother in The Light, we have long since been the ERP capitol of the MMORPG genre. All FFXIV has going for it is mods and (extremely limited) housing.


With all due respect. Yes that is one reason. Also the other reasons these warriors fought without armor was A. hot climates, Fighting in armor in 90% heat was dangerous. B. Did not have the industry to produce armor. C. Shock purposes. Most of these reasons are present in the Amazon jungles of South America to this day. The native tribes there run around with very little clothing because of the heat and humidity. When they fight enemy tribes they do so in no armor.

Point; WW2 during a battle in a Russian forest. A tactic was used by the Russian commanders to scare the advancing German troops. The Russians were ordered to take off their coats and shirts, in freezing zero weather and charge headlong at the German troops yelling and screaming as they did so. Many were killed but the German troops were so shocked by this behavior that they threw down their weapons and ran for their lives.

Ie back to the statement. Chain mail bikinis aren’t practical… thanks for supporting my argument.

The chain Mail Bikini actually as far as I remember came to be a thing after the writer Robert E. Howard in his Conan the Barbarian novels. Well kinda. One of Howards characters was Red Sonja. Although Howard described her as dressing in kinda a pirates outfit. With sword and flintlock pistols. Later on The comics presented Red Sonja as a barbarian female warrior wearing the Chain Mail Bikini. Since she was always drawn wearing it. The Bikini quickly became popularized in the fantasy genre. Similar to Vampirilla always being drawn in the comics wearing that strap mini bikini. Also the Artist Frank frazetta who illustrated comics and created painting illustrations of Conan the Barbarian had a habit of depicting the female population of Hyboria as either scantily clad or nude. Conan himself was usually pictured as only wearing a loincloth or leather skirt type affair.

As far as the Chain Mail Bikini is concerned No one in history ever went into battle wearing such a thing. Unless they lived in Miami Florida.

Fighting Naked was a good way to get killed in ancient times,

Incorrect, that misconception was taken from pottery and frescos. Your typical Spartan Hoplite was armored head to toe through out most of the history of the city-state.

The Nations did wear armor to battle, Native Americans constructed their armor of “wood and bone (hard armor), leather (soft armor), and combinations of hard and soft materials.”

It is true that many warrior groups in North Africa followed medieval warfare and weaponry remarkably in anachronistically surreal character. The use of mail, and various forms of armour, weapons and cavalry tactics had evolved over centuries in certain Sahelian kingdoms such as Bornu.

As for Islanders, look up Kiribati Coconut Armor, not as bizarre as it sounds.

high heels arent practical in war

I dont think it would matter much if you were actually a Wonder Woman
Besides a heel jammed into your voice box would hurt a lot…

Well we get our history from varies sources. Primarily from the chroniclers of any time period. As well through archeology and art. The real misconception here is that all soldiers throughout history wore armor. No not all. Some did and some did not. How accurate the information we get is not always accurate. Our assertions are based on what we have learned, may always be taken with a big helping of salt. Even the historical scholars have heated debates about what happened or what did not happen in history.

PS: Fighting in any war, running around in any battlefield is a good way to get killed armor or no armor.

Old Tyrande look like Nancy Sinatra with those boots made for walking, 'eh?

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Especially on characters that have hooves or paws rather than feet.

Yes and no,

From their belly button down to their knees, for the most part were exposed. Their lower arms were exposed…
Minus their shield arm, neck was exposed…

And the regular Greek army basically had no armor since they couldn’t afford it the ones that were the special units like hoplite were chosen because they could actually afford their armor.

And depending how hot or cold it was, also dictated how much armor they wore.

But if we had to go back to medieval/ancient. way of fighting. I would definitely choose chainmail since I do a lot of reenactments
(Shout out to my club in Alabama)

I’ve worn all different types of armor
Even the Hoplite armor…and I would just opt for. A chain mail chest piece a small shield and a nice long spear

jailer gets shoed
Igotmadclout majin chasing zimraphel the gnome


motivating the troops.

FFXIV has plenty of heels and its glamour/transmog system is just all in all better.

Tell me you never played FFXIV without telling me you never played FFXIV.

Wonder Woman is a super hero with super powers. While some WoW adventurers can use magic they are not really super heroes.

No spikes.

What a noob.

WoW should have high heel transmogs, but like dragon riding, there should be realistic physics.

Tank: What’s the holdup?

Hunter: Healer broke a heel again!

Tank: Oh for…

it was for arrows, not for swords.

Europeans didn’t really have sword-breaker shields either, for the most part. Google says it’s because it’d be very painful to hold one as a sword swing gets stuck in a spike on the shield…

Some German shields did but vast majority were made to deflect swords so nice and smooth was what the soldier holding it wanted.

We have civilian sets lol. Not every mog is “combat ready.”

And thanks for your opinion on how we dress.