Look, I hate to be the Blizzard shill here - I have my fair share of qualms with just about everything story related at this point - but this is dragon lore that doesn’t involve any sort of behavior that is so abhorrent it makes me want to throw up. I’ll take it.
This is where I really don’t understand what’s going on with people being upset. I understand questioning “why do Dragons even do this?” and “Why don’t we get more Tat’d Daddy Noz?” or “Why isn’t Alek a Turtle in a bikini?” or “Why is Ysera a blue-skinned Blood Elf instead of a Night Elf?” These seem like relevant questions and I would like answers as well. But… what changed exactly here?
Chromie had a male name and took on a female Gnome form. This just seems like there’s a ceremony for it. I don’t understand.
Are people sure that Finninbas and Pebrock aren’t the same person? Because they speaks very, very similarly.
And the exact same “I don’t have a problem here…but” and then throwing a tantrum over the problem they clearly have over this minor character being Trans. And this whole, “stalking” thing.
Nothing says, “I don’t have a problem with this” like fighting with everyone who is fine with it.
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The ones throwing a tantrum was the other guys.
I mean have you seen what they posted on social media?
Either way Chromie has been confirmed Genderfluid from most sources. But not all. So that is kind of the end of the discussion. Hopefully we wont see more versions of the other guys putting words in my mouth.
Now Whether that information is Canon or not depending on the books canon is put into question, but then again, HoTs refers to chromie as “He/her” or well more specifically “She” but Chronormu is a master of time. So that kinda confirms Genderfluidity. IF it confirms anything
And chronormu is referred to as he.
I mean, no. I don’t look up forum users’ social media accounts lol
Weren’t you just the one talking about stalking?
I’m not engaging with your transphobia, just pointing out the revealing comment.
You know the one thing I have a Problem with this?
It isn’t that Chromie is Trans, far from it.
It’s that there’s rolling back something that I really wanted to see more of and that’s Dragon’s have far more complex society then what they’ve been depicted as.
I mean, Previously, Chromie implied that Dragon naming conventions are far more intricate and subtle then “Males’ namess end “mu” and Females’ end in “mi”…”
I really wanted to see them go into this more and expand on it.
But no, Dragon’s really do just have boring gendered names.
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Trans people are more important than draconic naming conventions. Unless you RP as a dragon lmao
You know it turns out in the end I was correct.
Big surprise.
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Not in Lore, they really arn’t.
Lore should take precedence over social issues…
I mean, putting social issues over lore is how we got BfA.
I don’t follow the logic there. How did IRL social issues lead to BFA?
“War is bad and you should be ashamed of yourself”
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Yeah just change the subject when I am right. When you are incapable of rebuttal just change the subject.
This isnt aimed at Faelia btw.
that isn’t a case irl social issues, bfa was caused by the writers being bad at what they do.
No that is completely false.
BFA was bad because the developers did terrible choices.
Yes actually trans people are more important than draconic naming conventions because the lore exists to be consumed by real people
Unfortunately homever WoW just has one trans character.
hahahahahahaha thats hilarious
wait your serious?
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It’s sad that Danauser had to address it on Twitter but Chromie does go by female pronouns after the ceremony and the pronoun usage was intentional.
Its a win in everyones book then.
I mean the story is about Chromie going through her ceremony for the first time, so it was pretty clear that she went by he/him before the special moment that apparently Dragons all have but then officially becomes she/her.
I think the only people who had an issue with it were the transphobes already looking to whine about it.