No. It literally doesn’t because lore isn’t meant to targets individual players.
It’s meant to appeal to players in general.
And you trying to make it about Trans people when it’s not is bigoted and sexist.
So that’s something ELSE we can add to your resume.
Trans people are not something you can use to score points.
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Incidentally the folk tales have interesting implications: They state that Elune had to heal An’she due to him clashing with the Old Gods which implies that is how Elune created the Naaru(Elune’s Tear awoke Light’s Heart pretty much confirming she is their ancestor) due to An’she bleeding out Light.
Considering the Naaru are apart of the Clash Between Light and Dark that means the the Clash would have been on Azeroth followed by a Clash Between Titan and Void creating new Titans(in the same way Grond’s wounding created the smaller Colossals).
The fact that the Mother Titan was able to create at least 1 member each for at least 3 Pantheons outside her own plus 8 more for her own Pantheon of Order says much while putting the Titans we’ve encountered below the Eternal Ones aside from Azeroth.
As was stated above you shouldnt take all that is in the book as “Canon”. I mean The Chromie stuff is obviously canon.
Its unfortunate but as was discussed in the wowpedia discord. its “Rooted in canon”. Its unfortunate that alot of the lore is “PoV” canon.
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And there are many trans people playing the game and they are an important part of the community
Danuser already confirmed it is on Twitter actually so here we are
Wowhead posted an article with a tweet confirming trans is what they were going for.
I’m really glad that they decided to make this canon, as it has been a personal headcanon of mine for a while. I hope that Tyrande is said to be trans next, as it’s another headcanon of mine to explain why she can’t have children.
It wasn’t confirmed she can’t have children. She thought she couldn’t. Following real life, it’s possible Malfurion is the infertile one.
Also, gender and biological sex aren’t identical.
She is cheating on malfurion with genn anyways.
Malfurion being trans also works.
World of Warcraft: Leak Rumors & Headcanons of Azeroth
It’s like story forum, but a book.
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Yes the stuff in the start is for them to sell it to China and russia etc.
The Book interestingly enough mentions Uther stumbling into an AU(accessed from a Pool) where a Fairy Tale Princess version of Arthas and Sindragosa combined is enslaved by her father(who forces her to fight in tournaments) who is another Arthas(practically implying the Multiverse sees Death Knight Arthas as a Villain while treating Arthas’s Soul as being a prisoner of Death Knight Arthas).
Let’s hope that the imminent AU Invasion from AU Draenor pushes us towards the AU that Uther visited! I really want to learn more of that world!
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