Now when World of Warcraft: Folk & Fairy Tales of Azeroth was first announced, I thought it was going to be just a non-canon story focused on Azeroth characters in fairy tale settings like how Snow Fight: A Warcraft Tale featured Thrall, Arthas, and Varian in a snow ball fight.
However I’m seeing people declaring information from World of Warcraft: Folk & Fairy Tales of Azeroth as game canon. Thus I have to ask does anyone have anything to confirm that World of Warcraft: Folk & Fairy Tales of Azeroth is canon to the lore or just a side story?
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It does not seem like blizzard themselves quite are sure. Nothing in the book as far as I know says either way, but sections of it seem to be written as if they want to be taken as canon.
Given their new stance though, they would likely say it is a perspective, as in a story given second or third hand and thus might not be true. or it might be.
Schrodinger’s Canon, like all things Blizzard publishes nowadays since the Chronicle “perspective” retcon.
Given Chromie, the book is conditionally canon until disproven.
Yes, and no, but most certainly yes.
It is probably canon in the same way “over water” is canon.
The stories told about Xun are probably tall tales(with maybe some grain of truth) however the events sorounding the people telling the tales are “canon”.
Personally, I think it’s likely going to operate from the idea of exaggerated retellings of true events - as in they’re likely true stories told from a certain perspective with embellishments in certain places (as many folktales are).
But to address the elephant in the room, the Chromie thing is undoubtably canon, yes.
I think that whatever it adds to the lore will be barely relevant, and I think it’s embarrassing that a bunch of adults are fussing over what seems to be a more child-oriented book, like this is Wookiepedia.
EDIT: and to be clear due to the conversation below: good for Chromie, I think it’s awesome development, I’m glad. Anything I’m shaking my head at is just the fandom desire to nitpick and pull apart every scrap of lore from a tangential and light-hearted kid’s book; wasn’t even thinking of Chromie at all when I posted.
I wouldnt say any of the book is canon. Its mostly fairy tales and Folk tales, Its basically like humans saying “There exists trols in the forests avoid the forests or the trolls get you” stuff.
This is just because you don’t like the Chromie stuff, right?
What makes you think that?
Yeah what about that thread? Any specific quote or something?
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I just linked you one, dude. You don’t think the idea of a character discovering a different gender identity is fit for a “children’s game” (ignoring the fact that Warcraft is NOT a children’s game). You even bemoaned that they avoid “certain procedures,” but dude… Chromie is a magical dragon with the ability to change her form entirely, and Pelagos is literally dead in a realm that lets you decide what form best reflects you inside.
It’s tremendously transparent that you just don’t want the book to be canon because it confirms Chromie is trans. It’s basically the only piece from the book we have, and because of it, you’ve already deemed the book non-canon.
Curious, no?
Chromie has been a male dragon that has the form of a Female dragon since Wotlk. But you need a book to confirm that?
Ok mate.
Do you also need a book to tell you that Jaina has breast or is a female?
This was never confirmed. There were previous statements that had confirmed ONLY that Chromie was a female dragon, and quotes from Heroes of the Storm stating that Chronormu wasn’t a male dragon’s name. We never had any hard confirmation that Chromie was trans, and frankly, there was just as much argument against her being trans as there was for her until this book.
Try using your brain for once, on the slim chance that you got one.
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Ever the narcissist… Anyways I dont think shapeshifting makes you trans.
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Firstly, that’s not what narcissism means, you boob.
Secondly, how does it not? Chromie was born a male dragon, and she decided to adopt a form that is female. She literally has adopted a gender identity that is different from the one she was given at birth.
That’s… textbook transgender, how is it not?
Your posts makes you come across as very narcissistic tbh.
Trans means transition though as in one to another morphing and shifting is not the same as that.
I mean you cant say that all druids are trans because they morph into a bear or something like that, and I am quite certain they can morph into the opposite sex.
To elaborate abit.
When you shapeshift and come back to the normal form you are still a male. In the case of Chromie.
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What do you think the trans- in transformation stands for? It’s the change from one state to another.
How exactly did she not transition though? Chromie was a male dragon, she is now a female one. She lives exclusively as one, only using female pronouns, and the only instance of her being otherwise is in a story that details events BEFORE she adopts a new gender identity.
Being transgender is, simply, choosing a different gender identity than the one you were given. As Chromie has. Thusly, she is transgender - doesn’t matter how she went about doing it, she still did it.
No dude, she’s still female as a dragon. She just has an unconventional name.