So you’re denying your moral panic and worrying about trans gender representation “FOR THE CHILDREN”?
I am too lazy to edit any wikipedia page.
And I dont see a point in doing such things.
I mean… Its not like you are denying that you love to stalk people.
I would suggest reading a book or something because you clearly havent gotten the message about what I said. I said that I dont find it fitting for a game for 12 year olds and older.
And yes I know about the wrath gate, the hanging of men and the burning of a tree etc, but those are not “Visual gorefest of people burning to ashes that is nightmare infusing and NSFL” But that is another subject entirely.
EDIT: Sorry, misread.
The fact you love to stalk players and are obsessed about stalking people to the point where you feel the need to make meme posts about them is an even bigger joke.
You do realize it’s something that is taught in school, right? This isn’t some mind-blowing revelation. The fact you think it isn’t fitting for 12 year olds says far more about you than anything else.
Correction: the fact you’re more upset I went through the bigot’s post history than what he actually posted says far more about you than anything else.
Obsession is funny I guess…
Anyway I think people playing thought police is just the biggest yikes of them all but keep justifying your gestapo tactics.
I’m framing this quote. Thank you for the laugh.
Your posts are funny, as well as our Discord conversation. It was my pleasure. Thank you for your collaboration.
well, why not? the game is played by people of all ages and gender identies, so why shouldnt she be trans? They didn’t even change her character she is still the same old chromie. the only difference is that we know more about her. It honestly just sounds like you personally don’t want her to be trans.
In fact having trans representation could help young trans people be more comfortable with themselves. especially in a world that loves to demonize and murder them. having good trans representation could be a light in the dark for young trans people who are struggling with themselves.
Your discord being this obsessive and angry at me for merely existing and pointing a few lines that are logical is amusing to say the least.
you didn’t answer my question, you are just deflecting to a discord. what is wrong with having good trans representation for young trans people who may be struggling with themselves?
My only issues with it is that the inclusions of all of their messages about “INCLUSIVITY” and trans are Very UNFRIENDLY towards those individuals
That is blizzard saying that, not me.
And the Chromie stuff is basically the same as saying “Yeah just dragons can do this stuff or Druids because of shapeshifting etc” But then again Chromie stuff is just saying that “Chromie thinks a Gnome female Suits Chromie” not that "I identify as a Gnome female.
There is a big difference between the two things.
There is no Living MORTAL that says “I wish i was born the opposite gender”.
see, i don’t see it the same way. don’t get me wrong i hate bastion, but what pelagos implies is that the shadowlands will let you be who you are. It won’t force you to be something you’re not.
sure if you can’t read between the lines, but what she is saying is that a woman gnome form suits her because she is a woman. It’s a coming of life story that is also her coming out of the closet.
but what would I know about the topic of transpeople. I am only a trans woman.
Good for you. We dont have a problem.
well I am glad to hear you don’t have a problem with chromie being a trans woman. have a nice day.
I never had a problem with that.
“This story sucks! But… But… the children!”
Btw shadowlands is about forcing you to do stuff.
There is no “Choice”
Idk if you played it or not. but it is basically “You are this cog in this machine.”
Its not "Oh you were a tyrant in life so you will be rewarded with Free milkshakes everyday for eternity.