It IS noncanon. Don’t take anything from the book seriously.
That’s the point I was making. Dragons interacting with mortals, until World of Warcraft, wasn’t exactly common. The Black Dragonflight did, but it was for malice intention. So what’s up with this ceremony?
Vael assumed the identity of an Orc because he was perusing Nefarian in Blackrock Spire. Onyxia was a human because she was trying to manipulate Stormwind affairs. I don’t think it was an identity preference.
You’re still seething about it? My god, man.
Who are you and why is it a problem if I make a single comment?
Because you’ve been making this comment in every thread about this book since you found out Chromie is trans and rage-quit the SF Discord over it.
Wow, every thread? You mean two? Again, who are you and why are you stalking me?
Oh and the posts on mmo-champ, we followed-up when you rage-quit because we wanted to see if the mask would slip and you’ve not disappointed. Thanks for the laughs.
Go ahead since you haven’t bothered and just assuming. Two threads I’ve posted in this subject. Go stalk someone else psycho.
Nah, I’ll keep observing your blatant bigotry.
So you’ll continue to spread lies and assumptions even when proof is right there? Yikes.
I’ve even found your reddit and guess what, you’re doing it there too. Isn’t it cute how you’ve gotten in such a tizzy about a trans character? Be more blatant with your bigotry, please.
Come back to the Discord, I’m sure we’ll love to see you meltdown some more.
Do you get off on lying and stalking or what? “Doing it there” you say with absolutely zero evidence.
Don’t worry, bro. Making a collage just for you.
We get it, you are against human rights. Just accept it, you are an archaic individual that views things in binary.
You guys are taking this way out of proportion. Being transgender in a fantasy universe is a lot more “biologically” plausible since there’s literal magic. Chromie’s not shelving HRT - it appears to be that Chromie is a male dragon who prefers to present as a female in humanoid form. We more or less only know Chromie as her humanoid form, and probably in the odd case she’s in her dragon form, she’ll probably be referred as a she as well.
Dumbs gonna dumb. Fantasy was a mistake.
Or they could provide actual evidence instead of trying to lie on the internet.
Omg stop. This is a video game. If you hate it so much then write a letter to the author of the short story. Kindly get over yourself.
Did you reply to the wrong person or am I suppose to just accept that poster’s lies about me?
I’d say no seeing “Fairytales” in the title…but why should I be so skeptical? Faeries exist in WoW right?
The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of the darkness. For he is truly his brother’s keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know I am the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon you.
https:// imgur .com/3hJnR69