World of Warcraft: Folk & Fairy Tales of Azeroth Canon?

Well once again, because you’ve said that more then a few times, thank you for being a fan of my work. I hope you’ll be glad to know I’ve been putting a lot of work into my Webtoon as well. Also I’ve written a few extra pages so it might be worth a reread.

But I don’t think you get to say which of my achievements are merits or flaws. I’m pursuing something that make me happy and you not happy about it. I will say that you don’t get to tell me no or tell me I don’t have a leg to stand on when I’ve put in to time to develop my talent.

I could go into a list of things about you and your toxic online activity but I don’t think I will, but I would appreciate it if you would remove the comments from your alts that you put on my chapter pages.

I know that part.

Anyway I am about to hit the sack and go sleep. Its late here in EU, and there is a new Bad Batch tomorrow in 9 hours approximately.

It’s only a whole different ballgame in that the means of making it occur are different from the ones in real life, because we don’t have literal magic. But to be a transgender person, the means of how you go about it are irrelevant - all that matters is that you start as one gender, and choose to live as another one.

If Chromie snaps her fingers and transforms her male body into a female one, going about to exist solely as a female person, then she has transitioned from previously being a male to currently being a male. The fact that it takes no time or surgery is inconsequential - if it took no time at all for humans to transition, transgenderism would not suddenly cease to exist.

I don’t know what you’re talking about, but don’t flatter yourself. If you wanna cross reference them with the armory, feel free.

I haven’t commented on your chapters, because your writing is sexist, gross, and all around unpleasant to read. It’s great if you’re happy making them, but people certainly don’t wanna read them, especially when you go out of your way to shove them in their faces and throw a temper tantrum when they tell you as much.

I don’t read your stories, I just know the bullet points from small snippets and your bizarre fetish art you demand everyone look at.


I guess I agree to disagree because from what I have come to understand it is as they say.
A transition.

Thats why gender fluidity is a state of mind rather than biological body. All the surgeries are just there to make the person more comfortable in their own skin. As I understand it there is no post- or pre- op that is required to make you a “true” trans person.

Anyway regardless its up to the viewer and interpretation if Chromie is supposed to give some representation then they really need to explain how in the heck does changing your gender in dragon society impacts the whole Consorts situation.
Breeding the next clutch of eggs with the best female or male candidate is a big deal from what we know so far.
What happens if a consort switches genders?
Can dragons just switch genders? If so then why was Malygos kidnapping red dragons to breed with? He could have just asked some of his male dragons to transform or transform himself to keep the blue dragon flight going.

You see this creates a whole can of worms in the lore that either needs to be retconned unless they make chromie somehow special in her case.

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Why do you feel like you’re entitled to determine what a “true” trans person is?

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Who said I am entitled to? Its what I have come to understand from reading on the subject because I don’t want to be offensive by assuming things.
Why are you trying to pick a fight with me by putting words in my mouth?

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Putting words in others mouth happens too often in this forum section.

Not trying to protect Grandblade here, but it is just a truth.

A sad truth :frowning: .

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This could be my ignorance on the subject speaking, but I don’t think it needs to be a perfect representation to be a good one. Chromie’s might be a much more blatant metaphor, but I imagine the important bits to express would be themes of comfort, confidence, and self-discovery when it comes to how you feel about yourself.


You did when you said what makes a true “trans” person.

I’m not sure why you two are fighting so hard for Chromie not to be trans, when it clearly gives people comfort to see that she is, and why it’s perfectly sensible to say as much. Hell, it’s harder to say she’s not at this point.

its the definition of what a transperson is. feel free to show me why I am wrong so I can educate myself.

Thats why in the end I said its up to people to decide if this representation is worthy or not because as I mentioned it creates huge implications.

For example can Wrathion become female and start laying blackdragon eggs and then switch back to fertilize them?


Are you a transgender or would like to be? Why are you so keen on convincing people that Chromie is? Would you like to snap your fingers and transform your male body into a female one.

Are going to keep denying that maybe a fictional character was just gender swapped because of decisions of the writers and not the character herself taking making that decision? LOL, this been entertaining nonetheless and not even what author of the forum intended it to be in the first place.

I don’t understand why you need to keep pestering people to agree that this character just might not have something in common with you or your desires, complex issues, or fetishes to gender swap.

Don’t even pretend you have a leg to stand on to accuse me of this, you’re the scat man.

The amount of people who’ve never once used a he pronoun for Chromie suddenly deciding to use it in every context is downright disgusting.


Wait is chromie F to M or M to F?
I thought it was M to F.

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Fictional characters don’t make their own decision you degenerate

Operation relies on bio-essentialist definitions of gender, and poor people cannot afford extremely expensive surgeries. In much the same way an intersex person can identify with the gender they feel more comfortable with regardless of the dozens of possible complexities of their sexual morphology.


but are we shocked? No.

Well thats what I said.
If they say they are a gender then they are that gender no? There is no Op test that they need to prove if they are or aren’t. if they identify as such then thats that.

You’re childish name caller. I know that’s not best comeback but my words actually have factual evidence to back up. Maybe you should try doing that before start name calling, you spoiled brat.


Didn’t you once join a Discord, spam fifty seven of your art posts because it was “just another place to post your art,” then cry when you got kicked?

I think you’re projecting, Perfectia.