World of Warcraft Expansion Rankings

I have never really cared for the busy work in video games. (Ironic I know since I rated legion to sl high) but I only really care for the actual “content”.

I have actually thought about this alot since legion and m+. Thinking back I’m like “I enjoyed playing for like 3-6 hours a week and then it was whelp I guess I’ll do dailies or play another game”

M+ drastically changed the game. Now you have actual engaging content outside of the weekly clear of raid (which I really haven’t raided since m+).

Dailies back then were “filler boring garbage without a purpose at all, just to keep you logged in” dailies post legion (minus df) were “filler boring garbage I have to do for m+”. I think there is a difference there in why I didn’t mind grinding things like korthia. They had a purpose.

What I listed is content, whether or not you liked it.

A lot of people liked that stuff. I know I did.

But if we’re going on “feelings” running the same dungeons over and over and over and over and over and over and over and… is not content. That’s just running the same dungeon over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and…

Increasing the health pool of a trash mob =/= something new.

You just described dailies.

One was purposeless filler.
One is engaging skillful content.

Both are repetitive one requires iq.

And yes, every single one of us can only rank these expansions by feelings.

I know. I was being snarky but also making a point.

Or gold/money.

Like I said, I’m not arguing with your ranking. It doesn’t matter to me which you listed first or last.

I’m just pointing out that you’re wrong on TBC through MoP not having content outside of raiding. They did have it, whether or not you found it boring.

None of which (except pvp which I just don’t do) fell outside of the realm “I need to think” which was my whole point about enagaging content outside of raiding and my enjoyment of them adding m+.

Like bro, you brought up pet battles, cool someone somewhere enjoys pet battles but you can’t seriously tell me it’s engaging “content”.

Why are you belittling people that found dailies, pet battles, Brawler’s Guild, etc engaging and fun?

You’re pretty much saying people that do have low IQs:

All I was trying to do was point out that there was content, even if you found it boring. I pointed that out because you said there wasn’t any. “Engaging” is an opinion. There are people that think running the same dungeon over and over is not engaging.

For real, tbc was garbage imo

I’ll rank the ones I have played-


I think I would have liked BC a lot, but I can’t say as I was way too young when it was current content and I have not taken an interest in any classic releases so far for various reasons. Just based on lore, aesthetics, features/changes, and just overall what I gather from each:


Don’t crucify me pls

Joined in cata so im a bit biased, played classic thru wrath so i know a bit about prev xpacs


____huge gap


I’d like to give my personal opinion on the rankings of the expansions so far.

  1. Burning Crusade
  2. WOTLK
  3. Warlords of Draenor
  4. Mists of Pandaria
  5. Legion
  6. Vanilla
  7. Cataclysm
  8. Battle for Azeroth
  9. Shadowlands
  10. Dragonflight

The first 3 I’d 100% play again without any complaints. I spent the most time playing them with friends, and for me, it was the most fun I’d had on any game. You could even play these expansions alone and still have fun.

The ones ranked 4 - 6 I would play again, I’d be hesitant, but I’d play them again. That is of course, if the numbers of active players were the same as when I originally played.

7-10 are dog water. I disliked them greatly and really feel they were just really long filler episodes to a dying show.

That’s my opinion, feel free to critque it.

Honestly patch rankins would probably be a better metric.
Like Legion release was meh, while antorus was good.
While Cata release was great but then dragon soul came along and ruined it all.

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I joined WoW at the beginning of Pandaland. So based on the little experience I have compared to some, this is my list.
-MoP (tbh, I was too much of a noob to really experience all of what the expansion had to offer at the time, but I have some of the best memories playing MoP, so it gets placed at the top!)
-Dragon tales (so far, like you said)

Looks about right to me

Dragonflight is definitely at the top for me. I still hate the borrowed power and grindfests that were Legion, Battle for Azeroth, and Shadowlands; they are all automatically tied for last. I’ll have to ignore Vanilla and The Burning Crusade as I never experienced them during current content, at least not at the endgame (never made it past level 25 in Vanilla nor 50 in TBC).

So my rankings are roughly:

Wrath of the Lich King
Mists of Pandaria
Warlords of Draenor
Legion/Battle for Azeroth/Shadowlands

Exempt: Vanilla and The Burning Crusade

Wrath of the Lich King
Mists of Pandaria
Burning Crusade
Battle for Azeroth
Warlords of Draenor

Base game isn’t an expansion and Dragonflight is still in progress.

Mists of Pandaria’s ranking invalidates that order, OP.

Wrath > MoP > Legion > DF > Cata > BFA > TBC > 'Nilla > WoD > FF14 > Destiny 2: Curse of Osiris > Foot fungus > an old banana peel > Ray Comfort > Shadowlands

  1. MOP
  2. Legion
  3. Cata
  4. BFA
  5. DF
  6. WotLK
  7. SL
  8. WoD

Didn’t play BC or Classic

They are all fine besides WoD, BFA, Slands, and DF seems like it will take the crown for worst expansion.

Out of curiosity, where does a 30-pound kettlebell to the 'nards fit on this list?