World of Warcraft Expansion Rankings

I think all is them had parts I enjoyed, even WoD (challenge modes, PvP, raids).

If I had to rank them I’d say:


DF hasn’t been out long enough to tank but I’ve been really enjoying it.

I’m a sucker for class specific content and Legion delivered more than the rest of the game combined.

Between the banana peel and Ray Comfort.

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I should be grateful I’ve never heard of Ray Comfort, then.

Wrath - Best storyline, plus Wintergrasp
MoP - Best class balance
Cata - My favorite dungeons and raids, and great guild experience
TBC - Loved the Ethereals!
DF - So far, so good
WoD - Good replayability
Legion - Only saved by the last patch
BfA - Everything just felt meh

SL - The only expac I’ll never level an alt through. No redeeming qualities imo.

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Lol u like cata more than mop? Sry u lose this round of the game