World of Warcraft Expansion Rankings

Wrath of the Lich King - 8/10
Vanilla - 6/10
The Burning Crusade - 7/10 (apprecaite the races they added)
Legion - 6/10
Cataclysm - 5/10
Dragonflight - 6/10
Warlords of Draenor (never played it, but 6/10 baised on leveling through it… not a fair evaluation though as that ignores all endgame etc)
Mists of Pandaria (Also never played it and 3/10 basied on leveling through it… and - 2 point for adding pandas and monks, game would be better without both of those things)
Battle for Azeroth 8/10 (honestly, it was solid, under rated expc)
Shadowlands 2/10 didn’t even feel like I was playing warcraft… butchered story, butchered every npc involved… broken covnant abilites, ugg, the maw…

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Personally, it was the expansion that gave us transmog, which is something that has driven hours and hours of playtime for me in Cataclysm and beyond.


The Kung Fu Panda movies are great! Fight me! xD

Nobody liked Shadowlands, the story was nonsense tbh.

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Wrath of the Lich King
The Burning Crusade
Mists of Pandaria
Warlords of Draenor
Battle for Azeroth

This is my take after playing since Vanilla start day. Vanilla was terrible, it only had a large playerbase because it was better than Evercrack and it was new. It was hardly playable the whole first year.

Dragonflight shouldnt be on the list yet, still too early to judge but I’ll leave it in the middle pending further judgement but right now it’s feeling very WoD to me. Maybe they fix that, maybe they don’t.

BFA and SL are the darkest times for WoW.

White knights gonna white knight…

Who’s white knighting what?

What about the WoW beta before vanilla? Did you like it? Maybe if you played the beta you would never have played Vanilla, to me the WoW beta was bad, ugly and broken.

It was bad yes but I expected that with beta. I was over Warcraft 3 and Diablo 2 so I gave it a shot anyway. The only redeeming part of Vanilla was the social interactions.

1 - Wrath of the Lich King
2 - Legion
3 - Battle for Azeroth
4 - The Burning Crusade
5 - Mists of Pandaria
6 - Vanilla
7 - Dragonflight
8 - Warlords of Draenor
9 - Cataclysm
10 - Shadowlands

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Ahhhh gaming journalists they really have no idea.

Id put MoP and DF above Cata, but yeah sounds about right.

2. Wotlk
3. Cata
4. Legion
5. Wod (would be higher if had more content)
6. Vanilla and bc (i started during bc towards end and i never truly experienced either)
7. Bfa
8. Shadowlands

So far df is in the middle, we have at least 2 more teirs to do so it’s fair to say it could go up or down. The rest is just perspective on where i played at my best.

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From my perspective it was the raid format.

Kara is one of the best raids in the entire game and it was fun. My guild had 3 or 4 teams to run Kara and the best of that group formed the 25 man raids.

You weren’t hand held by Blizzard or artificially time gated. The content was difficult for the time but immensely rewarding. Just getting a few pieces of gear in Gruuls or Mags was a nice additive, but the real fun began in 25 man progression in a big raid like SSC.

On my server at the time we had a world top 50 guild and they were really helpful to other raid leaders on strategies and such, as well as overall raid composition. To this day I still wear Hand of A’dal as my title on all characters I play. It was that fun, that rewarding, and that engaging.

Heading off to do more raids, TK, Black Temple, and Sunwell. It was such a different time. Content was released and not consumed for months, you had to progress to get to it and that took time, effort and dedication.

I will say that for me personally again, WotLK is the most cohesive of all expansions, but the raid format of TBC was by far the best in the games history.

Cataclysm - Favorite leveling expansion in the game for me
BfA (quit half way through)
Shadowlands (didn’t play)

I can’t rate the current expansion, but that is why TBC is looked at so fondly.


A pretty fair list IMHO.

#1 , unpopular opinion , and who liked vanilla lmao

(Garrison closet thing to player housing in wow)

Vanilla isn’t an expansion

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Dragonflight is the best expansion.

Df=legion=bfa > shadowlands > mop > the rest

Anything pre legion is just worse (taking out nostalgia) because after legion had actual content outside of raids, there would be no going back.

I’m not trying to change your mind of which are the best xpacs but this statement is odd to me:

TBC introduced dailies and they had some good daily areas. The Isle, ogres, sky ray people and the nether wing stuff.

Dailies were a brand new concept and it kept many solo players engaged. Plus, TBC is the xpac that introduced arenas.

Wrath continued the tradition of daily areas and they added a way for solo players to do dungeons without bothering with begging in Trade Chat for hours for a tank and/or healer. Like dailies from the previous xpac, this opened a whole new world up to solo players.

Cata did what the previous two xpacs did, which was offere daily areas, but they had two areas that 1.) had a story attached (Molten Front) and 2.) was paired with pvp (Tol Barad.)

Plus, they gave everyone hundreds of new quests to do with the update to the old world and this was the xpac that introduced LFR, another solo player feature.

MoP was jammed packed with solo player activities.

  • Pet battles
  • Proving Grounds
  • Zandalari Warbringers
  • Tons of daily quest areas
  • Timeless Isle
  • Isle of Giants
  • Brawler’s Guild
  • 4 World Bosses (which were easily pugged)
  • A legendary cloak quest line
  • All raids were queueable instead of just one, like in Cata
  • Halfhill Farm

And I might be missing something because it’s a lot to remember.

WoD is really the only one you’re right about. That was definitely a raid/pvp or die xpac.