Why at the row 10 of priest tree is Mindgames (that right now is the Venthyr ability) but only that one, What happen with Kyrian, NF, or Necro spells? Taking into consideration that Mindgames is an spell mostly focused on PvP.
Since there will be a choice node option, don’t you think that should be a good idea to have in that particular talent a choice option with the convenat skills and not just one predefined?
I would even trade Flash Concentration for HW: Salvation if they think FC is too powerful. I don’t want to play without FC anymore after experiencing how good, wholesome and useful Holy felt in SL.
As we saw on the druid tree, nodes without a branch above them means that they have no prerequisite and essentially act as new “starting” nodes. For instance, on the Disc tree we see that barrier has no prerequisite and will therefore be easily chosen no matter what other talents are selected. This is not an issue and is actually a really excellent solution to including these core utility spells that will feel mandatory.
Also, Shadow Word: Death is given to shadow priest by default as the base talent on the class tree. So the Death and Madness issue is not a problem.
How did Benediction not get added as a passive talent option to empower a Holy Priests Prayer of Mending Blizzard? Like I don’t get why this is a Class Talent.
Row 7 to row 8 in the middle of holy tree has no connector. Error on the graphic or can we spec backwards up the tree? Because that would be the only way to get the row 8 choice mode.
I don’t see this as problematic from a macro design perspective… as long as they have some utility that not every class has then it’s fine. Some classes don’t have interrupts. Some don’t have fears. Some don’t have aoe stun. Some don’t have great mobility. It’s a trade off.
So, your tree design shift is quite bad for this. The talents are cool, but their placement is literally garbage. Why do you have DoT stuff in one side of the tree with direct damage/non DoT stuff and vice versa? Like, quit with this garbage of rounding specs out and make design trees for DoT specs like this:
1 side is all DoT things, middle is more DoTs or damage pertaining to DoTs, other side is all direct damage stuff.
Literally that freaking simple, yet you guys completely mess this up at every single turn. Why? Why do you guys have full row of AoE/direct damage, then another full row of DoT stuff? You can be more effective at taking two of the things in the AE/direct damage row and putting them into the DoT row, thereby having 2 rows of 2 direct damage/AE talents and 2 rows of DoT talents so you can be more about direct damage or more about DoT damage fully.
Quit with this nonsensical design tree of averaging things out and let people specialize fully.
Also, why is PI back? If it’s going to stay, make it a self buff, not a group buff. Way too many people fight and argue over this, much like how Innervate makes healers fight over it, too.
I love the talents themselves, just hate some of the placements for them. It just doesn’t make much sense.