Various Takes on Priest Talent Trees…
Class Tree…
New / Modified talents in a more readable format…
Life and Sanity
Holy Word: Life may now be used on targets at or below 35% health without incurring a feedback damage penalty.
If your Holy Word: Life fails in healing the target at or below 35% health, the damage received is reduced by 50%.
Death and Madness
If your Shadow Word: Death fails to kill the target at or below 20% health, your Shadow Word: Deaths cooldown is instantly reset.
Casting Shadow Word: Death now also does damage to you equivalent to the damage it would do to an enemy above 50% health.
Prayer of Healing
40 yd range
2 sec cast
A powerful prayer that heals the target and the 4 nearest allies within 40 yards.
- Translucent Image
For the first 5 sec of Fade, you take 10% reduced damage.
(Choice) Switch Talent
- Phantasm
Activating Fade removes all movement impairing effects and prevents your movement speed from being reduced for 5 sec.
When you take a damaging attack equal to or greater than 10% of your total health or damage yourself with your Shadow Word: Death, you instantly gain 10% of your total mana.
This effect cannot occur more than once every 15 sec.
Pain Reduction
Targets afflicted with Shadow Word: Pain deals 3% less damage.
Mind Sear
Corrosive shadow energy radiates from the target, dealing Shadow damage over 4.5 sec to all enemies within 10 yards of the target.
Mindful Words
Within 5 seconds after casting Mind Blast, your next Word spell effect is increased by 20%.
This effect cannot occur more than once every 30 sec.
Cleric’s Armaments
While your Power Word: Shield is active on you, Smite & Mind Blast deals 10% additional damage.
Smite Critical strikes shields a random party of raid member for 50% of the damage done.
Prioritizes targets with the lowest health.
- Archangel
Instantly restores 5% of your total mana and increases your healing done by 15%.
Lasts for 18sec. 60 sec cooldown.
(Choice) Switch Talent
- Dark Archangel
Increase haste by 5% and increases your Shadow damage done by 20%.
Lasts for 18sec. 90 sec cooldown.
- Shadowfiend
Instant 3 min cooldown
Summons a shadowy fiend to attack the target for 15 sec.
Each attack applies a stack of Shadow Vulnerability (3% Magic), causing each consecutive attack to hit 3% harder.
Shadow Vulnerability also increases your Shadow damage done to the target.
Shadow Vulnerability last 5 sec
(Choice) Switch Talent
- Mindbender
Instant 1 min cooldown
Summons a Mindbender to attack the target for 15 sec.
Generates 5 Insanity each time the Mindbender attacks.
Discipline, Holy
Summons a Mindbender to attack the target for 12 sec. You regenerate 1% of maximum mana each time the Mindbender attacks.
Vault of Heavens (Choice) Switch talent with Leap of Faith
Causes you to leap to your target.
Power Infusion
Infuses the target and yourself with power for 20 sec, increasing haste by 25%.
Spectral Guise
Instant 30 sec cooldown
Your shadow blurs into the darkness, leaving your true form behind. As a shadow you are stealthed, but remain in combat. Lasts 6 sec or until your true form is hit by 3 direct attacks.
Crystalline Reflection
Power Word: Shield instantly heals the target and reflects 20/40% of damage absorbed.
Reconstituted Power
The cooldown of Power infusion is reduced by 50% at 80% effectiveness.
Your Mind Blast critical hits extend the duration of Power Infusion by 1 sec.
- Void Tendrils
Instant 30 sec cooldown
Summons Shadowy tendrils out of the ground, rooting up to 5 enemy targets within 8 yards for 20 sec or until the tendril is killed.
(Choice) Switch Talent
- Petrified
Targets of your Psychic Scream now tremble in place instead of fleeing in fear.
- Light of the Naaru
Instant 3 min cooldown
Summon a Naaru bathed in light, Duplicating your single target healing spells on another target with missing health for 15 sec.
Duplicated healing prioritizes targets with the lowest health.
(Choice) Switch Talent
- Dark of the Naaru
Instant 3 min cooldown
Summon a Dark Narru consumed by shadows, Duplicating your single target shadow damaging spells on another target for 15 sec.
Duplicated shadow damaging spells prioritizes targets with the highest health.
- Inner Focus
Instant 3 min cooldown
When activated, reduces the Mana cost of your next 3 spells by 100% and increases its critical effect chance by 25% if it is capable of a critical effect.
(Choice) Switch Talent
- Power Word: Twilight
Your Power Word: Shield has a chance to becomes infused with Twilight, Reducing damage taken by 15% and 30% of all damage and healing you do adds to the absorb amount while it holds.
This effect cannot occur more than once every 30 sec.
- Cascade
40 yard range
1.5 sec cast 25 sec cooldown
Launch a Holy bolt that grows in power with distance, healing an ally, and then bouncing to additional allies 4 times. Each time it bounces, it splits into 2 bolts.
(Choice) Switch Talent
- Dark Cascade
40 yard range
Instant 25 sec cooldown
Launch a Shadowy bolt that grows in power with distance, damaging an enemy, and then bouncing to additional enemies 4 times. Each time it bounces, it splits into 2 bolts.
- Void Shift
40 yd range
Instant 5 min cooldown
You and the currently targeted party or raid member swap health percentages. Increases the lower health percentage of the two to 25% if below that amount.
(Choice) Switch Talent
- Exsanguinate
20 yd range
Instant 3 min cooldown
You do shadow damage that is proportional to your current missing health. You heal for 50% of the damage done. The damage done cannot exceed your current missing health percentage.
- Mindgames & Shadowflame Prism are now a (Choice) Switch Talent
Class Tree Import…
1.3.7:custom:0:Priest class (Shadow) - Aneurysm-06:Aneurysm's Mock up on the Priest Class Tree:TTM Note__cl____n__Due to tree changes loadout has been revalidated and one or more skillset was invalidated!__n____n__:49:1;0:Prayer of Mending:Places a ward on an ally that heals them for (61% of Spell power) the next time they take damage__cm__ and then jumps to another ally within 20 yds. Jumps up to 5 times and lasts 30 sec after each jump.:0:3:7:1:0:0:44:3,2:prayerOfMending.png,default.png;1:Shadow Word__cl__ Death:A word of dark binding that inflicts (85% of Spell power) Shadow damage to the target. If the target is not killed by Shadow Word__cl__ Death__cm__ the caster takes damage equal to the damage inflicted upon the target.__n____n__[Damage increased by 250% to targets below 50% health.][Damage increased by 150% to targets below 20% health.]__n____n__Atonement__n__Does not trigger Atonement:0:1:13:1:0:1::4,5,6:shadowWordDeath.png,default.png;2:Renew:Fill the target with faith in the light__cm__ healing for (160% of Spell power) over 15 sec.:0:5:5:1:0:0:0:8,52:renew.png,default.png;3:Focused Mending:Prayer of Mending does 45% increased healing to the initial target.:1:5:7:1:0:0:0::focusedMending.png,default.png;4:Angelic Feather,Body and Soul:Places a feather at the target location__cm__ granting the first ally to walk through it 40% increased movement speed for 5 sec. Only 3 feathers can be placed at one time.,Power Word__cl__ Shield and Leap of Faith increase your target's movement speed by 40% for 3 sec.:2:3:11:1:0:0:44,1:10,9,38:angelicFeather.png,bodyAndSoul.png;5:Death and Madness:If your Shadow Word__cl__ Death fails to kill the target at or below 20% health__cm__ your Shadow Word__cl__ Deaths cooldown is instantly reset. __n____n__Casting Shadow Word__cl__ Death now also does damage to you equivalent to the damage it would do to an enemy above 50% health.:1:3:13:1:0:0:1:11:shadowWordDeath.png,default.png;6:Shadow Mend:Wraps an ally in shadows which heal for (320% of Spell power)__cm__ but at a price.__n____n__The ally will take [(320% of Spell power) / 20] damage every 1 sec__cm__ until they have taken [(320% of Spell power) / 2] total damage from all sources__cm__ or leave combat.:0:3:15:1:0:0:1:30:shadowMend.png,default.png;8:Benediction:Your Prayer of Mending has a 25% chance to leave a Renew on each target it heals.:1:9:5:1:8:0:2:13:benediction.png,default.png;9:Purify Disease:Removes all Disease effects from a friendly target.:0:5:9:1:0:0:4:18,33:purifyDisease.png,default.png;10:Dispel Magic:Dispels Magic on the enemy target__cm__ removing 1 beneficial Magic effect.:0:5:13:1:0:0:4:18,23:dispelMagic.png,default.png;11:Masochism:When you take a damaging attack equal to or greater than 10% of your total health or damage yourself with your Shadow Word__cl__ Death__cm__ you instantly gain 10% of your total mana.__n____n__This effect cannot occur more than once every 15 sec.:1:5:15:1:0:0:5::masochism.png,default.png;12:Mind Restrain:Mind Blast prevents the next [(Spell power * 300 / 100) * (1 + Versatility)] damage dealt by the enemy.,Mind Blast prevents the next [(Spell power * 450 / 100) * (1 + Versatility)] damage dealt by the enemy.:1:17:17:2:20:0:53,43:55:mindRestrain.png,default.png;13:Say Your Prayers:Prayer of Mending has a 6% chance to not consume a charge when it jumps to a new target.:1:11:3:1:8:0:8,52:40:sayYourPrayers.png,default.png;15:Improved Smite:Smite deals 25% increased damage.,Smite deals 50% increased damage.:1:9:9:2:8:0:18:32,25,48:improvedSmite.png,default.png;16:Power Infusion:Infuses the target and yourself with power for 20 sec__cm__ increasing haste by 25%.:0:15:11:1:20:0:22,60,48:54,71,49:powerInfusion.png,default.png;17:Improved Mind Blast:Mind Blast's cooldown reduced by 3 sec.,Mind Blast's cooldown reduced by 7.5 sec.:1:9:13:2:8:0:18:51,48:improvedMindBlast.png,default.png;18:Twist of Fate:After healing or damaging a target below 35% health__cm__ you deal 20% increased healing and damage for 10 sec.:1:7:11:1:0:0:10,9:15,17,48:twistOfFate.png,default.png;21:Leap of Faith,Vault of Heavens:Pulls the spirit of a party or raid member__cm__ instantly moving them directly in front of you.,Causes you to leap to your target.:2:15:7:1:20:0:22:45,49:leapOfFaith.png,VaultofHeavens.png;22:Mass Dispel:Dispels magic in a 15 yard radius__cm__ removing all harmful Magic from 5 friendly targets and 1 beneficial Magic effects from 5 enemy targets. __n____n__Mass Dispel__n__Potent enough to remove Magic that is normally undispellable:0:13:9:1:8:0:48:21,16:massDispel.png,default.png;23:Mind Control:Controls a mind up to 1 level above yours for 30 sec while still controlling your own mind. Does not work versus Demonic__cm__ Mechanical__cm__ or Undead beings or players. This spell shares diminishing returns with other disorienting effects.:0:7:15:1:0:0:10:29,65:mindControl.png,default.png;24:Shadowfiend,Mindbender:Instant 3 min cooldown__n____n__Summons a shadowy fiend to attack the target for 15 sec.__n____n__Each attack applies a stack of Shadow Vulnerability (3% Magic)__cm__ causing each consecutive attack to hit 3% harder.__n__Shadow Vulnerability also increases your Shadow damage done to the target.__n____n__Shadow Vulnerability last 5 sec,Instant 1 min cooldown__n____n__Summons a Mindbender to attack the target for 15 sec.__n____n__Shadow__n__Generates 5 Insanity each time the Mindbender attacks.__n____n__Discipline__cm__ Holy__n__Summons a Mindbender to attack the target for 12 sec. You regenerate 1% of maximum mana each time the Mindbender attacks.:2:11:19:1:8:0:65,68:43,35:shadowfiend.png,mindbender.png;25:Cleric's Armaments:While your Power Word__cl__ Shield is active on you__cm__ Smite & Mind Blast deals 10% additional damage.:1:11:7:1:8:0:15,33:37:clericsArmaments.png,default.png;29:Dominant Mind:You may also control your own character while Mind Control is active__cm__ but Mind Control has a 2 min cooldown__cm__ and it may not be used against players.:1:11:15:1:8:0:23:35:dominantMind.png,default.png;30:Pain Reduction:Targets afflicted with Shadow Word__cl__ Pain deals 3% less damage.:1:5:17:1:0:0:6:68:ShadowwordPain.png,default.png;32:Smitten:Smite Critical strikes shields a random party of raid member for 50% of the damage done.__n____n__Prioritizes targets with the lowest health. :1:11:9:1:8:0:15::toolsOfTheCloth.png,default.png;33:Shackle Undead:Shackles the target undead enemy for 50 sec__cm__ preventing all actions and movement. Damage will cancel the effect. Limit 1.:0:7:7:1:0:0:9:25:shackleUndead.png,default.png;35:Puppet Master:Shadowfiend and Dominant Mind increase your Mastery by 75 while active.,Shadowfiend and Dominant Mind increase your Mastery by 150 while active.:1:13:17:2:8:0:29,24::puppetMaster.png,default.png;37:Charitable Soul:Casting Power Word__cl__ Shield on an ally also shields you for 10% of the amount for 10 sec.:1:13:5:1:8:0:25:40:charitableSoul.png,default.png;38:Translucent Image,Phantasm:For the first 5 sec of Fade__cm__ you take 10% reduced damage.,Activating Fade removes all movement impairing effects and prevents your movement speed from being reduced for 5 sec.:2:5:11:1:0:0:4::translucentImage.png,Fade.png;40:Unwavering Will:While above 75% health__cm__ the cast times of your Flash Heal__cm__ Heal__cm__ Prayer of Healing__cm__ and Smite are reduced by 10%.,While above 75% health__cm__ the cast times of your Flash Heal__cm__ Heal__cm__ Prayer of Healing__cm__ and Smite are reduced by 20%.:1:15:3:2:20:0:37,13:45,67:unwaveringWill.png,default.png;43:Rabid Shadows:Your __n____n__Mindbender__n__Mindbender__n____n__Shadowfiend's attack speed is increased by 5%.,Your __n____n__Mindbender__n__Mindbender__n____n__Shadowfiend's attack speed is increased by 10%.:1:15:19:2:20:0:24:63,12:rabidShadows.png,default.png;44:Holy Word__cl__ Life:A word of holy power that heals the target for (150% of Spell power). If the target is not below 20% health__cm__ the caster takes damage equal to the amount healed. Healing is increased by 150% to targets below 20% health.:0:1:9:1:0:0::4,0,70:holyWordLife.png,default.png;45:Crystalline Reflection:Power Word__cl__ Shield instantly heals the target for (42% of Spell power) and reflects 20% of damage absorbed.,Power Word__cl__ Shield instantly heals the target for (84% of Spell power) and reflects 40% of damage absorbed.:1:17:5:2:20:0:21,40:66:crystallineReflection.png,default.png;48:Archangel,Dark Archangel:Instantly restores 5% of your total mana and increases your healing done by 15%.__n____n__Lasts for 18sec. 60 sec cooldown.,Increase haste by 5% and increases your Shadow damage done by 20%.__n____n__Lasts for 18sec. 90 sec cooldown.:2:11:11:1:8:0:18,15,17:22,60,16:Archangel.png,DarkArchangel.png;49:Shining Force,Psychic Voice:Creates a burst of light around a friendly target__cm__ knocking away nearby enemies and slowing their movement speed by 70% for 3 sec.,Reduces the cooldown of Psychic Scream by 30 sec.:2:17:9:1:20:0:21,16:57:shiningForce.png,psychicVoice.png;51:Paralysis:When you critically hit with your Mind Blast__cm__ you cause the target to be unable to move for 4 sec.:1:11:13:1:8:0:17::Paralysis.png,default.png;52:Prayer of Healing:40 yd range__n__2 sec cast__n____n__A powerful prayer that heals the target and the 4 nearest allies within 40 yards.:0:7:3:1:0:0:2:13:PrayerofHealing.png,default.png;53:Spectral Guise:Instant 30 sec cooldown__n____n__Your shadow blurs into the darkness__cm__ leaving your true form behind. As a shadow you are stealthed__cm__ but remain in combat. Lasts 6 sec or until your true form is hit by 3 direct attacks.:0:15:15:1:20:0:60:12,54:SpectralGuise.png,default.png;54:Void Tendrils,Petrified:Instant 30 sec cooldown__n____n__Summons Shadowy tendrils out of the ground__cm__ rooting up to 5 enemy targets within 8 yards for 20 sec or until the tendril is killed.,Targets of your Psychic Scream now tremble in place instead of fleeing in fear.:2:17:13:1:20:0:53,16:57:VoidTendrils.png,PsychicScream.png;55:Void Shift,Exsanguinate:40 yd range__n__Instant 5 min cooldown__n____n__You and the currently targeted party or raid member swap health percentages. Increases the lower health percentage of the two to 25% if below that amount.,20 yd range__n__Instant 3 min cooldown__n____n__You do shadow damage that is proportional to your current missing health. You heal for 50% of the damage done. The damage done cannot exceed your current missing health percentage.:2:19:17:1:20:0:12::VoidShift.png,Exsanguinate.png;57:Cascade,Dark Cascade:40 yard range__n__1.5 sec cast 25 sec cooldown__n____n__Launch a Holy bolt that grows in power with distance__cm__ healing an ally__cm__ and then bouncing to additional allies 4 times. Each time it bounces__cm__ it splits into 2 bolts.,40 yard range__n__Instant 25 sec cooldown__n____n__Launch a Shadowy bolt that grows in power with distance__cm__ damaging an enemy__cm__ and then bouncing to additional enemies 4 times. Each time it bounces__cm__ it splits into 2 bolts.:2:19:11:1:20:0:54,49::PriestCascade.png,CascadeShadow.png;60:Silence:30 yd range__n__Instant 45 sec cooldown__n____n__Silences the target__cm__ preventing them from casting spells for 4 sec. Against non-players__cm__ also interrupts spellcasting and prevents any spell in that school from being cast for 4 sec.:0:13:13:1:8:0:48:16,53:silence.png,default.png;63:Mindgames,Shadowflame Prism:Assault an enemy's mind__cm__ dealing [(300% of Spell power) * 100 / 100] Shadow damage and briefly reversing their perception of reality.__n____n__Shadow__n__For 5 sec__cm__ the next [(Spell power * 450 / 100) * (1 + Versatility) * 100 / 100] damage they deal will heal their target__cm__ and the next [(Spell power * 450 / 100) * (1 + Versatility) * 100 / 100] healing they deal will damage their target.__n____n__Reversed damage and healing generate up to 20 Insanity.__n____n__Discipline__cm__ Holy__n__For 5 sec__cm__ the next [(Spell power * 450 / 100) * (1 + Versatility) * 100 / 100] damage they deal will heal their target__cm__ and the next [(Spell power * 450 / 100) * (1 + Versatility) * 100 / 100] healing they deal will damage their target.__n____n__Reversed damage and healing restore up to 4% mana.,Mind Blast and Shadow Word__cl__ Death cause your Shadowfiend to teleport behind your target__cm__ slashing up to 5 nearby enemies for __n____n__Mindbender__n__[.442 * (190% of Spell power)]__n____n__[.408 * (190% of Spell power)] Shadowflame damage. Each time a rift is triggered__cm__ the duration of Shadowfiend is increased by 1.0 sec.:2:19:19:1:20:0:43::mindgames.png,shadowflamePrism.png;65:Mindful Words:Within 5 seconds after casting Mind Blast__cm__ your next Word spell effect is increased by 20%.__n____n__This effect cannot occur more than once every 30 sec.:1:9:17:1:8:0:23:24:Mindblast.png,default.png;66:Inner Focus,Power Word__cl__ Twilight:Instant 3 min cooldown__n____n__When activated__cm__ When activated, reduces the Mana cost of your next 3 spells by 100% and increases its critical effect chance by 25% if it is capable of a critical effect..,Your Power Word__cl__ Shield has a chance to becomes infused with Twilight__cm__ Reducing damage taken by 15% and 30% of all damage and healing you do adds to the absorb amount while it holds.__n____n__This effect cannot occur more than once every 30 sec.:2:19:5:1:20:0:45::InnerFocus.png,TwilightShield.png;67:Light of the Naaru,Dark of the Naaru:Instant 3 min cooldown__n____n__Summon a Naaru bathed in light__cm__ Duplicating your single target healing spells on another target with missing health for 15 sec.__n__Duplicated healing prioritizes targets with the lowest health.,Instant 3 min cooldown__n____n__Summon a Dark Narru consumed by shadows__cm__ Duplicating your single target shadow damaging spells on another target for 15 sec.__n__Duplicated shadow damaging spells prioritizes targets with the highest health.:2:19:3:1:20:0:40::Naaru.png,Darknaaru.png;68:Mind Sear:Corrosive shadow energy radiates from the target__cm__ dealing Shadow damage over 4.5 sec to all enemies within 10 yards of the target.:0:7:19:1:0:0:30:24:mindSear.png,default.png;70:Life and Sanity:Holy Word__cl__ Life may now be used on targets at or below 35% health without incurring a feedback damage penalty.__n__If your Holy Word__cl__ Life fails in healing the target at or below 35% health__cm__ the damage received is reduced by 50%.:1:3:9:1:0:0:44::holyWordLife.png,default.png;71:Reconstituted Power:The cooldown of Power infusion is reduced by 50% at 80% effectiveness.__n__Your Mind Blast critical hits extend the duration of Power Infusion by 1 sec.:1:17:11:1:20:0:16::ReconstitutedPower.png,default.png;New skillset,70,1:1:1:1:1:1:1:0:1:0:1:1:0:1:2:1:0:1:1:1:1:2:1:0:0:1:0:0:1:1:2:0:1:0:1:0:0:1:0:1:0:1:0:0:1:0:1:0:0:1;
My take on Holy Tree (Incorporating the Archangel / Dark Archangel theme/identity bridge)…
Removed Talents…
- Prayer of Healing (Intent to move to class Tree)
- Shining Force (Intent to move to class Tree)
- Psychic Voice (Intent to move to class Tree)
New / Modified Talents…
Renewed Prayer
Your Prayer of healing has a 25% chance to apply Renew to each target if they are above 75% health or a 75% chance if they are below 75% health.
Rebounding Prayer
Your Prayer of healing has a 30/60% chance to duplicate Prayer of Mending and cause it to bounce to another target.
Archangel: Hope
While under the effects of Archangel, your Holy Word spells instantly reset and have an additional charge and duplicate your single target healing spells to the lowest health target.
If Archangel is known, also grant 15% healing done and instantly restores 5% mana.
Archangel: Wisdom
While under the effects of Archangel, your Holy spells refund 50% of the mana cost when they land a critical strike.
If Archangel is known, also grant 15% healing done and instantly restores 5% mana.
Angels Gift
After Spirit of Redemption expires, you will revive at up to 100% health, based on your effectiveness during Spirit of Redemption. After reviving, you cannot benefit from Spirit of Redemption for 10 min.
- Valkyries Grace
Summons a Valkyrie to protect you from harm, reducing all damage by 20% and making you immune to spell interrupts for 8 sec. 2 min cooldown.
Switch (Choice) Talent
- Angels Favor
Summons an Angel to lift you from danger, making you immune to physical attacks for 8 sec. The Angel will sacrifice itself to prevent your death and restore 30% of your health. 2 min cooldown.
- Lightwell
Creates a Holy Lightwell. Your single target heals are duplicated and divided among the nearest 5 party or raid members with missing health, healing is split evenly between each target and provides them with a Holy absorb shield for 50% of the heal received value.
Prioritizes targets with the lowest health.
TTM Export
1.3.7:custom:1:Holy Priest - Aneurysm -01:This is the preset for the Holy Priest.__n__You can start editing the tree/loadout now.:TTM Note__cl____n__Due to tree changes loadout has been revalidated and one or more skillset was invalidated!__n____n__:39:0;0:Heal:An efficient spell that heals an ally for (295% of Spell power).:0:1:9:1:0:0::4,3,2:heal.png,default.png;1:Renewed Prayer:Your Prayer of healing has a 25% chance to apply Renew to each target if they are above 75% health or a 75% chance if they are below 75% health.:1:5:5:1:0:0:4:36,6:prayerOfHealing.png,default.png;2:Holy Word Serenity:Perform a miracle__cm__ healing an ally for (700% of Spell power).__n____n__Holy (Level 26)__n__Cooldown reduced by 6 sec when you cast Heal or Flash Heal.:0:3:9:1:0:0:0:7:holyWordSerenity.png,default.png;3:Holy Fire:Consumes the enemy in Holy flames that cause (150% of Spell power) Holy damage and an additional (57.75% of Spell power) Holy damage over 7 sec.:0:3:11:1:0:0:0:14,5:holyFire.png,default.png;4:Holy Word Sanctify:Releases miraculous light at a target location__cm__ healing up to 6 allies within 10 yds for (245% of Spell power).__n____n__Cooldown reduced by 6 sec when you cast Prayer of Healing and by 2 sec when you cast Renew.:0:3:7:1:0:0:0:1,12:holyWordSanctify.png,default.png;5:Holy Word Chastise:Chastises the target for (140% of Spell power) Holy damage and __n____n__Censure__n__stuns__n____n__incapacitates them for __n____n__Censure__n__4 sec__n____n__4 sec.__n____n__Holy (Level 26)__n__Cooldown reduced by 4 sec when you cast Smite.:0:5:13:1:0:0:3:8,9:holyWordChastise.png,default.png;6:Spirit of Redemption:Upon death__cm__ you become the Spirit of Redemption for 15 sec. You cannot move__cm__ attack__cm__ be attacked__cm__ or be targeted by any spells or effects__cm__ and your healing spells cost no mana. When the effect ends__cm__ you die.:1:9:5:1:8:0:12,1:11,37,10:spiritOfRedemption.png,default.png;7:Trail of Light:When you cast Heal or Flash Heal__cm__ 35% of the healing is replicated to the previous target you healed with Heal or Flash Heal.:1:5:9:1:0:0:2:13:trailOfLight.png,default.png;8:Censure:Holy Word__cl__ Chastise stuns the target for 4 sec and is not broken by damage.:1:7:15:1:0:0:5::censure.png,default.png;9:Guardian Spirit:Calls upon a guardian spirit to watch over the friendly target for 10 sec__cm__ increasing healing received by 60%. If the target would die__cm__ the Spirit sacrifices itself and restores the target to 40% health.__n____n__Castable while stunned. Cannot save the target from massive damage.:0:9:13:1:8:0:14,5:15,16,38:guardianSpirit.png,default.png;10:Afterlife,Angels Gift:Increases the duration of Spirit of Redemption by 50% and the range of its spells by 50%.__n____n__As a Spirit of Redemption__cm__ you may sacrifice your spirit to Resurrect an ally__cm__ putting yourself to rest.,After Spirit of Redemption expires__cm__ you will revive at up to 100% health__cm__ based on your effectiveness during Spirit of Redemption. After reviving__cm__ you cannot benefit from Spirit of Redemption for 10 min.:2:11:3:1:8:0:6::afterlife.png,guardianSpirit.png;11:Cosmic Ripple:When Holy Word__cl__ Serenity or Holy Word__cl__ Sanctify finish their cooldown__cm__ you emit a burst of light that heals up to 5 injured targets for (42% of Spell power).:1:11:5:1:8:0:6:20:cosmicRipple.png,default.png;12:Circle of Healing:Heals the target and 4 injured allies within 30 yards of the target for (105% of Spell power).:0:7:7:1:0:0:4:13,17,6:circleOfHealing.png,default.png;13:Halo,Divine Star:Creates a ring of Holy energy around you that quickly expands to a 30 yd radius__cm__ healing allies for (115% of Spell power) and dealing (103% of Spell power) Holy damage to enemies. Healing reduced beyond 6 targets.,Throw a Divine Star forward 24 yds__cm__ healing allies in its path for (70% of Spell power) and dealing (56% of Spell power) Holy damage to enemies. After reaching its destination__cm__ the Divine Star returns to you__cm__ healing allies and damaging enemies in its path again. Healing reduced beyond 6 targets.:2:9:9:1:8:0:12,14,7:21:halo.png,divineStar.png;14:Binding Heal:Heals you__cm__ your target__cm__ and another friendly target within 20 yards for (94% of Spell power).__n____n__Reduces the remaining cooldown on both Holy Word__cl__ Serenity and Holy Word__cl__ Sanctify by 3 sec:0:7:11:1:0:0:3:13,9:bindingHeal.png,default.png;15:Surge of Light:Your healing spells and Smite have a 8% chance to make your next Flash Heal instant and cost no mana. Stacks to 2.:1:11:13:1:8:0:9:19,22:surgeOfLight.png,default.png;16:Guardian Angel:When Guardian Spirit saves the target from death__cm__ it does not expire.__n____n__When Guardian Spirit expires without saving the target from death__cm__ reduce its remaining cooldown to 60 seconds.:1:11:15:1:8:0:9::guardianAngel.png,default.png;17:Prayer Circle:Using Circle of Healing reduces the cast time and cost of your Prayer of Healing by 25% for 8 sec.:1:9:7:1:8:0:12::prayerCircle.png,default.png;19:Holy Conductor:Surge of Light has an additional 6% chance to occur if the target is affected by Renew or Holy Fire.,Surge of Light has an additional 6% chance to occur if the target is affected by Renew or Holy Fire.:1:13:11:2:8:0:15::holyConductor.png,default.png;20:Divine Hymn:Heals all party or raid members within 40 yards for [5 * (60% of Spell power)] over 8 sec. Each heal increases all targets' healing taken by 4% for 15 sec__cm__ stacking.__n____n__Healing increased by 100% when not in a raid.:0:13:5:1:8:0:11:23:divineHymn.png,default.png;21:Light of the Naaru:The cooldowns of your Holy Words are reduced by an additional 33% when you cast the relevant spells.:1:11:9:1:8:0:13::lightOfTheNaaru.png,default.png;22:Symbol of Hope:Bolster the morale of raid members within 40 yds. They each recover 60 sec of cooldown of a major defensive ability__cm__ and regain 15% of their missing mana__cm__ over 4 sec.:0:13:13:1:8:0:15:25:symbolOfHope.png,default.png;23:Piety of Mana:Cosmic Ripple heals 15% more and restores 4% of your mana.,Cosmic Ripple heals 15% more and restores 4% of your mana.:1:15:5:2:20:0:20:26,27,28:pietyOfMana.png,default.png;24:Apotheosis,Holy Word Salvation:Reset the cooldowns of your Holy Words__cm__ and enter a pure Holy form for 20 sec__cm__ increasing the cooldown reductions to your Holy Words by 300% and reducing their cost by 100%.,Heals all allies within 40 yards for (110% of Spell power)__cm__ and applies Renew and 2 stacks of Prayer of Mending to each of them.__n____n__Cooldown reduced by 30 sec when you cast Holy Word__cl__ Serenity or Holy Word__cl__ Sanctify.:2:15:9:1:20:0::28,29,30:apotheosis.png,holyWordSalvation.png;25:Burning Vehemence:Reduces the cast time of Holy Fire by 25% and reduces its cooldown by 20%.,Reduces the cast time of Holy Fire by 25% and reduces its cooldown by 20%.:1:15:13:2:20:0:22:30,31,32:burningVehemence.png,default.png;26:Gales of Song:Divine Hymn heals for 10% more. Stacks of Divine Hymn increase healing received by an additional 2%.,Divine Hymn heals for 10% more. Stacks of Divine Hymn increase healing received by an additional 2%.:1:17:3:2:20:0:23:33:galesOfSong.png,default.png;27:Rune of Healing:Circle of Healing reduces the cooldown of Holy Word__cl__ Sanctify by 4 sec.:1:17:5:1:20:0:23::runeOfHealing.png,default.png;28:Resonant Words:Casting a Holy Word spell increases the healing of your next Heal or Flash Heal by 25%.,Casting a Holy Word spell increases the healing of your next Heal or Flash Heal by 25%.:1:17:7:2:20:0:23,24:34:resonantWords.png,default.png;29:Rune of Mending:Prayer of Mending reduces the cooldown of Holy Word__cl__ Serenity by 4 sec.:1:17:9:1:20:0:24::runeOfMending.png,default.png;30:Holy Oration:Spells that reduce the cooldowns of your Holy Words reduce them by 10% more.,Spells that reduce the cooldowns of your Holy Words reduce them by 10% more.:1:17:11:2:20:0:24,25:34:holyOration.png,default.png;31:Rune of Fire:Holy Fire reduces the cooldown of Holy Word__cl__ Chastise by 4 sec.:1:17:13:1:20:0:25::runeOfFire.png,default.png;32:Searing Light:Smite deals 15% additional damage to targets affected by Holy Fire. Holy Nova deals 15% additional damage to targets affected by Holy Fire.,Smite deals 15% additional damage to targets affected by Holy Fire. Holy Nova deals 15% additional damage to targets affected by Holy Fire.:1:17:15:2:20:0:25:35:searingLight.png,default.png;33:Lightwell:Creates a Holy Lightwell. Your single target heals are duplicated and divided among the nearest 5 party or raid members with missing health__cm__ healing is split evenly between each target and provides them with a Holy absorb shield for 50% of the heal received value.__n____n__Prioritizes targets with the lowest health. :0:19:3:1:20:0:26::lightwell.png,default.png;34:Divine Word:The effectiveness of your next Holy Word__cl__ Serenity__cm__ Sanctify__cm__ or Chastise is increased by 50% and grants a corresponding Divine Favor for 15 sec.__n____n__Chastise__cl__ Increased damage and Smite has a chance to apply Holy Fire.__n____n__Sanctify__cl__ Sanctify blesses the area where it was cast__cm__ healing allies.__n____n__Serenity__cl__ Flash Heal__cm__ Heal__cm__ and Renew heal for more__cm__ critically strike more often__cm__ and cost less to cast.:0:19:9:1:20:0:28,30::divineWord.png,default.png;35:Empyreal Blaze:Refreshes Holy Fire. Your next 3 casts of Holy Fire cost no mana__cm__ incur no cooldown__cm__ and cast instantly. __n____n__Whenever Holy Fire is reapplied__cm__ its duration is now extended instead.:0:19:15:1:20:0:32::empyrealBlaze.png,default.png;36:Rebounding Prayer:Your Prayer of healing has a 30% chance to duplicate Prayer of Mending and cause it to bounce to another target.,Your Prayer of healing has a 60% chance to duplicate Prayer of Mending and cause it to bounce to another target.:1:7:3:2:0:0:1::prayerOfMending.png,default.png;37:Archangel__cl__ Hope:While under the effects of Archangel__cm__ your Holy Word spells instantly reset and have an additional charge and duplicate your single target healing spells to the lowest health target.__n____n__If Archangel is known__cm__ also grant 15% healing done and instantly restores 5% mana.:1:11:7:1:8:0:6:39:Archangel.png,default.png;38:Archangel__cl__ Wisdom:While under the effects of Archangel__cm__ your Holy spells refund 50% of the mana cost when they land a critical strike.__n____n__If Archangel is known__cm__ also grant 15% healing done and instantly restores 5% mana.:1:11:11:1:8:0:9:39:Wings.png,default.png;39:Valkyries Grace,Angels Favor:Summons a Valkyrie to protect you from harm__cm__ reducing all damage by 20% and making you immune to spell interrupts for 8 sec. 2 min cooldown.,Summons an Angel to lift you from danger__cm__ making you immune to physical attacks for 8 sec. The Angel will sacrifice itself to prevent your death and restore 30% of your health. 2 min cooldown.:2:13:9:1:8:0:37,38::giftOfTheGoldenValkyr.png,guardianSpirit.png;
My take on Disciplines Tree (Incorporating the Archangel / Dark Archangel theme/identity bridge)…
Removed talents…
- Atonement (would act like Shadowform for Shadow in that its just the spec passive)
- Shining Force (Intent to move to class Tree)
- Psychic Voice (Intent to move to class Tree)
New / Modified Talents…
Archangel: Valor
While under the effects of Archangel, your Holy spells deal 20% more damage and shield the lowest health party or raid member for 50% of the damage done upon a successful critical strike that lasts for 10 sec.
If Archangel is known, also grant 15% healing done and instantly restores 5% mana.
Dark Archangel: Shadow
While under the effects of Dark Archangel, Your Holy Spells are consumed by Shadow, taking on the effect of shadow and grants your group and raid members 10% leech.
If Dark Archangel is known, Increase Shadow damage by 20% and haste by 5%.
Angelic Accord
Upon use of Archangel or Dark Archangel, you gain the benefits of both at 50% effectiveness.
Spells that require Archangel or Dark Archangel now accept both.
TTM Export
1.3.7:custom:1:Discipline Priest - Aneurysm - 02:This is the preset for the Discipline Priest.__n__You can start editing the tree/loadout now.:TTM Note__cl____n__Due to tree changes loadout has been revalidated and one or more skillset was invalidated!__n____n__:40:0;1:Inner Light and Shadow:Inner Light__cl__ Healing spells cost 15% less mana.__n____n__Inner Shadow__cl__ Spell damage and Atonement healing increased by 10%.__n____n__Activate to swap from one effect to the other__cm__ incurring a 6 sec cooldown.:0:3:6:1:0:0:2:3,4:innerLightAndShadow.png,default.png;2:Penance:Launches a volley of holy light at the target__cm__ causing __n____n__Castigation__n__[(40% of Spell power) * 4]__n____n__[(40% of Spell power) * 3] Holy damage to an enemy or __n____n__Castigation__n__[(125% of Spell power) * 4]__n____n__[(125% of Spell power) * 3] healing to an ally over 2 sec. Castable while moving.:0:1:8:1:0:0::5,1,20:penance.png,default.png;3:Power Word Radiance:A burst of light heals the target and 4 injured allies within 30 yards for (105% of Spell power)__cm__ and applies Atonement for 60% of its normal duration.:0:5:4:1:0:0:1:7,12:powerWordRadiance.png,default.png;4:Shield Discipline,Power Word Solace:When your Power Word__cl__ Shield is completely absorbed__cm__ you restore 0.5% of your maximum mana.,Strikes an enemy with heavenly power__cm__ dealing (80% of Spell power) Holy damage and restoring 1% of your maximum mana.:2:5:8:1:0:0:1,20:8:shieldDiscipline.png,powerWordSolace.png;5:Castigation:Penance fires one additional bolt of holy light over its duration.:1:3:8:1:0:0:2::castigation.png,default.png;6:Power of the Dark Side:Purge the Wicked__n__Purge the Wicked__n____n__Shadow Word__cl__ Pain has a chance to empower your next Penance with Shadow__cm__ increasing its effectiveness by 50%.:1:5:12:1:0:0:20:9,10,16:powerOfTheDarkSide.png,default.png;7:Shining Radiance:Power Word__cl__ Radiance's healing is increased by 10%.,Power Word__cl__ Radiance's healing is increased by 10%.:1:7:2:2:0:0:3:11:shiningRadiance.png,default.png;8:Pain Suppression:Reduces all damage taken by a friendly target by 40% for 8 sec. Castable while stunned.:0:7:8:1:0:0:4:14,19,23:painSuppression.png,default.png;9:Dark Indulgence:Power of the Dark Side increases the effectiveness of Penance by an additional 10%.:1:7:10:1:0:0:6::darkIndulgence.png,default.png;10:Schism:Attack the enemy's soul with a surge of Shadow energy__cm__ dealing (150% of Spell power) Shadow damage and increasing your spell damage to the target by 25% for 9 sec.:0:7:14:1:0:0:6:17:schism.png,default.png;11:Improved Power Word Radiance:Power Word__cl__ Radiance has an additional cooldown charge.:1:9:2:1:8:0:7::improvedPowerWordRadiance.png,default.png;12:Contrition:When you heal with Penance__cm__ everyone with your Atonement is healed for (14.4% of Spell power).:1:9:4:1:8:0:3:18,25,40:contrition.png,default.png;14:Protector of the Frail:Power Word__cl__ Shield reduces the cooldown of Pain Suppression by 2 sec.,Power Word__cl__ Shield reduces the cooldown of Pain Suppression by 2 sec.:1:9:6:2:8:0:8::protectorOfTheFrail.png,default.png;16:Swift Penitence:The damage or healing of your first bolt of Penance is increased by 10%.,The damage or healing of your first bolt of Penance is increased by 10%.:1:9:12:2:8:0:6:21,28,41:swiftPenitence.png,default.png;17:Malicious Scission:The duration of Schism is increased by 50%.:1:9:14:1:8:0:10::maliciousScission.png,default.png;18:Purge the Wicked:Cleanses the target with fire__cm__ causing (22.3% of Spell power) Fire damage and an additional (124% of Spell power) Fire damage over 20 sec. Spreads to an additional nearby enemy when you cast Penance on the target.:0:11:2:1:8:0:12:22:purgeTheWicked.png,default.png;19:Pain Transformation:Pain Suppression also heals your target for 5% of their maximum health.,Pain Suppression also heals your target for 5% of their maximum health.:1:9:10:2:8:0:8::painTransformation.png,default.png;20:Sins of the Many:Your damage is increased by up to 12%__cm__ diminishing for each ally affected by your Atonement.:1:3:10:1:0:0:2:6,4:sinsOfTheMany.png,default.png;21:Shadow Covenant:Make a shadowy pact__cm__ healing the target and 4 other injured allies within 30 yds for (165% of Spell power). For 7 sec__cm__ your Shadow spells deal 25% increased damage and healing__cm__ but your Holy spells deal 50% decreased damage and healing.:0:11:14:1:8:0:16:24:shadowCovenant.png,default.png;22:Revel in Purity:Purge the Wicked deals 10% additional damage and spreads to 1 additional targets.,Purge the Wicked deals 10% additional damage and spreads to 1 additional targets.:1:13:2:2:8:0:18::revelInPurity.png,default.png;23:Rapture:Immediately Power Word__cl__ Shield your target__cm__ and for the next 8 sec__cm__ Power Word__cl__ Shield absorbs an additional 200% and may be cast on targets with Weakened Soul.:0:9:8:1:8:0:8:26:rapture.png,default.png;24:Embrace Shadow:Shadow Covenant lasts an additional 4 sec.:1:13:14:1:8:0:21:29:embraceShadow.png,default.png;25:Evangelism,Spirit Shell:Extends the duration of all of your active Atonements by 6 sec.,For 10 sec__cm__ Penance__cm__ Power Word__cl__ Radiance__cm__ and Atonement create absorb shields for 80% of their value__cm__ instead of healing.:2:15:4:1:20:0:12:30,31,36:evangelism.png,spiritShell.png;26:Exaltation:Spirit Shell__n__Spirit Shell's duration is increased by 1.0 sec__cm__ and its absorption is increased by 5.0%__n____n__Rapture's duration is increased by 1.0 sec__cm__ and its Power Word__cl__ Shield enhancement is increased by 7.5%.:1:11:8:1:8:0:23::exaltation.png,default.png;27:Power Word Barrier:Summons a holy barrier to protect all allies at the target location for 10 sec__cm__ reducing all damage taken by 25% and preventing damage from delaying spellcasting.:0:15:8:1:20:0::31,32,33:powerWordBarrier.png,default.png;28:Halo,Divine Star:Creates a ring of Holy energy around you that quickly expands to a 30 yd radius__cm__ healing allies for (115% of Spell power) and dealing (103% of Spell power) Holy damage to enemies. Healing reduced beyond 6 targets.,Throw a Divine Star forward 24 yds__cm__ healing allies in its path for (70% of Spell power) and dealing (56% of Spell power) Holy damage to enemies. After reaching its destination__cm__ the Divine Star returns to you__cm__ healing allies and damaging enemies in its path again. Healing reduced beyond 6 targets.:2:15:12:1:20:0:16:33,34,38:halo.png,divineStar.png;29:Twilight Corruption:While Shadow Covenant is active__cm__ Penance becomes Dark Reprimand__cm__ causing [(40% of Spell power) * (3)] Shadow damage over 2 sec. Castable while moving.:1:15:14:1:20:0:24::twilightCorruption.png,default.png;30:Evenfall:Power Word__cl__ Radiance has a 30% chance to grant Power of the Dark Side.,Power Word__cl__ Radiance has a 30% chance to grant Power of the Dark Side.:1:17:2:2:20:0:25:35:evenfall.png,default.png;31:Lesson in Humility:Smite deals 10% additional damage if you have at least 3 Atonements active.,Smite deals 10% additional damage if you have at least 3 Atonements active.:1:17:6:2:20:0:25,27:36,37:lessonInHumility.png,default.png;32:Lenience:Atonement reduces damage taken by 3%.:1:17:8:1:20:0:27::lenience.png,default.png;33:Stolen Psyche:Atonement heals for 10% more when activated by Mind Blast.,Atonement heals for 10% more when activated by Mind Blast.:1:17:10:2:20:0:27,28:37,38:stolenPsyche.png,default.png;34:Twilight Empowerment:Shadow Word__cl__ Death's damage triggers Atonement when used on targets below 20% health.:1:17:14:1:20:0:28:39:twilightEmpowerment.png,default.png;35:Harsh Discipline:When Atonement has healed a total of 100 times__cm__ your next Penance is free and fires 3 additional bolts.:1:19:2:1:20:0:30::harshDiscipline.png,default.png;36:Indemnity:Atonements granted by Power Word__cl__ Shield last an additional 2 sec.:1:19:4:1:20:0:31,25::indemnity.png,default.png;37:Light's Wrath:Invoke the Light's wrath__cm__ dealing (175% of Spell power) Radiant damage to the target__cm__ increased by 10% per ally affected by your Atonement.:0:19:8:1:20:0:33,31::lightsWrath.png,default.png;38:Solatium:Atonements granted by Shadow Mend last an additional 2 sec.:1:19:12:1:20:0:33,28::solatium.png,default.png;39:Wickedness:Divine Star and Halo now deal Shadow damage and gain an additional effect__cl____n____n__Wicked Star__cl____n__Divine Star deals an additional (120% of Spell power) Shadow damage over 6 sec to enemies in its path. Divine Star deals 10% additional damage each time it hits an enemy__cm__ up to 100%.__n____n__Wicked Halo__cl____n__Enemies damaged by Halo are dealt an additional (120% of Spell power) Shadow damage over 6 sec to enemies in its path. Each enemy hit by Halo reduces its cooldown by 3 sec__cm__ up to 15 sec.:1:19:14:1:20:0:34::wickedness.png,default.png;40:Archangel__cl__ Fate:While under the effects of Archangel__cm__ your Holy spells deal 20% more damage and shield the lowest health party or raid member for 50% of the damage done upon a successful critical strike that lasts for 10 sec.__n____n__If Archangel is known__cm__ also grant 15% healing done and instantly restores 5% mana.:1:11:6:1:8:0:12:42:Archangel.png,Archangel.png;41:Dark Archangel__cl__ Shadow:While under the effects of Dark Archangel__cm__ Your Holy Spells are consumed by Shadow__cm__ taking on the effect of shadow and grants your group and raid members 10% leech.__n____n__If Dark Archangel is known__cm__ Increase Shadow damage by 20% and haste by 5%.__n__:1:11:10:1:8:0:16:42:DarkArchangel.png,ShadowPower.png;42:Angelic Accord:Upon use of Archangel or Dark Archangel__cm__ you gain the benefits of both at 50% effectiveness. __n____n__Spells that require Archangel or Dark Archangel now accept both.:1:13:8:1:8:0:40,41::innerLightAndShadow.png,default.png;
My take on Shadows Tree…
New / Modified Abilities in a more readable format…
Shadow Crash
Hurl a bolt of slow-moving Shadow energy at the destination, dealing (191.25% of Spell power) Shadow damage to all targets within 8 yards.
Generates 15 Insanity.
Void Eruption
50 Insanity
Releases an explosive blast of pure void energy, causing Shadow damage to all enemies within 10 yds of your target. Extending the duration of Shadow Word: Pain and Vampiric Touch by 3 sec.
Painful Dark
Shadow Crash cooldown is reduced by 2 seconds for each target critically struck and applies Shadow Word: Pain to each target.
Spectral Shift
Gain 1 charge of Spectral Guise and you have a 20% chance to cast Spectral Guise upon getting hit with a melee attack. Cannot occur more than once every 30 sec.
This effect does not consume a charge of Spectral Guise.
Binding Shadows
Your Living Shadow and Spectral Guise replicate your next 3 single target Shadow spells on targets your currently in combat with. Spectral Guise now last 6 sec or until killed.
Sanguine Teachings (Choice) Switch talent with San’layn
Vampiric Touch and Devouring Plague heals you and your group or raid for 25% of the damage dealt.
Dark Contagion
While your Devouring Plague is active on a target, every target afflicted by your Shadow Word: Pain & Vampiric Touch deal an additional 50% of their damage to all targets within 5 yards.
- Dark Archangel: Death
While under the effects of Dark Archangel, your Shadow Word: Deaths cooldown is reduced by 50% and does 100% additional damage to targets afflicted with Shadow Word: Pain, Vampiric Touch & Devouring Plague.
If Dark Archangel is known, also grant 20% Mind Spells damage and 5% Haste.
(Choice) Switch Talent
- Voidform
1.5 min cooldown
Twists your Shadowform with the powers of the Void, increasing spell damage you deal by 20% and granting an additional charge of Mind Blast, and refreshing Mind Blast’s cooldown.
Last 15 sec.
(Replaces Dark Archangel if known)
Unleash the Shadows
your Shadowy Apparitions now explode for 50% additional damage within 5 yards when they hit the target.
Intangibility + Mental Fortitude as a (Choice) Switch talent
Upon death, your shadow persists for 8 sec, You cannot move, allowing you to continue fighting.
Grants immunity to all damage and harmful effects for the duration.
Mind Melt
Increases your Mind spells critically strike chance by 10%.
Mental Fragments
Your Mind Blast reduces the cooldown of Dark Archangel or Voidform by 3 sec.
Mind Spike
Blasts the target for Shadowfrost damage, but extinguishes your Shadow damage-over-time effects from the target in the process.
Mind Spike also increases the critical strike chance of your next Mind Blast on the target by 30%. Stacks up to 3 times.
Dark Archangel: Deaths Wraith
While under the effects of Dark Archangel, your Shadow Word: Death has 1 additional charge & cleaves 2 additional nearby targets afflicting each target struck with Deaths Wraith for 10 sec.
Your Shadow Word: Death causes each target with Deaths Wraith to erupt with Shadow damage causing 50% of the damage dealt to all targets within 5 yards.
- Void Torrent
(Replaces Mind Flay while in Voidform)
Channel a torrent of void energy into the target, causing Shadow damage over 4.5 sec and reduces Voidforms cooldown by 1 sec each time it does damage. Reduces Voidform cooldown by an additional 1 sec for each of your damage over time spells afflicted on the target. This effect is doubled when it critically strikes.
(Choice) Switch talent
- Insanity
Casting Devouring Plague transforms your Mind Flay spell into Insanity for 5 seconds. Insanity’s damage is double that of Mind Flay.
Void Bolt
Sends a bolt of pure void energy at the enemy, causing Shadow damage
refreshing the duration of Devouring Plague on the target and extending the duration of Shadow Word: Pain and Vampiric Touch on all nearby targets by 3 sec
Requires Voidform.
Generates 12 Insanity.
Surge of Darkness
Your Devouring Plague and Vampiric Touch have a 10% chance to make your next Mind Spike instant, deal 50% more damage, and not consume your damage-over-time effects. Up to 3 charges.
Clarity of Power
Your Mind Spike, Mind Sear, and Shadow Word: Death deal 40% additional damage to targets not affected by your Shadow Word: Pain or Vampiric Touch. Also reduces the cooldown on Mind Blast by 3 sec and makes it instant cast.
Auspicious Spirits
You shadowy Apparitions have an increased 20% chance to critically hit and generate 3 insanity.
Unstable Darkness
Dark Archangel
increases your critical strike chance by 30% for 15 sec, reducing by 2% every sec.
Idol of the Gods
Idol of C’Thun
Mind Flay and Mind Sear have a chance to spawn a Void Tendril or Void Lasher that channels at your target for 15 sec, generating 3 insanity every 1 sec.
Idol of Yogg-Saron
After conjuring 50 Shadowy Apparitions, you summon a Thing from Beyond that serves you for 20 sec. The Thing from Beyond blasts enemies for Shadow damage.
Idol of N’Zoth
Damage dealt by Shadow word: Pain, Vampiric Touch, and Devouring Plague has a 20% chance to apply Echoing Void. Each time Echoing Void is applied, it has a chance to collapse, dealing Shadow damage to all nearby enemies untill no stacks remain.
Idol of Y’Shaarj
Shadowfiend causes you to gain a benefit based on your targets current emotional state.
Shadow Power
Increases the critical damage of your Shadow spells by 10/20%.
- Dark Alignment
(Replaces Power Infusion)
You and the nearest party or raid member gain Power Infusion at 60% effectiveness when you have Shadow Word: Pain, Vampiric Touch & Devouring Plague on the same target.
(Choice) Switch talent
- Overwhelming Power
Your Power Infusion provides 60% more power.
- Power Overwhelming
Devouring Plague and Void Eruption has a 10/20% chance to Activate Dark Archangel or Voidform for 6 sec. If you are currently under the effects of Dark Archangel or Voidform, then extend the duration by 6 sec.
1.3.7:custom:1:Shadow Priest - Aneurysm-09 - Clean:This is the preset for the Shadow Priest.__n__You can start editing the tree/loadout now.:TTM Note__cl____n__Due to tree changes loadout has been revalidated and one or more skillset was invalidated!__n____n__:42:0;0:Mind Flay:Assaults the target's mind with Shadow energy__cm__ causing (128.4% of Spell power) Shadow damage over 4.5 sec and slowing their movement speed by 50%.:0:1:9:1:0:0::2,1,58,19,17:mindFlay.png,default.png;1:Vampiric Touch:A touch of darkness that causes 49 Shadow damage over 21 sec__cm__ and heals you for 50% of damage dealt.__n____n__Vampiric Touch__n__If Vampiric Touch is dispelled__cm__ the dispeller flees in Horror for 3 sec__n____n__Generates 5 Insanity.:0:5:7:1:0:0:0:10,6,11:vampiricTouch.png,default.png;2:Devouring Plague:Afflicts the target with a disease that instantly causes (49.036% of Spell power) Shadow damage plus an additional 4 Shadow damage over 6 sec. Heals you for 50% of damage dealt.__n____n__If this effect is reapplied__cm__ any remaining damage will be added to the new Devouring Plague.:0:3:6:1:0:0:0:11:devouringPlague.png,default.png;6:Misery:Vampiric Touch also applies Shadow Word__cl__ Pain to the target.:1:7:9:1:0:0:1::misery.png,misery.png;9:Vampiric Embrace:Fills you with the embrace of Shadow energy for 15 sec__cm__ causing you to heal a nearby ally for 50% of any single-target Shadow spell damage you deal.:0:9:7:1:8:0:11:14,43,46:vampiricEmbrace.png,default.png;10:Unfurling Darkness:After casting Vampiric Touch on a target__cm__ your next Vampiric Touch within 8 sec is instant cast and deals (105.4% of Spell power) Shadow damage immediately.__n____n__This effect cannot occur more than once every 15 sec.:1:7:7:1:0:0:1::unfurlingDarkness.png,default.png;11:Vampiric Insight:Vampiric Touch periodic damage has a chance to reset the remaining cooldown on Mind Blast and cause your next Mind Blast to be instant.__n____n__Mind Blast gains 1 additional charge.:1:7:5:1:0:0:2,1:24,9,39:vampiricInsight.png,default.png;13:Dispersion:Disperse into pure shadow energy__cm__ reducing all damage taken by 75% for 6 sec__cm__ but you are unable to attack or cast spells.__n____n__Dispersion__n__Increases movement speed by 50% and makes you immune to all movement impairing effects__n____n__Castable while stunned__cm__ feared__cm__ or silenced.:0:9:11:1:8:0:16:20,43,34:dispersion.png,default.png;14:San'layn,Sanguine Teachings:Reduces the cooldown of Vampiric Embrace by 45 sec and increases its healing done by 25%.,Vampiric Touch and Devouring Plague heals you and your group or raid for 25% of the damage dealt.:2:11:5:1:8:0:9:44,31:sanlayn.png,sanguineTeachings.png;16:Shadowy Apparitions:When you use Mind Blast__cm__ Devouring Plague or Void Bolt you also create a shadowy version of yourself that floats towards all targets afflicted by your Vampiric Touch dealing (17% of Spell power)% Shadow damage.__n____n__Critical strikes will cause two Apparitions to be created.:1:7:13:1:0:0:58,17:13,18,47:shadowyApparitions.png,default.png;17:Void Eruption:50 Insanity__n__Releases an explosive blast of pure void energy__cm__ causing Shadow damage to all enemies within 10 yds of your target. Extending the duration of Shadow Word__cl__ Pain and Vampiric Touch by 3 sec.:0:3:12:1:0:0:0:16:voidEruption.png,default.png;18:Monomania:While channeling Mind Flay or Mind Sear__cm__ the rate of your Vampiric Touch and Shadow Word__cl__ Pain on your current target is increased by 100%.:1:9:13:1:8:0:16::monomania.png,default.png;19:Psychic Horror:Terrifies the target in place__cm__ stunning them for 4 sec.:0:5:9:1:0:0:0::psychicHorror.png,default.png;20:Intangibility,Mental Fortitude:Dispersion heals for 50% of your maximum health over its duration and has 30 sec reduced cooldown.,Healing from Vampiric Touch & Devouring Plague when you are at maximum health will shield you for the same amount. Shield cannot exceed (Total health * 4 / 100) damage absorbed.:2:11:13:1:8:0:13:36,32:intangibility.png,mentalFortitude.png;21:Psychic Link:Mind Blast deals 60% of its damage to all other targets afflicted by your Vampiric Touch within 40 yards.:1:15:9:1:20:0:44,36:27:psychicLink.png,default.png;23:Surrender to Madness,Hungering Void:Deals [(64.6% of Spell power) * 2] Shadow damage to the target and activates Voidform.__n____n__For the next 30 sec__cm__ your Insanity-generating abilities generate 100% more Insanity and you can cast while moving.__n____n__If the target does not die within 30 sec of using Surrender to Madness__cm__ you die.,Void Bolt causes the target to become vulnerable to the void__cm__ increasing their damage taken from you by 10% for 6 sec. This effect may only be active on one target at a time.__n____n__Casting Void Bolt on an enemy that is already vulnerable extends the duration of your Voidform by 1 sec__cm__ or 2 sec if Void Bolt critically strikes.:2:17:13:1:20:0:25::surrenderToMadness.png,hungeringVoid.png;24:Damnation:Instantly afflicts the target with Shadow Word__cl__ Pain__cm__ Vampiric Touch and Devouring Plague.:0:9:5:1:8:0:11::damnation.png,default.png;25:Void Bolt:Sends a bolt of pure void energy at the enemy__cm__ causing Shadow damage__n__refreshing the duration of Devouring Plague on the target and extending the duration of Shadow Word__cl__ Pain and Vampiric Touch on all nearby targets by 3 sec__n____n__Requires Voidform.__n__Generates 12 Insanity.:0:15:13:1:20:0:36:23,57:voidTouched.png,default.png;27:Unstable Darkness:Dark Archangel __n__[Voidform] __n__increases your critical strike chance by 30% for 15 sec__cm__ reducing by 2% every sec.:1:17:9:1:20:0:54,21,29:50,55,51:voidApparitions.png,default.png;29:Void Torrent,Insanity:(Reaplces Mind Flay while in Voidform)__n__Channel a torrent of void energy into the target__cm__ causing Shadow damage over 4.5 sec and reduces Voidforms cooldown by 1 sec each time it does damage. Reduces Voidform cooldown by an additional 1 sec for each of your damage over time spells afflicted on the target. This effect is doubled when it critically strikes.,Casting Devouring Plague transforms your Mind Flay spell into Insanity for 5 seconds. Insanitys damage is double that of Mind Flay.:2:15:11:1:20:0:36:27:voidTorrent.png,ShadowSoulleech.png;31:Insidious Ire:While you have Shadow Word__cl__ Pain__cm__ Devouring Plague__cm__ and Vampiric Touch active on the same target__cm__ your Mind Blast deals 40% more damage.:1:13:3:1:8:0:14::insidiousIre.png,default.png;32:Mind Devourer:Mind Blast deals 10% increased damage and has a 20% chance to make your next Devouring Plague cost no insanity.:1:13:15:1:8:0:20::mindDevourer.png,default.png;34:Unleash the Shadows:your Shadowy Apparitions now explode for 50% additional damage within 5 yards when they hit the target.:1:11:11:1:8:0:13::auspiciousSpirits.png,default.png;36:Abyssal Knowledge:Increases the critical strike chance of Shadow Word__cl__ Pain and Vampiric Touch by 10%.:1:13:11:1:8:0:20:25,21,29:abyssalKnowledge.png,default.png;39:Living Shadow:Consuming Vampiric Insight causes your shadow to animate after a moment. For 10 sec__cm__ whenever you cast a spell__cm__ your shadow will cast a similar spell.:1:9:3:1:8:0:11:49:livingShadow.png,default.png;43:Dark Archangel__cl__ Death,Voidform:While under the effects of Dark Archangel__cm__ your Shadow Word__cl__ Deaths cooldown is reduced by 50% and does 100% additional damage to targets afflicted with Shadow Word__cl__ Pain__cm__ Vampiric Touch & Devouring Plague.__n____n__If Dark Archangel is known__cm__ also grant 20% Mind Spells damage and 5% Haste.,1.5 min cooldown__n__Twists your Shadowform with the powers of the Void__cm__ increasing spell damage you deal by 20% and granting an additional charge of Mind Blast__cm__ and refreshing Mind Blast's cooldown.__n__Last 15 sec.__n____n__(Replaces Dark Archangel if known):2:11:9:1:8:0:9,13:56:DarkArchangel.png,Voidform.png;44:Mind Melt:Increases your Mind spells critically strike chance by 10%.:1:13:7:1:8:0:14:45,54,21:MindMelt.png,default.png;45:Mind Spike:Blasts the target for Shadowfrost damage__cm__ but extinguishes your Shadow damage-over-time effects from the target in the process.__n__Mind Spike also increases the critical strike chance of your next Mind Blast on the target by 30%. Stacks up to 3 times.:0:15:5:1:20:0:44:52,53:MindSpike.png,default.png;46:Dark Contagion:While your Devouring Plague is active on a target__cm__ every target afflicted by your Shadow Word__cl__ Pain & Vampiric Touch deal an additional 50% of their damage to all targets within 5 yards.:1:11:7:1:8:0:9::misery.png,default.png;47:Spectral Shift:Gain 1 charge of Spectral Guise and you have a 20% chance to cast Spectral Guise upon getting hit with a melee attack. Cannot occur more than once every 30 sec.__n__This effect does not consume a charge of Spectral Guise.:1:9:15:1:8:0:16:48:SpectralGuise.png,default.png;48:Anamnesis:Upon death__cm__ your shadow persists for 8 sec__cm__ You cannot move__cm__ allowing you to continue fighting.__n__Grants immunity to all damage and harmful effects for the duration.:1:11:15:1:8:0:47::Shadowform.png,default.png;49:Binding Shadows:Your Living Shadow and Spectral Guise replicate your next 3 single target Shadow spells on targets your currently in combat with. Spectral Guise now last 6 sec or until killed.:1:11:3:1:8:0:39::ShadesofDarkness.png,default.png;50:Shadow Power:Increases the critical damage of your Shadow spells by 10%.,Increases the critical damage of your Shadow spells by 20%.:1:19:7:2:20:0:27::ShadowPower.png,default.png;51:Dark Alignment,Overwhelming Power:(Replaces Power Infusion)__n__You and the nearest party or raid member gain Power Infusion at 60% effectiveness when you have Shadow Word__cl__ Pain__cm__ Vampiric Touch & Devouring Plague on the same target.,Your Power Infusion provides 60% more power.:2:19:9:1:20:0:27::TwistedFaith.png,ReconstitutedPower.png;52:Clarity of Power,Auspicious Spirits:Your Mind Spike__cm__ Mind Sear__cm__ and Shadow Word__cl__ Death deal 40% additional damage to targets not affected by your Shadow Word__cl__ Pain or Vampiric Touch. Also reduces the cooldown on Mind Blast by 3 sec and makes it instant cast.,You shadowy Apparitions have an increased 20% chance to critically hit and generate 3 insanity.:2:17:5:1:20:0:45::mentalFortitude.png,auspiciousSpirits.png;53:Surge of Darkness:Your Devouring Plague and Vampiric Touch have a 10% chance to make your next Mind Spike instant__cm__ deal 50% more damage__cm__ and not consume your damage-over-time effects. Up to 3 charges.:1:17:3:1:20:0:45::SurgeofDarkness.png,default.png;54:Dark Archangel__cl__ Deaths Wraith:While under the effects of Dark Archangel__cm__ your Shadow Word__cl__ Death has 1 additional charge & cleaves 2 additional nearby targets afflicting each target struck with Deaths Wraith.__n____n__Your Shadow Word__cl__ Death causes each target with Deaths Wraith to erupt with Shadow damage causing 50% of the damage dealt to all targets within 5 yards.:1:15:7:1:20:0:44:27:Death.png,default.png;55:Power Overwhelming:Devouring Plague and Void Eruption has a 10% chance to Activate Dark Archangel or Voidform for 6 sec. If you are currently under the effects of Dark Archangel or Voidform__cm__ then extend the duration by 6 sec.,Devouring Plague and Void Eruption has a 20% chance to Activate Dark Archangel or Voidform for 6 sec. If you are currently under the effects of Dark Archangel or Voidform__cm__ then extend the duration by 6 sec.:1:19:11:2:20:0:27::Darknaaru.png,default.png;56:Mental Fragments:Your Mind Blast reduces the cooldown of Dark Archangel or Voidform by 3 sec.:1:13:9:1:8:0:43::Mind.png,default.png;57:Idol of the Gods:Idol of C'Thun__n__Mind Flay and Mind Sear have a chance to spawn a Void Tendril or Void Lasher that channels at your target for 15 sec__cm__ generating 3 insanity every 1 sec.__n____n__Idol of Yogg-Saron__n__After conjuring 50 Shadowy Apparitions__cm__ you summon a Thing from Beyond that serves you for 20 sec. The Thing from Beyond blasts enemies for Shadow damage.__n____n__Idol of N'Zoth__n__Damage dealt by Shadow word__cl__ Pain__cm__ Vampiric Touch__cm__ and Devouring Plague has a 20% chance to apply Echoing Void. Each time Echoing Void is applied__cm__ it has a chance to collapse__cm__ dealing Shadow damage to all nearby enemies untill no stacks remain.__n____n__Idol of Y'Shaarj__n__Shadowfiend causes you to gain a benefit based on your targets current emotional state.:1:17:15:1:20:0:25::ancientMadness.png,default.png;58:Shadow Crash:Hurl a bolt of slow-moving Shadow energy at the destination__cm__ dealing (191.25% of Spell power) Shadow damage to all targets within 8 yards.__n____n__Generates 15 Insanity.:0:5:11:1:0:0:0:16,59:shadowCrash.png,default.png;59:Painful Dark:Shadow Crash cooldown is reduced by 2 seconds for each target critically struck and applies Shadow Word__cl__ Pain to each target.:1:7:11:1:0:0:58::ShadowwordPain.png,default.png;
This is an alternate take on Shadow Priest Talent Tree for 10.0 (Adding some more options on the top section)
New / Modified Talents…
Assume a Shadowform, increasing your spell damage by 15%, reducing all damage done to you by 15%.
Devouring Plague has a 15% chance to flare up dealing 50% more damage for 5 sec.
Void Vulnerability
Your Void Eruption afflicts the target with Void Vulnerability, causing each consecutive Void Eruption to deal 10% additional damage for 10 sec. Stacks up to 3.
Pain of Death
Shadow Word: Pain damage has a 10% chance to empower your next Shadow Word: Death to deal 20% additional damage to every target afflicted by your Shadow Word: Pain for 10 sec.
Death Seizure
Shadow Word: Death has a 15% chance to stun your target for 1 sec.
TTM Export…
1.3.7:custom:1:Shadow Priest - Aneurysm-10 - Clean:This is the preset for the Shadow Priest.__n__You can start editing the tree/loadout now.:TTM Note__cl____n__Due to tree changes loadout has been revalidated and one or more skillset was invalidated!__n____n__:45:1;0:Mind Flay:Assaults the target's mind with Shadow energy__cm__ causing (128.4% of Spell power) Shadow damage over 4.5 sec and slowing their movement speed by 50%.:0:1:9:1:0:0::2,17,19:mindFlay.png,default.png;1:Vampiric Touch:A touch of darkness that causes 49 Shadow damage over 21 sec__cm__ and heals you for 50% of damage dealt.__n____n__Vampiric Touch__n__If Vampiric Touch is dispelled__cm__ the dispeller flees in Horror for 3 sec__n____n__Generates 5 Insanity.:0:5:11:1:0:0:63:6,16,10:vampiricTouch.png,default.png;2:Devouring Plague:Afflicts the target with a disease that instantly causes (49.036% of Spell power) Shadow damage plus an additional 4 Shadow damage over 6 sec. Heals you for 50% of damage dealt.__n____n__If this effect is reapplied__cm__ any remaining damage will be added to the new Devouring Plague.:0:3:6:1:0:0:0:11,62:devouringPlague.png,default.png;6:Misery:Vampiric Touch also applies Shadow Word__cl__ Pain to the target.:1:7:11:1:0:0:1::misery.png,misery.png;9:Vampiric Embrace:Fills you with the embrace of Shadow energy for 15 sec__cm__ causing you to heal a nearby ally for 50% of any single-target Shadow spell damage you deal.:0:9:7:1:8:0:11:14,43,46:vampiricEmbrace.png,default.png;10:Unfurling Darkness:After casting Vampiric Touch on a target__cm__ your next Vampiric Touch within 8 sec is instant cast and deals (105.4% of Spell power) Shadow damage immediately.__n____n__This effect cannot occur more than once every 15 sec.:1:7:9:1:0:0:1::unfurlingDarkness.png,default.png;11:Vampiric Insight:Vampiric Touch periodic damage has a chance to reset the remaining cooldown on Mind Blast and cause your next Mind Blast to be instant.__n____n__Mind Blast gains 1 additional charge.:1:7:5:1:0:0:2,59:24,9,39:vampiricInsight.png,default.png;13:Dispersion:Disperse into pure shadow energy__cm__ reducing all damage taken by 75% for 6 sec__cm__ but you are unable to attack or cast spells.__n____n__Dispersion__n__Increases movement speed by 50% and makes you immune to all movement impairing effects__n____n__Castable while stunned__cm__ feared__cm__ or silenced.:0:9:11:1:8:0:16:20,43,34:dispersion.png,default.png;14:San'layn,Sanguine Teachings:Reduces the cooldown of Vampiric Embrace by 45 sec and increases its healing done by 25%.,Vampiric Touch and Devouring Plague heals you and your group or raid for 25% of the damage dealt.:2:11:5:1:8:0:9:44,31:sanlayn.png,sanguineTeachings.png;16:Shadowy Apparitions:When you use Mind Blast__cm__ Devouring Plague or Void Bolt you also create a shadowy version of yourself that floats towards all targets afflicted by your Vampiric Touch dealing (17% of Spell power)% Shadow damage.__n____n__Critical strikes will cause two Apparitions to be created.:1:7:13:1:0:0:17,1:13,18,47:shadowyApparitions.png,default.png;17:Void Eruption:50 Insanity__n__Releases an explosive blast of pure void energy__cm__ causing Shadow damage to all enemies within 10 yds of your target. Extending the duration of Shadow Word__cl__ Pain and Vampiric Touch by 3 sec.:0:3:12:1:0:0:0:16,60:voidEruption.png,default.png;18:Monomania:While channeling Mind Flay or Mind Sear__cm__ the rate of your Vampiric Touch and Shadow Word__cl__ Pain on your current target is increased by 100%.:1:9:13:1:8:0:16::monomania.png,default.png;19:Psychic Horror:Terrifies the target in place__cm__ stunning them for 4 sec.:0:5:9:1:0:0:0::psychicHorror.png,default.png;20:Intangibility,Mental Fortitude:Dispersion heals for 50% of your maximum health over its duration and has 30 sec reduced cooldown.,Healing from Vampiric Touch & Devouring Plague when you are at maximum health will shield you for the same amount. Shield cannot exceed (Total health * 4 / 100) damage absorbed.:2:11:13:1:8:0:13:36,32:intangibility.png,mentalFortitude.png;21:Psychic Link:Mind Blast deals 60% of its damage to all other targets afflicted by your Vampiric Touch within 40 yards.:1:15:9:1:20:0:44,36:27:psychicLink.png,default.png;23:Surrender to Madness,Hungering Void:Deals [(64.6% of Spell power) * 2] Shadow damage to the target and activates Voidform.__n____n__For the next 30 sec__cm__ your Insanity-generating abilities generate 100% more Insanity and you can cast while moving.__n____n__If the target does not die within 30 sec of using Surrender to Madness__cm__ you die.,Void Bolt causes the target to become vulnerable to the void__cm__ increasing their damage taken from you by 10% for 6 sec. This effect may only be active on one target at a time.__n____n__Casting Void Bolt on an enemy that is already vulnerable extends the duration of your Voidform by 1 sec__cm__ or 2 sec if Void Bolt critically strikes.:2:17:13:1:20:0:25::surrenderToMadness.png,hungeringVoid.png;24:Damnation:Instantly afflicts the target with Shadow Word__cl__ Pain__cm__ Vampiric Touch and Devouring Plague.:0:9:5:1:8:0:11::damnation.png,default.png;25:Void Bolt:Sends a bolt of pure void energy at the enemy__cm__ causing Shadow damage__n__refreshing the duration of Devouring Plague on the target and extending the duration of Shadow Word__cl__ Pain and Vampiric Touch on all nearby targets by 3 sec__n____n__Requires Voidform.__n__Generates 12 Insanity.:0:15:13:1:20:0:36:23,57:voidTouched.png,default.png;27:Unstable Darkness:Dark Archangel __n__[Voidform] __n__increases your critical strike chance by 30% for 15 sec__cm__ reducing by 2% every sec.:1:17:9:1:20:0:21,29,54:50,55,51:voidApparitions.png,default.png;29:Void Torrent,Insanity:(Reaplces Mind Flay while in Voidform)__n__Channel a torrent of void energy into the target__cm__ causing Shadow damage over 4.5 sec and reduces Voidforms cooldown by 1 sec each time it does damage. Reduces Voidform cooldown by an additional 1 sec for each of your damage over time spells afflicted on the target. This effect is doubled when it critically strikes.,Casting Devouring Plague transforms your Mind Flay spell into Insanity for 5 seconds. Insanitys damage is double that of Mind Flay.:2:15:11:1:20:0:36:27:voidTorrent.png,ShadowSoulleech.png;31:Insidious Ire:While you have Shadow Word__cl__ Pain__cm__ Devouring Plague__cm__ and Vampiric Touch active on the same target__cm__ your Mind Blast deals 40% more damage.:1:13:3:1:8:0:14::insidiousIre.png,default.png;32:Mind Devourer:Mind Blast deals 10% increased damage and has a 20% chance to make your next Devouring Plague cost no insanity.:1:13:15:1:8:0:20::mindDevourer.png,default.png;34:Unleash the Shadows:your Shadowy Apparitions now explode for 50% additional damage within 5 yards when they hit the target.:1:11:11:1:8:0:13::auspiciousSpirits.png,default.png;36:Abyssal Knowledge:Increases the critical strike chance of Shadow Word__cl__ Pain and Vampiric Touch by 10%.:1:13:11:1:8:0:20:25,21,29:abyssalKnowledge.png,default.png;39:Living Shadow:Consuming Vampiric Insight causes your shadow to animate after a moment. For 10 sec__cm__ whenever you cast a spell__cm__ your shadow will cast a similar spell.:1:9:3:1:8:0:11:49:livingShadow.png,default.png;43:Dark Archangel__cl__ Death,Voidform:While under the effects of Dark Archangel__cm__ your Shadow Word__cl__ Deaths cooldown is reduced by 50% and does 100% additional damage to targets afflicted with Shadow Word__cl__ Pain__cm__ Vampiric Touch & Devouring Plague.__n____n__If Dark Archangel is known__cm__ also grant 20% Mind Spells damage and 5% Haste.,1.5 min cooldown__n__Twists your Shadowform with the powers of the Void__cm__ increasing spell damage you deal by 20% and granting an additional charge of Mind Blast__cm__ and refreshing Mind Blast's cooldown.__n__Last 15 sec.__n____n__(Replaces Dark Archangel if known):2:11:9:1:8:0:9,13:56:DarkArchangel.png,Voidform.png;44:Mind Melt:Increases your Mind spells critically strike chance by 10%.:1:13:7:1:8:0:14:45,21,54:MindMelt.png,default.png;45:Mind Spike:Blasts the target for Shadowfrost damage__cm__ but extinguishes your Shadow damage-over-time effects from the target in the process.__n__Mind Spike also increases the critical strike chance of your next Mind Blast on the target by 30%. Stacks up to 3 times.:0:15:5:1:20:0:44:52,53:MindSpike.png,default.png;46:Dark Contagion:While your Devouring Plague is active on a target__cm__ every target afflicted by your Shadow Word__cl__ Pain & Vampiric Touch deal an additional 50% of their damage to all targets within 5 yards.:1:11:7:1:8:0:9::misery.png,default.png;47:Spectral Shift:Gain 1 charge of Spectral Guise and you have a 20% chance to cast Spectral Guise upon getting hit with a melee attack. Cannot occur more than once every 30 sec.__n__This effect does not consume a charge of Spectral Guise.:1:9:15:1:8:0:16:48:SpectralGuise.png,default.png;48:Anamnesis:Upon death__cm__ your shadow persists for 8 sec__cm__ You cannot move__cm__ allowing you to continue fighting.__n__Grants immunity to all damage and harmful effects for the duration.:1:11:15:1:8:0:47::Shadowform.png,default.png;49:Binding Shadows:Your Living Shadow and Spectral Guise replicate your next 3 single target Shadow spells on targets your currently in combat with. Spectral Guise now last 6 sec or until killed.:1:11:3:1:8:0:39::ShadesofDarkness.png,default.png;50:Shadow Power:Increases the critical damage of your Shadow spells by 10%.,Increases the critical damage of your Shadow spells by 20%.:1:19:7:2:20:0:27::ShadowPower.png,default.png;51:Dark Alignment,Overwhelming Power:(Replaces Power Infusion)__n__You and the nearest party or raid member gain Power Infusion at 60% effectiveness when you have Shadow Word__cl__ Pain__cm__ Vampiric Touch & Devouring Plague on the same target.,Your Power Infusion provides 60% more power.:2:19:9:1:20:0:27::TwistedFaith.png,Overpowered.png;52:Clarity of Power,Auspicious Spirits:Your Mind Spike__cm__ Mind Sear__cm__ and Shadow Word__cl__ Death deal 40% additional damage to targets not affected by your Shadow Word__cl__ Pain or Vampiric Touch. Also reduces the cooldown on Mind Blast by 3 sec and makes it instant cast.,You shadowy Apparitions have an increased 20% chance to critically hit and generate 3 insanity.:2:17:5:1:20:0:45::mentalFortitude.png,auspiciousSpirits.png;53:Surge of Darkness:Your Devouring Plague and Vampiric Touch have a 10% chance to make your next Mind Spike instant__cm__ deal 50% more damage__cm__ and not consume your damage-over-time effects. Up to 3 charges.:1:17:3:1:20:0:45::SurgeofDarkness.png,default.png;54:Dark Archangel__cl__ Deaths Wraith:While under the effects of Dark Archangel__cm__ your Shadow Word__cl__ Death has 1 additional charge & cleaves 2 additional nearby targets afflicting each target struck with Deaths Wraith for 10 sec. __n____n__Your Shadow Word__cl__ Death causes each target with Deaths Wraith to erupt with Shadow damage causing 50% of the damage dealt to all targets witin 5 yards.:1:15:7:1:20:0:44:27:Death.png,default.png;55:Power Overwhelming:Devouring Plague and Void Eruption has a 10% chance to Activate Dark Archangel or Voidform for 6 sec. If you are currently under the effects of Dark Archangel or Voidform__cm__ then extend the duration by 6 sec.,Devouring Plague and Void Eruption has a 20% chance to Activate Dark Archangel or Voidform for 6 sec. If you are currently under the effects of Dark Archangel or Voidform__cm__ then extend the duration by 6 sec.:1:19:11:2:20:0:27::Darknaaru.png,default.png;56:Mental Fragments:Your Mind Blast reduces the cooldown of Dark Archangel or Voidform by 3 sec.:1:13:9:1:8:0:43::Mind.png,default.png;57:Idol of the Gods:Idol of C'Thun__n__Mind Flay and Mind Sear have a chance to spawn a Void Tendril or Void Lasher that channels at your target for 15 sec__cm__ generating 3 insanity every 1 sec.__n____n__Idol of Yogg-Saron__n__After conjuring 50 Shadowy Apparitions__cm__ you summon a Thing from Beyond that serves you for 20 sec. The Thing from Beyond blasts enemies for Shadow damage.__n____n__Idol of N'Zoth__n__Damage dealt by Shadow word__cl__ Pain__cm__ Vampiric Touch__cm__ and Devouring Plague has a 20% chance to apply Echoing Void. Each time Echoing Void is applied__cm__ it has a chance to collapse__cm__ dealing Shadow damage to all nearby enemies untill no stacks remain.__n____n__Idol of Y'Shaarj__n__Shadowfiend causes you to gain a benefit based on your targets current emotional state.:1:17:15:1:20:0:25::ancientMadness.png,default.png;59:Pain of Death:Shadow Word__cl__ Pain damage has a 10% chance to empower your next Shadow Word__cl__ Death to deal 20% additional damage to every target afflicted by your Shadow Word__cl__ Pain for 10 sec.:1:5:7:1:0:0:63:11,61:ShadowwordPain.png,default.png;60:Void Vulnerability:Your Void Eruption afflicts the target with Void Vulnerability__cm__ causing each consecutive Void Eruption to deal 10% additional damage for 10 sec. Stacks up to 3. :1:5:15:1:0:0:17::ShadowOrbPurple.png,default.png;61:Death Seizure:Shadow Word__cl__ Death has a 15% chance to stun your target for 1 sec.:1:7:7:1:0:0:59::shadowWordDeath.png,default.png;62:Convulsion:Devouring Plague has a 15% chance to flare up dealing 50% more damage for 5 sec.:1:5:3:1:0:0:2::PlagueBloom.png,default.png;63:Shadowform:Assume a Shadowform__cm__ increasing your spell damage by 15%__cm__ reducing all damage done to you by 15%.:0:3:9:1:0:0::1,59:Shadowform.png,default.png;New skillset,70,1:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0;
This is my initial take on Shadow Priest Talent Tree for 10.0 using Shadow Orb’s as a resource
Baseline Maximum Shadow Orbs
Rotational Abilities that generate Shadow Orbs…
- Shadow Word: Death
- Void Bolt
Other Shadow Orb generators and interactions can be seen below in the talents…
Shadow 10.0 Talent Tree - Shadow Orb Resource variant…
New / Modified Talents…
Devouring Plague
3 Shadow Orbs
Afflicts the target with a disease that instantly causes (49.036% of Spell power) Shadow damage plus an additional 4 Shadow damage over 6 sec. Heals you for 50% of damage dealt.
If this effect is reapplied, any remaining damage will be added to the new Devouring Plague.
Void Eruption
3 Shadow Orbs
Releases an explosive blast of pure void energy, causing Shadow damage to all enemies within 10 yds of your target. Extending the duration of Shadow Word: Pain and Vampiric Touch by 3 sec.
Orb of Darkness
When you consume Shadow Orbs, you have a 15% chance per orb consumed to empower your next Mind Blast or Shadow Word Death to Deal 50% additional damage and generate an additional Shadow Orb.
Assume a Shadowform, increasing your spell damage by 15%, reducing all damage done to you by 15%.
Dark Infusion
Consuming any Shadow Orb increases your haste by 15% while in Shadowform for 6 sec.
- Dying Light
Your Shadow Fiend generates 3 Shadow Orbs per hit.
(Switch) Choice Talent)
- Embrace the Void
Your Mindbender extends Dark Archangel or Voidform by 3 sec per hit.
Spectral Shift
Gain 1 charge of Spectral Guise and you have a 20% chance to cast Spectral Guise upon getting hit with a melee attack. Cannot occur more than once every 30 sec.
This effect does not consume a charge of Spectral Guise.
Binding Shadows
Your Living Shadow and Spectral Guise replicate your next 3 single target Shadow spells on targets your currently in combat with. Spectral Guise now last 6 sec or until killed.
Sanguine Teachings
Vampiric Touch and Devouring Plague heals you and your group or raid for 25% of the damage dealt.
Dark Contagion
While your Devouring Plague is active on a target, every target afflicted by your Shadow Word: Pain & Vampiric Touch deal an additional 50% of their damage to all targets within 5 yards.
Dark Archangel: Death
While under the effects of Dark Archangel, your Shadow Word: Deaths cooldown is reduced by 50% and does 100% additional damage to targets afflicted with Shadow Word: Pain, Vampiric Touch & Devouring Plague.
If Dark Archangel is known, also grant 20% Mind Spells damage and 5% Haste.
Unleash the Shadows
your Shadowy Apparitions now explode for 50% additional damage within 5 yards when they hit the target.
Upon death, your shadow persists for 8 sec, You cannot move, allowing you to continue fighting.
Grants immunity to all damage and harmful effects for the duration.
Mind Melt
Increases your Mind spells critically strike chance by 10%.
Pain of Death
Your Shadow Word: Pain damage has a chance to empower your Shadow Word: Death to deal additional damage to every target afflicted by your Shadow Word: Pain.
Mental Fragments
Your Mind Blast reduces the cooldown of Dark Archangel or Voidform by 3 sec.
Mind Spike
Blasts the target for Shadowfrost damage, but extinguishes your Shadow damage-over-time effects from the target in the process.
Mind Spike also increases the critical strike chance of your next Mind Blast on the target by 30%. Stacks up to 3 times.
Dark Archangel: Deaths Wraith
While under the effects of Dark Archangel, your Shadow Word: Death has 1 additional charge & cleaves 2 additional nearby targets afflicting each target struck with Deaths Wraith for 10 sec.
Your Shadow Word: Death causes each target with Deaths Wraith to erupt with Shadow damage causing 50% of the damage dealt to all targets within 5 yards.
If Dark Archangel is known, also grant 20% Mind Spells damage and 5% Haste.
- Coalescing Shadows
While under the effects of Dark Archangel or Voidform, Generate 1 orb every 3 seconds.
(Switch) Choice Talent
- Focusing Shadows
While under the effects of Dark Archangel or Voidform, your maximum Shadow Orbs is increased by 1.
- Void Torrent
(Replaces Mind Flay while in Voidform)
Channel a torrent of void energy into the target, causing Shadow damage over 4.5 sec and reduces Voidforms cooldown by 1 sec each time it does damage. Reduces Voidform cooldown by an additional 1 sec for each of your damage over time spells afflicted on the target. This effect is doubled when it critically strikes.
(Switch) Choice Talent
- Insanity
Casting Devouring Plague transforms your Mind Flay spell into Insanity for 5 seconds. Insanity’s damage is double that of Mind Flay.
Void Bolt
Sends a bolt of pure void energy at the enemy, causing Shadow damage
refreshing the duration of Devouring Plague on the target and extending the duration of Shadow Word: Pain and Vampiric Touch on all nearby targets by 3 sec
Requires Voidform.
Generates 1 Shadow Orb
Surge of Darkness
Your Devouring Plague and Vampiric Touch have a 10% chance to make your next Mind Spike instant, deal 50% more damage, and not consume your damage-over-time effects. Up to 3 charges.
Clarity of Power
Your Mind Spike, Mind Sear, and Shadow Word: Death deal 40% additional damage to targets not affected by your Shadow Word: Pain or Vampiric Touch. Also reduces the cooldown on Mind Blast by 3 sec and makes it instant cast.
Auspicious Spirits
You shadowy Apparitions have an increased 20% chance to critically hit and generate 1 Shadow Orb
Unstable Darkness
Dark Archangel
increases your critical strike chance by 30% for 15 sec, reducing by 2% every sec.
Surrender to Madness
Deals [(64.6% of Spell power) * 2] Shadow damage to the target and activates Voidform.
For the next 30 sec, your Shadow Orb generating abilities generate additional Shadow Orb and you can cast while moving.
If the target does not die within 30 sec of using Surrender to Madness, you die.
Idol of the Gods
- Idol of C’Thun
Mind Flay and Mind Sear have a chance to spawn a Void Tendril or Void Lasher that channels at your target for 15 sec, generating 1 Shadow Orb every 3 sec.
Idol of Yogg-Saron
After conjuring 50 Shadowy Apparitions, you summon a Thing from Beyond that serves you for 20 sec. The Thing from Beyond blasts enemies for Shadow damage.
Idol of N’Zoth
Damage dealt by Shadow word: Pain, Vampiric Touch, and Devouring Plague has a 20% chance to apply Echoing Void. Each time Echoing Void is applied, it has a chance to collapse, dealing Shadow damage to all nearby enemies untill no stacks remain.
Idol of Y’Shaarj
Shadowfiend causes you to gain a benefit based on your targets current emotional state.
Shadow Power
Increases the critical damage of your Shadow spells by 10/20%.
- Dark Alignment
(Replaces Power Infusion)
You and the nearest party or raid member gain Power Infusion at 60% effectiveness when you have Shadow Word: Pain, Vampiric Touch & Devouring Plague on the same target.
(Switch) Choice Talent
- Overwhelming Power
Your Power Infusion provides 60% more power.
- Power Overwhelming
Devouring Plague and Void Eruption has a 10/20% chance to Activate Dark Archangel or Voidform for 6 sec. If you are currently under the effects of Dark Archangel or Voidform, then extend the duration by 6 sec.
Link to TTM builder…
My take on cleaning up the NEW Priest Class Talent Tree…
Priest Class 10.0 Tree - Altered Variant
Priest Class 10.0 Tree - Altered Variant (Readable)
What’s Removed…
- Vampiric Embrace
- Why?
Holy and Disc have very little Shadow Spell interaction that takes advantage of Vampiric Embrace.
Shadow is known for its damage leeching capability. It should stay with Shadow as a major reason to bring Shadow over other class/spec options.
- San’layn
- Why?
With Vampiric Embrace moved back to Shadow, San’layn will follow suite.
What’s Changed…
Leap of Faith (Add Vault of Heavens as a (Switch) Choice talent)
Vault of Heavens
Causes you to leap to your target.
Psychic Voice (Add Petrified as a (Switch) Choice talent)
Targets of your Psychic Scream now tremble in place instead of fleeing in fear.
Translucent Image
Fade reduces damage you take by 10%.
- Why?
5% damage reduction seems a bit too low. Suggest bringing it up to 10%
Angelic Bulwark
When an attack brings you below 30% health, you gain an absorption shield equal to 15% of your maximum health for 20 sec. Cannot occur more than once every 90 sec.
While you have Power Word: Shield on yourself, you take 10% less damage.
- Why?
For a capstone talent, this seems pretty weak. Having the ability to Shield yourself and having passive damage reduction for a “capstone” talent is actually compelling when faced with instant mega damage moments.
What’s New…
Silences the target, preventing them from casting spells for 4 sec. Against non-players, also interrupts spellcasting and prevents any spell in that school from being cast for 4 sec.
- Why?
At this point with every single other class in the game getting an interrupt, I think its pretty much accepted that you should have the capability to interrupt. Perhaps baseline should be only an interrupt on a 1 min cooldown. Then Last word it upgrades into a Silence?
Some people suggest having a baseline interrupt in the class tree and upgrade into a silence in Shadows tree. But that just wont work. You would have to spend 2 points on something you already should have with just 1 point for Shadow and that opens up the possibly that you can get the upgrade talent in Shadow without getting the base interrupt in Class tree. That is VERY awkward.
Last Word
Reduces the cooldown of Silence by 15 sec.
Inner Focus
Instant 3 min cooldown
When activated, reduces the Mana cost of your next 3 spells by 100% and increases its critical effect chance by 25% if it is capable of a critical effect.
- Why?
Compelling reason for Shadow to pick up for the crit factor alone. Also helps the Crit effect talent synergy for Holy and Discipline in addition to another Mana efficiency talent.
Spectral Guise
Instant 30 sec cooldown
Your shadow blurs into the darkness, leaving your true form behind. As a shadow you are stealthed, but remain in combat. Lasts 6 sec or until your true form is hit by 3 direct attacks.
- Why?
This is sun such a fun ability to skip around area to not pull mobs as well as in open world and PvP.
If its an issue with avoiding mechanics, make it a longer cooldown like 2 min or something.
Light’s Inspiration
Desperate Prayer heals you for an additional 5/10% of your maximum health over 5 sec.
- Light’s Inspiration seems to be lacking. I honestly don’t think Desperate Prayer should be a baseline ability. It should be in the class talent tree or removed entirely. As evidence with this Light’s Inspiration talent, its pretty bland and lacks any interesting ideas/mechanics supporting it.
(New) Renewed Bulwark (Replaces Light’s Inspiration)
Your Power Word: Shield has a 50/100% chance to apply or extend renew by 6 sec to your target.
My take on cleaning up the NEW Shadow Talent Tree…
So after reading and watching and my own theory crafting on what would be “fun” to play Shadow as, I took the new current talent tree for Shadow and rearranged it a bit and removed/added things that I don’t think really mattered / made much of an impact.
Shadow Priest 10.0 Tree - Altered Variant
Shadow Priest 10.0 Tree - Altered Variant (Readable)
What’s Removed…
- Silence - Intended to be moved to Class tree (Take Vampiric Embrace slot)
- Painbreaker’s Psalm – Shadow Word: Death consumes 4 seconds/8 seconds of Shadow Word: Pain and Vampiric Touch, instantly dealing that damage to the target and generating up to 10/20 Insanity.
- Why?
The idea that you consume your dots but only partially doesn’t really mesh well with either the DOT aspect of Shadow or the Mind Spike aspect of Shadow. Perhaps if SW:D consumed the entirety of the DOT affect and converted it into damage would then feel good going into Mind Spike.
- Dark Void – Unleashes an explosion of dark energy around the target, dealing Shadow damage and applying Shadow Word: Pain to your target and 7 nearby enemies. Generates 20 Insanity.
- Why?
It seemed to compete with Shadow Crash. With how Shadow Crash synergizes with Misery, it ends up feeling way better to just take Misery and Shadow Crash. This also removed button bloat.
- Malediction
- Why?
Combined Damnation & Void Torrent together. It made no sense to have Malediction after the fact.
- Piercing Shadows
- Why?
Seemed to be either a placeholder or just very little impact on the rest of the shadow tree. Just a boring Maintenance buff.
- Surrender to Madness
- Why?
Its a relic now. Replaced with Dark Ascension: Death (See below)
What’s Changed…
- Vampiric Insight - Gave it back its +1 Mind Blast Charge. Combined it with Mind Melt as a (Choice) Swap talent since they both allow different ways to get an instant cast Mind Blast
- Mind Melt - Added +20% damage since you cant reset it from Vampiric Insight. Now it will hit harder when you get the instant cast effect from Mind Melt +2 stacks.
- Mind Melt (Reduce the cooldown of Mind Blast from Mind Spike) (Prefer this one)
Mind Spike reduces cast time of your next Mind Blast by 50%, stacking up to 2 times.
Lasts 6 sec.
Your Mind Spikes reduce the cooldown on Mind Blast by 1.5 or 2 sec.
- Having Mind Blast base CD being 15 sec, then class talent Improved Mind Blast lowering CD to 9 sec… it would be cool to get a WoD Clarity of Power type of Mind Blast cooldown. So having Mind Spike reduce CD by 1.5 or 2 sec + the 1 sec to cast Mind Spike * 3 = around that 7.5-9 sec reduction which leads into an instant cast Mind Blast. This would make Burst target swapping feel really good.
Dark Ascension & Void Eruption are now a (Choice) Swap talent.
- Why?
It seemed to get very awkward if you took both of them in the tree. So I merged them.
What’s New…
- Vampiric Embrace - Swapped with Silence.
- Sanguine Teachings - Vampiric Touch and Devouring Plague heals you and your group or raid for 25% of the damage dealt.
- Why?
I wanted to bring a passive healing style back like what we had in the past. In this version, you will always have Vampiric Touch and Devouring Plague passively heal you and your Group/raid. Numbers and effects can be adjusted accordingly.
Also, This would synergize well with Mental Fortitude. Your Vampiric Touch and Devouring Plague will passively heal you if your missing health. Then once you are full health, the Mental Fortitude effect will then start building an absorb shield.
- Living Shadow (Changed it activation trigger)
Mind Blast has a 20% chance to cause your shadow to animate after a moment. For 10 sec, whenever you cast a spell, your shadow will cast a similar spell.
- Unstable Darkness (Changed name from Ancient Madness to more align with both Dark Ascension & Void Eruption Themes)
Dark Ascension
increases your critical strike chance by 15/30% for 15 sec, reducing by 2% every sec.
- Dark Ascension: Death (Replaced Surrender to Madness)
While under the effects of Dark Ascension, your Shadow Word: Deaths cooldown is reduced by 50% and does 100% additional damage to targets afflicted with Shadow Word: Pain, Vampiric Touch & Devouring Plague.
OR Alternate Version
- Dark Ascension: Death (Replaced Surrender to Madness)
While under the effects of Dark Ascension, Your Shadow Word: Deaths critical strike damage bonus is increased by 30% and it cools down 100% faster.
Shadow Word: Death deals damage as though the target is below 20% health during this effect.
Shadow Orbs (Potential Idea for how this can work)
Your Shadow Word: Pain and Mind Flay have 5% chance to generate a Shadow Orb each time they deal damage. Max 3.
Your Mind Blast and Mind Spike consume all Shadow Orbs and deal [15% of mastery] more damage per Shadow Orb consumed.
Harnessed Shadows (Potential Idea for how this can work)
During Dark Ascension or Voidform, Your Mind Blast and Mind Spike deal damage as though they consumed 3 Shadow Orbs.
- Note on Shadow Orbs…
The reason I went with this idea is so that both Mind Blast and Mind Spike can scale with mastery separately from needing to have all 3 dots on a target to get full benefit due to Mind Spike stripping dots. Doing this in Dark Ascension will reduce the Mastery dmg bonus to Mind Blast and Mind Spike. But also attacking a target without dots and outside of DA will devalue the damage potential of the baseline Mind Blast and Mind Spike if they got full mastery benefit ONLY inside DA. So with my idea, they get enhanced damaged inside OR outside DA burst window regardless of dot application. This allows the current mastery to be impactful while giving a different method to scale Mind Blast and Mind Spike with a different value of Mastery.
(New) Dying Light (This is a (Switch) Choice talent with Shadowflame Prism)
Your Shadow Fiend generates 3 Shadow Orbs per hit and while your under the effects of Dark Ascension or Voidform, you generate 1 Shadow Orb every 3 sec.
Your Maximum shadow orbs is increased by 2 while Shadow Fiend persist.
Void Torrent (Potential Idea for how this can work)
Channel a torrent of void energy into the target, dealing (306% of Spell power) Shadow damage over 3 sec and extending the duration of all your active Shadow Word: Pain and Vampiric Touch spells by 1 sec each time it deals damage.
During Dark Ascension or Voidform, extends the duration by 2 sec each time it deals damage.
Generates 60 Insanity over the duration.
Dark Ascension
- Remove the casting time on this. Void Eruption has a casting time because it does an AOE damage while activating the DPS cooldown. With DA, we already have to built up Dark Evangelism stacks before we can use it. Please make DA instant cast.
- Change Dark Ascension damage enhancement to be like Cata version… It needs to affect Mind Flay. You need to use Mind Flay to build up stacks of Dark Evangelism to then consume and activate Dark Ascension to then need to Build up 5 stacks of Dark Evangelism to get all buffs going for your targets with dots. Also, not getting the buff to Mind Flay gives even more reason to NOT use Mind Flay and thus conflict with Dots + filler in Flay OR Burst casting spells like Mind Spike when you don’t want to. It will feel smoother if Mind Flay is included.
Dark Archangel (Dark Evangelism) - Instantly restores 5% of your total mana and increases the damage done by your Mind Flay, Mind Spike, Mind Blast and Shadow Word: Death by 4% for each stack. Lasts for 18sec. 90 sec cooldown.
- Mind Spike & Voidbolt
Thinking Going into Voidform should instead just make Mind Spike do what Voidbolt does. Since it wont have a cooldown, it will be less effective or have an entire new effect. This “Void version” of Mind Spike would NOT strip dots.
- Vampiric Embrace
VE should be ONLY in Shadows Tree
- Why?
Holy and Disc have very little use for VE as its small window that they don’t have either the time or ability to cast the spells needed to take advantage of VE. So its a wasted point.
Also, VE has been and should stay the “unique” feature/reason to bring a Shadow Priest. That and damage soaking via Dispersion.
This is why I made VE and Dispersion practically impossible NOT to get in the tree without feeling like you should avoid in order to pick up more throughput options.
Class Tree
- Put Silence at Vampiric Embraces location.
- Add Spectral Guise around that area.
Another Version of the NEW Shadow Talent Tree…
This makes adjustment to the Voidform Playstyle
Shadow Priest 10.0 Tree - Altered Variant - 02
Shadow Priest 10.0 Tree - Altered Variant - 02 (Readable)
This version changes the way Voidform interacts with Hungering Void.
(Removed) Void Bolt
(New) Irrationality
Each application of Mind Spike on your target increases the critical strike chance of Mind Spike by 5%. Stacks up to 3 times.
Casting Mind Blast reduces the cast time on Mind Spike by 20% for 3 sec.
(Changed) Hungering Void
While under the effects of Voidform, Your Mind Blast and Mind Spike can cleave up to 3 targets and applies Void Vulnerability, increasing the damage of your Mind Spells by 10% stacking up to 3 for 10 sec.
Casting Mind Spike while in Voidform no longer extinguishes your dots.
Another Version of the NEW Shadow Talent Tree…
This one adjusts pathing to make things more accessible
Shadow and its resource “Insanity” issue…
From what it appears, Devouring Plague and its insanity cost compared to the damage it deals is very funky. Seems like with the way the rest of the new talent tree is panning out, Devouring Plague seems like a button you don’t really want to press that often. So then the question becomes… If I am insanity capped, what do I do when I want to Mind Spike things down? That becomes an awkward dance around resource and dot management.
Possible solution…
Remove Insanity entirely…
Make all abilities cost nothing or cost mana. With the Shadow Orb talents, THOSE can be made to act like Cata orbs in that they amp up Mind Blast, Mind Spike and Devouring Plagues damage. Each spell would consume all Shadow Orbs for amplified damage.
This would then feel good as you can focus on no dot burst window and then go back to dot window and weave back and forth without feeling like you are doing something wrong with capped insanity. Oh, This can work with Mind Sear as well in that Mind Sear consumed all orbs to do giga damage… Or consumes 1 orb per tick of damage.
Outside of Consuming Shadow Orbs… all abilities cost mana (or the ones that should cost mana) and we get mana back via Masochism from Shadow Word: Death feedback, popping Dark Ascension, Dispersion, Vampiric Touch mana battery buff again.
Perhaps not enough time for DF. But something to consider moving forward.
Running out of room on this post. Will continue any addtional updates here…