Additional ideas for talents…
When your personal Power Word: Shield breaks early from damage taken, a Dark Archangel appears behind you and will slash in front of you rooting every enemy with a 5 yard cone area and causing them to take 10% increased damage from your shadow spells for 3 sec.- This is an idea I had and I worked it into being triggered via self buffing of Power Word: Shield. Its intent is to grant space from being melee zerged in PvP and can work well when gathering mobs up to aoe/chain dot etc in PvE.
Harnessed Shadows (Assuming Mind Spike became a part of our toolkit again)
Mind Spike extinguishes your damage over time effects on your current target, then spreads your Vampiric Touch and Shadow Word: Pain up to 3 other targets within 5 yards.- The purpose is convert Mind Spike into a damage over time effect target spreader.
Thing from beyond
Your shadowfiend cooldown is reduced by 3 sec each time you cast Mind Blast. In addition, your Shadowfiend instantly hits an additional time with each successful Mind Blast cast.
These are modified ideas to fit the insanity resource mechanic.
I prefer my original ones I shared back in Shadowlands Alpha when we had hopes of going back to the Shadow Orb resource system as you can get more clever with ability interaction as seen here…