World of Warcraft: Dragonflight Now Live!

Wait we cant flag blizzard posts for blatant lying that dragonflight is live???


guess i wanted to level later, without my friends, anyway.

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You’d think they wouldn’t need ppl in forums to think harder about these things than they do but it seems they do!

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World of Warcraft: Dragonflight Now Live!


Live? More like DEAD, BROKE or UNRESPONSIVE. Choose one, but Live? Hardly, the code may be loaded, but it isn’t running right now.


My Girl is playing the new race and class and is in a different phase than me on the island. This is so buggy.

World of Warcraft: Dragonflight Now Live!

Only for streamers and a select few.

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lol no contrary to popular twitter belief free speech doesn’t exist on private servers

Maybe should fix the boats…

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Such a wonderful game. I will have to learn the mechanics of the loading screen.


FYI the games not Live… Its your whole players base sitting waiting for a boat that dont exist


Blizzard did post a response to the known issues on the client, so they are looking into it.

yup dragonflight is here world server down GG indie company

Got in to dragon isles after the dc for a wonderful 40 secs before a 2nd dc back to world server down. Such a great launch Blizzard

No it’s not, stop lying to us.

I been at the Docks for over an hour and more and there’s no boat to board. This been a known bug in beta. Blizzard didn’t listen to us about it.


Having no issue with client here, it is only when I try to get to Dragon Isles

for them to say “investigating the cause”
reminds me of D3 launch.

I’ll hope to play by the weekend.

No it isn’t, boat doesn’t show up and potal kicks you back to login and says “World Server Down”.

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They added a portal that takes you to the world server down screen :slight_smile: