World of Warcraft: Dragonflight Now Live!

you say its out but I been staring at a loading screen almost since it “launched” take this down until you earn the right to post it again lol. Can’t be “launched” if 90% of players aren’t able to play

oh man that was both epic and somehow morbidly accurate

" World of Warcraft: Dragonflight Now Live!"

Prove it, cowards!

… I’m stuck in Oribos!

Your definition of “Live” is sorta laughable at this point since nobody can really play it. Other than an automated message splashed in the forums there has been no real update. We can be patient but give us progress updates, not just one to last us for several hours. We call this communication.


“live” rofl, the boat is a lie. Hasn’t been one here since the very first one. And the portal does nothing.

so Sad, I got on the island and game crashed and now I can not get in on any of my toons, So as thousands of other players. I would fire the entire Team and whoever is in charge of the network load forecast and preparation, . This is an epic fail ! You are Wasting peoples Time, BLZ I was so excited to play, but now I am sitting around and trying over and over, …

Congrats on the launch, guys!

Nice listening to the (actually very good) score while hopelessly trying to log into Stormrage.



With all of the “World Server is down” errors that happened when the Dracthyr prepatch went live 2 weeks ago, one would think there would be actual preparation for this day/hour. This is really disappointing. Seems nothing was done to mitigate the problems that happened 2 weeks ago.

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Great Job on the launch Blizzard, You never fail to disappoint.
At least i can watch other people play on twitch.

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There are already level 62s lmao

STORMRAGE BROTHER! ( or sister or w/e )

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Yeah, I just put Asmongold and planning on letting it just stream while I get ready to lay down. I highly doubt I’ll be getting on tonight.

You can feel bad for people being berated. But they’re not undeserving. As has been pointed out, this has happened on a number of launches. Frankly if Blizzard don’t expect millions of people to login all at once and have a plan in place to stop the servers crapping themselves then they have failed.

Maybe they could commission more servers that run for the first week to handle the load spike then move them to something else. Or maybe they make multiple entry points to the xpac which take you to different zones. Or maybe they allow you to participate in other content while you wait for the damn boat/portal to actually work. I’d love an option like queue for Dragon Isles but get to complete Uldaman while you wait.

Not really, servers down.

Got on the first boat and never loaded into the isles … this is honestly sad af …

Yeah, not for me. Crash city.

Nope! We are still in Durotar.

stayed late after work expecting this kinda bs.

blizz why?

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