World of Warcraft: Dragonflight Now Live!

What would you do differently?

lol where’s a downvote button when you need one?

What exactly is understandable?

Thats funny, its telling me its down. Are you sure its live?

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Really Blizz?

/moo :cow:

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Tell him you’ll be back in a few hours to go have dinner, watch a movie, take a shower and call mom and say hi for a bit.

sure it is then tomorrow is maintenance

It’s not live cause most of us can’t play it. Fix your game.

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FIX THE GAME. hour and ten minutes waiting for the boat…

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Why? I’m not allowed to feel bad for the people having to listen to ceaseless whining and berating that most of which have nothing to do with the internal workings of the game and have better things to do than trying to explain how when possibly millions of people try to log in all a once the server is most likely going to crap itself?

As I mentioned above, if your character is parked in Legion somewhere it’s not letting most in game and says that the world server is down.
This is most likely a confliction between the new expansion and Legion.
This has also happened to me in shadowlands a while back.
I can enter the game on any of my other characters that aren’t in the Legion area.

my toon made it to the island and game melted down. cannot log in to anything not in sw/oribos.

this happens from launch to launch why u cant get things together? And then when we gonna recall it there gonna be a guy which will state that everything was cool and non issues happened


This is why they gave us a streaming event, we can watch someone else play…

Live? Stillborn, more likely.

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Is it really live? Broken alliance boat says otherwise.

Fix the freaking game

This post is up for biggest cap of the year.

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It has been 18 years. Surely release should have been easier by now but it’s not at all.