World of Warcraft: Dragonflight Now Live!

Lol, no it wasn’t. I was on Stormrage at the time and couldn’t get to the Garrison.

Now live…for some people. Just not anyone who is reading and posting in this thread. GG Blizz.


Well, someone had a genius idea to start an expac with a boat ride. What could possibly go wrong?


This aged well.

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Boat is not working.

Portal is not working.

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and before that, you had to stand in the 10k+ queue!

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Currently on my 6th zeppelein ride! Will I get ported into the graveyard like a rat again?

I’ve tried 20+ times but I understand the servers are congested with everyone trying to play so it’s understandable.

I just wanna know how it’s 2022 and they’re still using boat ride code from the 90s. Cause I refuse to believe the boat code that’s notorious for breaking in hilarious ways was written in the 2000s.


“live” loloolollolol



Live … yes.

Playable on large and high pop servers, not so much.

I dunno, the boat failure was hilarious, I can literally still chuckle over that.

I got there and had a teaser of fishing and pet battles … I’m in no rush.

It’s a little entertaining watching people lose their minds over this.

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That’s not counting the fact the server queues were so bad that ppl refused to logout of the game because they wouldn’t get back in. Even when they went AFK to sleep. So Blizzard implemented a shorter inactivity kick.

I can’t see herbs sadge.

While I’m more numb to this than mad since it’s been happening every single expansion for 18 years in one way or another, particularly on large servers, I do wish they’d care more about making a better first impression when an expansion launches.


Servers: “Oh… Oh no”


Maybe the beacon went out and sad rock-guy is having to climb the tower again to relight it. Once he does that the boats will be able to find the isles again.

Blizzard casually spreading misinformation.

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Eh. Kind of isn’t live. Sorry.

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But is it though?