World of Warcraft doesn't respect your time

Im not terrified of anything. I just point out terrible ideas.

It wont ever happen.

Seen a lot of suggestions about temp bans and harsh penalties for people leaving keys in multiple threads.

Thats a hard no from me. MPlus is already too rewarding and honestly people shoudlnt get rewarded for failing even if its by 1 second.

Yea i mean wow is time consuming , its a game, its not a 20 min mobile game… whole point of games is for entertainment / waste time that you have, if your coming to games for other reasons then your gonna waste your valuable time that you dont have

Lfr doesn’t waste my time, even if most players in it are pretty bad at mechanics.

My thoughts exactly and I’m glad you put it into words. Their whole argument revolves around making friends but they don’t seem like the type of players people would want to play with. Everything they post reeks of elitism and condescension. They are the reason why people like me don’t want to be forced to socialize in the game (and IRL too).


If true, why not lean into it fully? Everything requires a full group of 100+ people, otherwise it’s not MASSIVELY multiplayer right?

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I geared up pretty fast… been playing less than 3 weeks into this season and already have all keys timed on +20 for Tyranical, and most my fort keys timed around 18-19. I’m now 442 ilvl due to farming aspect tokens and getting gear from the token that drops when you get AOTC, KSM, and KSH achievements + upgrades and the catalyst system. It’s very easy to gear up and upgrade items. All I have to do now is push keys if I want to, raid if I want to, or do w/e. I even killed my first mythic raid boss tonight which wasn’t so bad.

I run my keys with a group of friends 100% of the time. I have friends who I play the game with. Very few of them, but they do still play.

I guess that could work. Also don’t pug. Join like minded guilds.

Can I ask some questions, what is actually the highest level mythic+ ?

And why is below 20 considered ‘bad’

  1. infinite technically, the cap is the 5 best players in the world playing at 100% with 0 mistakes will hit a number wall. (Current high key is 27 or 28 or something around there)

  2. below 20s arn’t bad, entitled players just can’t take the ego hit for not being good enough to get to 20s (vault caps out at 20)

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It’s difficult to find players to do your key unless it is 16 (the level for crest farming if you don’t want hero drops from the end-of-dungeon chest) or 17 (the level for crest farming and hero drops from the end-of-dungeon chest) or 20 (the level to make your weekly vault drop the best rewards). If it’s 18 or 19, people with those specific objectives would prefer to join keys of other levels.

Ya blizz blows honestly I’m so over this company; damn them for making the best games (with flawed systems they fail to update until it’s too late for most people).

There cannot be faster queues unless more people play the roles that are rarer. Unless they completely change the nature of the game’s balance so that you no longer need a tank and a healer. Which would not be good for the health of the game given how long it has been this way. If you want a faster queue, you should try playing as the tank or healer.

I don’t like the sound of demoting the key. I think it should be more of an unlock. For instance, you do a level 9 key, you unlock level 10, and so on. And this should be across all dungeons, though you shouldn’t jump into a dungeon you haven’t done at your highest level slot.

As for punishing people who leave. I don’t believe that would be necessary if the cost of failure is reduced.

The issue is that it’s hard to get that many players together at a given time to do content collectivley.

It’s the reason they haven’t had obligate 40 man raids since late classic/early BC.

Lets slow down with this “punishment” talk from people from Moon Guard and Wyrmrest accord, the 2 servers filled with guilds who do nothing but sit around and mass report people because they know the system will automatically flag the player and a “punishment” will be issued. Im not about to let you dictate the punishment when your moral compass points south.

BUT! I will say a punishment should be implemented for key leavers but said punishment should be fair and reasonable.

The punishment for key leavers: Your ability to que for mythics is blocked and your personal keystone becomes “corrupted” meaning you must successfully complete your keystone from a pool of other people who have left keystones early to get back into the LFG/PUG type of group


This isn’t an airport, you don’t have to announce your departure

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Because the people saying to make friends are the ones with friends and guilds.

Why not socialize with other people like you?

Its weird. When it comes to friends and guilds you can pick who you hang out with.

It does lean into it fully.

You are just being silly with this over the top suggestion.

Still not a fan of being held hostage in a horrible group.

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OP gonna get derailed quite a bit just because it’s a hot topic.

But tbh they have a few good points.

Keys shouldn’t drop levels below 20
Honestly this would be a good imo. Let’s say you complete a key but fail the timer. The key stays the same level but changes dungeon. If you don’t complete the key, it stays the same level and same dungeon.

Punishment for leavers
This one is tough for it to not be abused but honestly there has to be some kind of solution here. Even if it’s something as simple as dungeon deserter for 30 min. Better than nothing. Maybe have a surrender vote would help if 3/5 vote surrender then no one gets leaver penalty.

So people get held hostage in a bad group in m+? With a worse dungeon deserter penalty than queued heroic dungeon content?

Your suggestion offers a ton of avenue for abuse.