World of Warcraft doesn't respect your time

I’m getting tired of playing this game. I’ve been playing WoW since Wrath of the lich king off and on and the current state of the game just doesn’t respect your time. To be blunt, I love the game but I hate the systems around the actual gameplay.

If you try and do an m+ key you currently:

  1. Have to wait 10-20 minutes to find a group, if you have a bad key level (18-19 or low key) then good luck.
  2. Spend 30-40 minutes going through the key just to have someone leave on the last boss. You get 0 loot, no crests, a demoted keystone, and there is zero punishment for the player that leaves.

These are problems that have been solved by nearly every game in the industry for over 15 years (league, cs:go, valorant all have quick queues, leaver penalties, etc…). I’m tired of WoW not being able to keep up and it’s really draining to even try and play the game.

Some solutions for WoW:

  1. Don’t demote keys below 20. The punishment of losing 40 minutes is enough.
  2. Implement a “surrender” system for pug keys just like league, OW, valorant, and cs:go and warn/punish leavers if they leave before this.

TL/DR: Punish leavers, faster queues, stop demoting keys below 20.


This issue is also solved in WoW right now.

By making friends, connecting with a community, joining a guild.

Why not use the solutions in place?

Your suggestions would make pugging harder. Fewer people would pug. It would push more people to guild/premade group runs. I would absolutely stop healing pugs.


Having friends/regulars to play with helps with this.

Or playing a more desirable role.


Also- add in gear vendors and remove so much of the rng.


Have you tried to pug a key or joined solo shuffle for PvP? I play with a 5 stack regularly, it turns out that they aren’t always exactly online when I want to play. There’s already a full “game-mode” for group content and it’s raid.

The solution for people who play League, Valorant, Cs: go, Siege, TFT, Hearthstone, and every other popular game isn’t to “find a full team to play with or you can’t play the game”.

I’m not sure people understand how hard the new player experience is in WoW and all of the hoops you have to jump through just to interact with m+ or PvP.


How is M+ not a group content game mode, but raiding is?

You can quite easily pug raids too.

It is if you want to be successful.

I guess if you are anti social, never want to talk to others, dont want to join a guild…yeah. It can be hard being successful in group content.

Which is by design.


I wait under 5 minutes for pugs, and it’s never my key

Can you guess why


Tank and/or healer gang. :dracthyr_yay_animated: It’s a good life.


Because goblin death knights are adorable balls of hatred

It is if you want to be successful.

This is such an elitist viewpoint. Can you tell me the negatives of faster m+/PvP queues and not demoting keys below 20? Is this going to affect your 5 stack in the slightest? Is it negative for new players?

I don’t think you’ve played any of the games listed if you think that you need to 5 stack in a game like League. 95% of players Solo/Duo Queue.


You’ve been playing since LK era, and admit you have a “5 stack” to play with sometimes. How does the new player experience fit into your situation?

Befriending a tank or healer and queueing with them would greatly reduce your queue times. Trying to find a group as solo DPS queue for M+ is always going to be difficult because there’s just so many DPS applying. You have to really stand out to get picked up quickly. Like others have said, play a more desirable role or accept it’s going to be time consuming to queue solo as DPS.


Join a guild or community.

Aren’t WoW and this isn’t a lobby game.

If you can’t do the key, then it should be lowered.

No one should be forced to stay in a group.


I have no clue why you continuously compare League to M+ in WoW. Its irrelevant.

Apples and Oranges.

Can you tell me the negatives of incentivizing making friends, joining a guild? Is it a negative for new players? I would think fostering a community would be a huge positive.

Like others have said, play a more desirable role or accept it’s going to be time consuming to queue solo as DPS.

This is the problem that Blizzard should try to address. The solution shouldn’t be to tell someone to play a role they enjoy less just to be able to play the game imo.


Isn’t joining a guild, making friends, finding a community a way to address that problem?


I’m comparing the most popular games (that are gaining players) to WoW. The current structure of WoW isn’t catered to a younger player base and it’s eventually going to die. World of Warcraft has been leeching players since Cata and there needs to be a change to cater to new players.

People don’t want to invest their lives into the game. They just want to log in for 30 minutes and play the content. For people that aren’t terminally online, they’ll just leave the game and play something else.


If you want to only occasionally play for 30 mins here and there, not join a guild, not make friends…

Then yeah. You will have trouble completing the more challenging content.

This is by design and intended. I am ok with this.


No, it’s the realistic one.

At higher tiers of gameplay you are going to want to run with people you know and who you know can perform as required rather then taking your chance on some Rando who may or may not have been carried to a given Ilvl.

You would see this as well in League of legends; Ain’t no Pugs rolling into challenger.

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You can’t even queue with anything more than solo in challenger lol… They implemented this restriction years ago. It’s a 100% solo queue ranked tier.

If you want to only occasionally play for 30 mins here and there, not join a guild, not make friends…

I hate to break it to you but this is what most people are looking for these days. They should cater to these players and also to communities. There’s no reason they can’t make the pug/new player experience better and also promote guilds/communities.


But being held hostage in a bad group doesn’t make it better. It will turn even more people away from pugging. The good people you want in your pugs.

The thing is, your entire premise starts off not quite accurate. If you try and do a m+ key, you dont have to wait 20 mins for a group. And I find people in pugs rarely leave in keys 20 and under.

So first, the goal should be to be completely accurate with full context.

It may take you 20 mins to find a group (on average) if you dont foster a community, if you dont build relationships, if you dont find a guild of like minded people.

But thats a trade off for wanting to go pure solo. You can still accomplish things, but it will take longer.

Demote keys below 20? Meh. I dont really care either way.

A surrender system people cant leave or they will be punished? This would destroy so much pugging. You think tanks/healers are rare now? They will start disappearing fast.