World of Warcraft doesn't respect your time

If you add a penalty for leaving a key (even half as severe as some of the suggestions these people are making ) is forcing people to stay

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I have friends and also pug. The people doing qued content are the minority.

That’s a bet you would lose.

Funny you mention that. I have never been to a gym and decided I wanted to get in better shape. I went to a friend that goes to gym and asked him to go with me.

People aren’t expected to go into something they have never done knowing everything. But some people don’t even make an effort and that’s their choice

Can’t wait for groups to be held hostage because some dingus won’t vote to surrender because he’s convinced it can be cleared.

Like, the surrender system in Leage sucks. It forces you to spend 35-40 minutes in a match that was lost at the 7 minute mark. It’s a terrible example if your chief complaint is losing 40 minutes.

Your fear and your anxiety is what’s preventing you here. It’s learned helplessness, not the system itself.

I’m being blunt but not intending to be mean:

Get over it. It’s really not as bad as you’re pretending.

You have plenty of chance to play M+. Nothing is stopping you from pugging. Nothing is stopping you from making friends. Nothing is stopping you from joining a guild.

You don’t have “no chance,” you have the exact same chances all the rest of us have. For real.

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It’s a game. By definition it is a waste of time.

Only with semantics.

Not even LFD has the strict penalty being asked for here.

Is this just another way of saying “I’m bored with the game”?

You may agree, or disagree, but this game is a waste of time. It always has been, if it’s not enjoyable, play something else. If you do, the devs will know and maybe things will improve next patch. Participation metrics seems to be all that matters.

That’s what I’m doing, leveling toons and professions in Classic is more enjoyable. It’s something to do until 10.1.5, then we’ll see. Sure Blizzard is still getting my money, but my time played isn’t on Retail.

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Been a while since we had a leaver thread.

But no. A charge system on keys as a sort of safety net I can understand. But you’re not gonna get people to play with you if they don’t want to.

People don’t leave good groups.

It doesn’t respect my time or my bank account.

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At least 10 characters.

I saw 30-40 minutes in a key which means bricked key… Yeah. Once you get to higher keys, most are going for rating but there are plenty of variables as to why someone would leave.

lots of people agree with you they are just unsubbed and cant post here. all these ppl spamming “make friends” prob dont play any other game besides wow for the last 20 years and somehow have lots of friends that are online and want to do m+ 24/7.

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So whats the solution?

Because its either hold people hostage or nerf the content to make it trivial.

I literally came back to this game because a bunch of my IRL friends wanted to get into it back in legion, and even though they’re pretty much all gone now I made new friends in new guilds.

Like FFS, my current guild started on moonguard and while we’ve bounced servers a few times we’ve pretty much stuck together and been able to credibly push content.

No I’d sooner put my money on Fel than anything you’d say Snozy.

You’re stuck in the same era Blizzard is, which is well behind what modern gamers have access to these days.

A randomised queue system for mythic + wont do what you think it will. All it will do is turn it into the same poop show as LFR, So you will get groups with people who dont want to learn or do mechanics and who will blow out every key and the people who actually want to progress in keys will just continue to make their own groups.
And it wont be instant queues either, your a dps role, be prepared to still wait for 30+ minutes for queues because the tanks and healers who actually can get keys done are busy running their own groups not using a premade group finder.

I do. Two dps dks and a resto druid. Plus about half the roster who will basically only do one key a week if I force them to lol. We aren’t strong, soon will be 4/9 mythic, but we aotc within 3 weeks of new raids opening typically with several members who dont touch m+ at all and generally low ilvl.

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You are entitled to your opinion but no one with a clue considers anything you have to say worth anything.

You dont have a clue at all lol.

Blizzard doesn’t have to. Its up to you to respect your time.

Anything, anyone has to say on this forum is the threat of change you’re terrified of.

If that means more streamlined content through group queues then that’s where the future content is.