I can back that up with your own logic, you said it’s hard to find a guild where people just want to only raid and not do M+. Don’t you think that means most people want to and enjoy doing M+?
There is no way to verify this claim. I’m so sick and tired of you M+ defenders assuming that people love doing M+.
The main reason people run it, is because of the gear it provides. It is the single most lucrative way to acquire gear in the game, and has been since Legion. THIS IS WHY IT IS POPULAR!!!
Rakia is what you could call “militantly casual”.
I agree! And I’ve just been cancelling my sub until they come out with content, doing it and cancelling again. If they aren’t going to respect my time and money I’ll spend it elsewhere. And while it makes me sad that I can’t play wow during these times. I feel a whole lot better than the frustration I end up feeling when I try. Because you are absolutely right they do not respect our time or money!
For example they promised easier leveling of alts. What a lie. All I do is ask and wait for people to join or try to do it myself which is pretty much impossible if you’re not playing certain classes. I don’t even get me started on what a mess the class is currently are!
Anyway! Best luck and happy play days.
Raiding consistently has some of the BiS gear for every class every season. By your own logic, people only raid in order to get BiS gear, and not because they actually enjoy doing it.
One of those Casual Gatekeepers that mostly exist to insult other casual players?
Alts are incredibly easy to level?
Thanks for the compliment. I got most of these people on ignore, so I have no idea what they’re saying lol.
These guys have been posting in these complaint threads for years, same posters over and over again. They have to have some kind of connection to the company, who else would make 20k posts on a gaming forum?
The ol “if you disagree with me I will insult you” line of thought.
And it never will respect your time.
I did last night and we had a lot of fun. The trick with pugs is if you find a good / fun person when pugging, try to add them so you play again!
Making friends in WoW? Imposibru!!
It’s stupidly easy to level alts; Like you’d have to be putting forth an active effort to die from levels 1-30, gear falls from the heavens, you have a plethora of choices for where to level, on tuesday they’re going to remove paid riding training and just straight up handing you a flying mount at 40.
Like what exactly is it that you are missing right now with leveling that would make it easier for you?
I would say mythic+ is my favorite type of content. That doesn’t mean that’s the case for everyone, but it’s clearly quite popular.
Lol right? We timed his 19+ uldaman key and I’m like “we gotta get together at some point for the 20” lol
Get rid of mythic + and you time wouldn’t be wasted.
Holy moly, those numbers are wild. People enjoy Classic raiding over Dragonflight raiding?! I would not expect that to be the case at all, I thought way more people were interested in Dragonflight raiding to be honest.
I think when people are talking about leveling alts they’re talking about getting geared once they hit 70. Although 60 to 70 takes time compared to the previous levels I wouldn’t call it difficult.
I think the poll is a bit skewed because you can only say one.
Like, I enjoy m+ the most. But I enjoy DF raiding over Classic raiding.
It feels much easier to level alts this expansion than it did 3 previous ones. No more AP, leveling neck, getting essences, conduits, etc.
More a case of “Casuals have it so bad because they can’t get [high] ILVL gear/ Not enough content/ need to group to do content” sorts.