Seriously! My biggest anxiety about doing M+ every season is that if I start too late I’m behind on knowing the mechanics, and I don’t want to be the dummy in every group trying to learn. So my only option is reading guides and watching others do M+ which always feels awful. Or if I decide to play an alt I want to learn how my class feels in specific dungeons in regards to different mechanics and how to handle them, and having a casual outlet to figure that out and learn more about the current M+ dungeons sounds fantastic.
opinions got us to where we are now. why are you dismissing feedback as if the design of Mythic dungeons* are set in stone?
You think you do, but you don’t.
haha funny, M+ changed a lot this expansion with the recent changes to affixes ranges and the removal of seasonal.
This really is the problem, right? It’s a video game. But unless you also make it your social life, you’re not supposed to have a good time.
This was literally the design intention of M+. It wasn’t for PUGs or most people, it was designed exclusively for people who play with friends. Designed this way on the tail of them absolutely killing all the fun guild stuff they added in Cata, because they came to the conclusion that not enough people want to commit to a guild.
So why design the entire game around this specific bit of gameplay this way?
IDK, but the OP is right. The design of M+ has been great for those in guilds that like timers and play almost exclusively with friends, or masochists who enjoy the bitter PUG scene and tedious bars to content entry. For everyone else, well, we have fewer reasons to log in. Many leave for good, some of us just stick around for other things, but we’re not playing actively anymore like we used to.
Beside HGWT, they didn’t remove anything of worth.
I really don’t think you know what that word truly means. However, I absolutely do.
This video game doesn’t invoke that level of emotion in me, but if it does for you, I suggest walking away. (Period)
If you read that deeply into a single word on the entire thread I think you need to read the rest
As I mentioned before SS is the clear example of the breach between instant gameplay session like other games (OW, league, fornite…etc that are popular now) and long queues due to LFG content.
SS displaced ranked arenas as a the best option for casual pvp and damaged the other arena scene, Why? Because players want quick short sessions and M+ is designed around premade content like Raids, If Devs did something like M+ queue then that should be trival like LFR or it’s going to be a way worse environment for players and it’ll need a lot of changes impacting the premade community.
OP should do it via pre mades or play games that value his time as a solo player, that’s my opinion because WoW M+ has a different desing.
You can’t convince me otherwise, I ran a wonderful guild from Cata until the middle of WoD. All the cool guild perks and unlocking neat things like pets, heirlooms, and such were compelling reasons to play the game for us.
But we were told in blue posts and interviews that we apparently were the minority of players, those of us who played with a set group of friends, and that it didn’t feel fair to those that didn’t want to play in such a way. So they killed it.
Then we all leave in WoD because content was dry. I move servers and keep the guild as a bank alt (with realm first achieves from Earthen Ring btw), and then they design an entire endgame loop around playing in a guild (what!? lol). Not only that, but they also ruin leveling so people can do this specific niche activity faster.
You still have pets, mounts, heirlooms. They’re still available. They only removed HGWT and that money generator.
But they are not expanding upon it. Guild leveling is gone.
Also, you’re missing the point.
I read up until the word “hate” was tossed around like a napkin. I stopped there, but I apologize if I derailed your thread. Please continue.
I’m not. The leveling was meaningless because of players spam inviting new players out of starter zones, just to end up cashing on the gold and/or selling it when it was 25.
Yep, the apologists that defend this system on these forums have no idea how divisive this single system is.
Divisive when it fosters community building? Right.
There was a lot more involved in this than the gold perk. But believe what you want. Point being their reasoning was that feeling forced to join a guild to enjoy the game was not favorable design. That was their reasoning.
Then they turn around and make the focus of the game this horrible (my opinion) dungeon system that’s only apparently meant to be a fun experience if you’re in a guild.
Schrödinger’s game design team… (That’s a joke, because I know it was two completely different design teams making the same mistake)
The only communities I’ve ever seen are ones that sell boosts. Not really a win IMO.
Back when I ran M+ because I had to in order to raid, nobody spoke that didn’t already know each other, and we did so in Discord. I’ve heard this same experience from many other people. You don’t have a “go go go” game mode based around a timer and make friends in that game mode, lol. Maybe you hit someone up after if you’re sociable, but online gaming isn’t often full of extroverts.
Sorry, but I can’t understand why leveling guild is a fun part when everything else a guild can offer is still available, without the need of leveling it in the first place. Leveling a guild only benefited the guild master in the end.
Aggressively name calling anyone that disagrees with you sounds pretty divisive.
Complete bias take here, as usual. Of course M+ is going to appear popular with the remaining people that play the game, because it chased off the bulk of the players that hated what it did to the game.