World of Warcraft doesn't respect your time

M0 should be a queue with higher ilvl that Heroic as a way to catch up, Devs even increased M0 ilvl each season, however; most players won’t do M0 after the first weeks of the expansion. It should work also as a way to provide content to players that don’t like using LFG tools, there’s a lot of world content players, causal players that don’t like instance content too much but sometimes do random groups generated by the game.

M0 could be another way to catch up besides the usual “grind” rares in X zone like 10.0.7 was with the FR zone.


I mean, I keep saying this to him but apparently he refuses to understand that their is a social/community aspect to this game or that the number of people who do +20 content and want a rando pug is smol.

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I’d be fine with anything at this point to at least make it relevant.

Hell, because I know people would clutch their pearls, give it a daily lock out. You got one chance to run, the what 8 dungeons a day at M0. If you want to run more, well use that shiny M+ key you got and get to it.

I agree that there should be more incentives for people to stay, but this probably isn’t one of them.

Just the other day, I watched on YT about how a group of people ganged up on a LoL streamer and forced her to stay in a match by refusing to surrender but also refusing to end the match.

I can see that happening if a group decides that they didn’t like one of the players - keep wiping on purpose but refusing to surrender so that nobody can leave.

Never underestimate how far people are willing to go to make someone they don’t like suffer.

Maybe I’m out of loop, but how do people feel about the Deserter debuff nowadays?


And i think we have the actual issue.

“Some players dont like xyz”

Good for you, however you are playing blizzards game which millions do like.

Funny how this thread turned into wanting a queue for M0 lol

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Exactly, it would be nice to have the option to just casually run the current M+ dungeons in M0 with a queue system. Because right now your only option for casual small group content is queueing for a random heroic and trying to keep up as some overgeared person speedruns their way solo through the dungeon, and it’s just not great.

I literally see no reason why this shouldn’t be a thing, it wouldn’t affect people doing M+ whatsoever, and might even get more people to attempt to try it out if they feel like it.

eh having the easiest be a thing not so prone to failure is probably a good stepping stone though?

Can see Blizzard not implementing a queue for that reason

Because Mythic has to start somewhere and M0 is that somewhere.

Who knows.

The people wanting M+ to queueable haven’t thought about it very hard.

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That’s not a reason to not make it queueable at all. People already just accept whoever applies to a M0 like it was a random queue anyway.

Well, Ion said during a recent interview that the game has X type of players, providing new options are always great, its just a queue for M0, which won’t impact you if you don’t care about that specific way to gear. If they didn’t care about M0 at all, then the Ilvl won’t increase each season. It’s still increasing for premade groups but opossite to M+, M0s don’t have the punishment for not completing the run besides wasting time, so an option like a LFG for M0 could be another catch up mechanic besides the usual grind rares.

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Which honestly sounds amazing, I would pick that as a way to catch up every time. I’d be running M0 on my alts all day every day if I could just queue for it. I already use Timewalking that way on alts, if I could extend that further with M0 and then decide to go from there that sounds way better than doing open world content or LFR.

Plus as a bonus it would give me an idea of what my class/spec feels like in those dungeons in a more casual setting before I decide to step into M+ with them. It sounds like a great learning tool, too.

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Why are you allergic to applying to a key or running your own group?

Why are you allergic to a queueable m0?

Because its mythic and the game is designed this way, nice knee-jerk reply though lol

Yeah, this is always a concern but all of the players involved in trolling were permanently banned and this is a very extreme example.

Maybe I’m out of loop, but how do people feel about the Deserter debuff nowadays?

I would love something like this. It doesn’t have to be a huge punishment for leaving a key but it should dissuade people from doing it. This doesn’t exist for m+ currently.

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lol…Yeah if players could do M0s with random players, then they’ll look for M+ with better knowledge about some boss mechanics and the dungeon set up and better gear…

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The game is currently designed in a way where we have a glut of difficulty modes that serve no functional purpose outsisde of nostalgic “it’s always been that way”.

So that’s not a good reason to me. It’s a very lazy and shortsighted one.


Thats your opinion, and nothing more.

Again blizzard knows best.

Try again.

Classic WoW…“You Think You Do, But You Don’t”

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