It is still relevant if you make alts and want to acquire keys on them to start running M+. It takes a really long time to find people to do M0 unless there is specifically a weekly quest for it. It should 100% have a queue IMO.
And you’re using two accounts because…?
because if they had it at the start of the expansion, it would be way too hard for the average. And if they add it now, sure it works, but then they can’t take it away.
Oh, and tanks complain about existing queued content because people don’t respect the role lol.
(cause content is too trivial.)
Thank you. Its easier to take into consideration a person’s experience and view when they actually post on their main.
Cant you just talk to the person to get a key? I havent been on a fresh alt with absolutely no m0 in a while.
I am not against m0 having a queue system.
and yea you can do that for +2.
I agree, I don’t think it should be queuable at the start of the expansion, either. But after M+ is released it should have a queue added IMO as an easier way for people to acquire keys.
talking to someone in Valdrakken is infinitely easier than doing a dungeon.
Which NPC are you talking about? I was not aware of this so if I am mistaken my bad.
I just know it exists, don’t know which.
It’s not two accounts, I swapped characters in the top right lol. As you can tell I rarely post on the forums. It blows my mind that you two are so elitist about gatekeeping m+ when you’ve hardly done any keys this season.
You’ve run 15s and 16s this season and Akston has run 16s and 17s. I’m sure you’ve both experienced how hard it is to get into keys if you’ve pugged at all.
I have alts too…
Guess what
I got them to 70
Gave them some primal gear i got from main when reach was new.
Filled the rest out with the 5 heroics and the champ reward quest
Did a LFR got a piece or 2
I applied to m+5 - 7 and away we went.
Stop being allergic to using the group tool and if you can’t find a 0, do a 2.
And dont tell me there are none because I use the tool daily and see many.
then stop playing, its what normal people do when they are sick of something
Some people like OP are asking for improvements to pug scene or a M+ queue, they want this game to turn into a fast gameplay session like those other games mentioned, however; WoW isn’t designed like that and it’s a hard pill to swallow for those players.
Personally, I usually reach KSM with friends and that’s all because I don’t care too much for higher keys, but I understand the feeling from OP from a pvp point of view because instead of looking for groups, now I just queue SS for a quick run without problems, since I don’t have friends that do pvp, otherwise that’ll be a better option compared to SS queue and using LFG, pre mades are always the best option in this game.
I don’t think M+ will have any design similar to SS ever…it’ll change too much the game and I think it’ll do it for worse.
Only time I felt signing up for groups was excessively long was doing my first 20. And I guess I will also experience the same sentiment when I start trying for 23s.
I have because of the systems surrounding m+ and pvp I wish I could play the game more because it’s fun which is why I made this post.
How am I being elitist? Like, I’m pointing out that there are tools in the game right now to resolve the problem that you perport to have with the game and that instead of utilizing them you are whining in the forums.
That’s not elitism. It’s a statement of reality.
Also: you are more then welcome to quote where I claimed to be great
I’m not allergic to using the group tool, I know you can do that. But I was helping a friend learn about M+ and we formed a M0 group to get them a key, show them the dungeon and stuff and it took forever to find a group for it. It should honestly just be queueable, it was ridiculously easy and we basically just accepted anyone who applied anyway.
So unless im missing something.
You did a bunch of open world content, then some easy queue content, then got lucky with an LFR and got maybe a piece or 2, then jumped into 5-7s.
But somehow m0 queue is bad and not worth it?
This is what i mean when i said the perception of M0 is weird. Its completely irrelevant for people to do, but there are people who dont want it updated properly to reflect this.
I have a solution: stop pugging. Actually, try and be social and make friends who you want to play with. Because then you’re no longer just playing for loot and key completion, you’re playing with people you enjoy and want to get better with.
Because it doesn’t need updating
Blizzard knows best.