World of Warcraft dies with if they remove the faction conflict

it don’t make more sense because you are just ignoring 90% of the rest of the game of how the races -as groups and indivduals- hate each other

you think is meaningless for nght elves hold hate over the horde after was done? you think they should just old hands because - the hero - work with others - heroes - ?

and this is just one example, you want they to just to bury every other lore aspects, conflicts so this can work in a perfect world, its not how it works, groups affiliated with horde and alliance will start conflict again, be for vengeance, resources, land etc, and the factions will take their backs.

Again, just Because its poor done don’t mean it should be erased, when you broke your hand or arm you don’t cut of your entire arm.

not like wow have with such passionate playerbase, ESO factions by example are meaningless despite some hate against elves and nords, completely passable with nothing epic

None other game have such iconic factions, maybe despite sith and the jedi, for obvious reasons

never said it was, but it is used for that and can be good.

so, what you suggest? stay holding hands until - Lord evilguy - come from the sky with their big bad minions, so we fight then? lmao

Many things happens because faction, War, the sha awakened because of it, the seek for lei-shen power, going trough the dark portal, Theramore, the factionw ar brought guilneas, kul’tirans and zandalar to the game and many others

instead of Ally x Horde X evil , we will just have good x evil, and its lame.

and why people don’t want? maybe because of the lore, because its good, because make sense and many other reasons.

there is no logic lore reasons for that to happen, neither there is a need in gameplay for that.

I’m not saying they should get over old hatreds, but it doesn’t need to lead to an open war.

Your shifting your goal posts.

Yes you did. You said it was “unique, crucial and iconic”.

No. There’s a range between “holding hands” and “stupidly slap fighting each other for the umpteenth time”. You’re just pretending there’s no possible in between so you can make fun of me.

Because some people are drinking the kool-aid and can’t imagine a war that doesn’t involve the Horde and Alliance first slapping each other around before uniting to fight the big bad.

The logical lore explanation is that the Horde should have been dismantled after MoP. And even if that hadn’t happened, Teldrassil should have never burned because Sylvanas should have been removed from command the second she gave the order. But no. Everyone stood by and watched Theramore 2.0 and somehow expected a different outcome.

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What problem would the Blood Elves have with the Voidies if they weren’t part of the Alliance? Their original reason for dabbling with the Void was to make Silvermoon impregnable, which is honourable enough. All they need to do is stay away from the Sunwell. If the Nightborne can be accepted, so can the Void Elves.

Sadly, many see that it’s easier to discredit the person than fight the evidence. Have no argument? Bring up they said something 20 years ago, that was a normal everyday thing, and make them a villain in the current sociopolitical environment. “You don’t agree with me that makes you a bad person and I need to make everyone else think you’re a bad person”.

My attention span isn’t the issue. I can sit and grind out anything I want to… the issue is when everything is put behind walls for no reason other than slowing us down, pride, or spite. Let me go at MY pace and I’d probably have kept logging in… instead of just waiting for my sub time to run out and watching forums.

That’s where I ended up with the faction war. At this point it just “feels forced”. Like it’s only there because someone said it needed to be there.

We band together (ish), save the world (of warcraft), and then go back to fighting… then we do it again… and again… BIG BAD GOING TO KILL US ALL! We save the world and then…

When was the last time the faction itself was the issue and not just one part of it starting things?

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end the factions is end the war, thus ending any conflict.

if the problems are not finished there is no reason to end it.

The war and conflict can continue without being focus like it was before, without the need of factions to end.

im rly not, you ask if other games had factions, i said not like wow, and thats my point, thy can’t do like wow.

Not the context you are thinking, but okey sure

Still is important.

And where is the middle ground here? why they should stop? there is no reason for that, there is only conflict with brief periods of cease fire not because they want.

Thats because that is lame and bad.

Nop, if varian attacked there would be even more war, its wishful thinking believe alliance could take the horde in their own home.

even if the horde ws “dismantled” it would reform again, seeking vengeance

Again, Bad written lore is bad written lore regardless of the theme

the conflict inWtLkwas decent and well written

Cataclysm war was pretty good

MOP was nice until they decide to make Garrosh Hitler.

Legion didn’t have faction war, but the players holding hands in their class hall fighting the big bad, and was complete garbage full of nonsense for the rule of cool.

you are blaming the theme for the writers incompetency, is like saying all vampires and werewolves stories who exist are crap and should end because of twilight.

Everytime in wow they start to make the factions band together to be friends, the story became crap, end of MOP, Legion, now BfA, the solution is make then EVEN FAR DISTANT, not make then even more close.

I guess the term Cold War doesn’t mean anything anymore.

That’s a wishy washy answer and you know it.

I’m sorry for not being able to read your mind.

They should stop because it’s become increasingly convoluted to even have two factions anymore. There is zero reason for the Alliance to leave the Horde alone after they were taken over by genocidal maniacs. What’s going to be the next Alliance city that gets obliterated because of the Horde’s continued existence?

And that’s all we’re ever going to get with the faction war because it can never go anywhere.

The writers aren’t going to change until they’re forced to change. And yanking away the faction war crutch would be a great start to doing that.

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You don’t need factions for pvp. Arena, rbg, and even regular bg players don’t.

Eric “Magneto” never moved into the mansion under the rule of the Professor.

Boils down to…2 factions / 2 leaders having their own ways of doing things and nothing wrong with that. In fact, makes for more story, even though burning yet another beautiful part of azeroth is kinda bad. But…Sylvanas and the undead DO say…“We are the Forsaken. We will slaughter anyone who stands in our way.” The undead / scourge only became part of the Horde as to belong to something, but they could care less about the two factions or the well being of mortals in azeroth. That’s my take on it.

Poor choice of Vol’jin imo to name her successor. But, she did fight along side Varian when it came to the legion. Poor decision on her part to try to assassinate Thrall.

Factions should remain divided, whether it be alliance vs horde; Good vs evil; Loyal vs defectors; etc…

There has been reasons to come together, but not to stay together, leading to World of Forgivecraft.

Although…I do wonder what would come out of Jaina if Thrall and her were under the sheets.

No, we are not.

How do these rumors start? Looks like the opposite, doesn’t it?

Great, now I’m gonna be mad all night because this game doesn’t exist :frowning:


Did you ever know what that quote really means? Means that in order to have to the scourge under control, someone must be seated in the Throne and control the Lich King. That’s Bolvar job right now.

It really doesn’t though.

The faction conflict has been sidelined before in favor of both factions coming together to fight the big bad. This would simply be the natural progression of that concept.

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I was making fun of it, making reference to how a random unneeded story element that was never there before just had to be shoved in, and also referencing how its quality had nothing to do with the faction war.

in cold war there is no conflict.


there is rly no confusion, and this is not a lore answer.

so, we should have peace? there is no logic in that.

its a game it will go anywhere, the ame way w will always face a big bad.

it would not be a great start, would be lame

again, you are ignoring things

Legion was devoid of faction war and the lore was crap

you think they will magically be forced to be good because the factions end is just wishful thinking at best.

If “we will always face a big bad”, we being the Horde and the Alliance, then surely there’s no need for faction separation. The constant theme of working together to defeat an enemy too powerful for one faction alone, and yet still somehow being at war with each other at the same time, is ludicrous.

How can you come up with a decent story when the premise itself is so completely flawed?

It’s happened many times in the real World’s history. There’s no magic in it. Wars end sooner or later, either via victory or truce. WoW’s war however, never ends and the convoluted writing required to keep this war going no matter what, has lead to nonsensical story lines that beggar belief.

End the war. No factions.


I agree with you OP. Faction conflict is what drew me into this game. If I want to play nice with everyone I’d play FFXIV. I honestly feel Warmode should be permanently on. Or when you pick a server you opt in for permanent PvP enabled like uhhh PvP servers…

Either way yeah. I made most friends playing wPvP and the game is letting us do that less and less.

thats because we are not working together because we want it, sometimes we are not even working together but the hero with some neutral part

we are inw ar you know because of lore, because the races hate each other, because they invade other races land, take other races resources, because revenge, and this will not end just because the player team up or because we faced completely annihilation, after the thread is gone, we will just go back to small enemies and small problems.

the premise is not flawed, the exception is

im talking about writers, and no, it didn’t happened in real world.

thats because there can be no victory or truce, thus, it can’t end.

there is not convoluted writing requires, there is good writing required

Again, you are blaming the theme for their incompetency, there is ton of storylines to focus and make the war good like it was done in the past

Just here for the tinfoil lol. Doubt they would do away with factions, or conflicts between them. It will be like it’s been since forever. Will be more like skirmishes, instead of this so called full scale war narrative that they have been trying to push, and failed miserably at over the last few expansions. How many times can you use the same ole oh no we have another horde warchief that has gone insane, we must have a war with them lol. Do you honestly believe that they would ever allow one faction to have a absolute final war ending death blow to the other? If that were to ever happen, then that would probably be the day they shut the servers down to this game for good. Since people are allowed to play either faction, a total victory for one side will never happen anyways.

I’d suggest that races that hate each other so much and war against each other will not band together to fight a larger threat. If the hate is so strong, the resentments so entrenched, the need for revenge so strong, then cooperation is impossible.

You can’t possibly fight side by side effectively when you have no trust in your collaborators. If you’re worried your supposed allies will kill you as soon as the opportunity arises, how can you focus on the job at hand, the so called greater threat?

Take the Scryer and Aldor malarkey in TBC. If you’re going to join forces to fight, it requires a willingness from all concerned to make this happen. If some can’t get past what happened previously when they were both enemies, it can never work. Regardless of grudges held, unity is what’s required otherwise it’s a recipe for disaster.

Of course they agree to unify, but there’s the still separate factions and competition for favours which is the dumb writing that occurs due to game play requirements.

Well it did. WW1 ended as did WW2 and the Vietnam war etc. All the protagonists aren’t still warring, the generations that fought those wars are mostly dead and buried, taking any hatred with them.

Well it could end. It’s just a stupid game. It could be ended any time if Blizzard and their writers wanted it to end. It’s obvious they don’t want it to end, hence the spectacularly bad writing required to somehow keep this going despite it being completely implausible

It’s a poisoned challis. The whole scenario is so completely devoid of any form of logic, a writer couldn’t create a good story built on the garbage foundations the game sits on.

Maybe they used all their decent ideas in the past and are struggling now. This has happened with many tv shows. They have a good first and second series and then it’s a struggle to keep up the quality. Trying to avoid covering the same old ground can be difficult, and yet there’s the temptation to go on while they have an audience, even though it’s not what it used to be.

It’s easy to blame the writers, but they operate under instruction from Blizzard, who obviously have the final say. I think there’s too many competing outcomes to come up with a good, plausible story now, especially after all the rubbish they’ve served up lately. Who’d want the job of trying to clean up that mess?