World of Warcraft dies with if they remove the faction conflict

Pretty soon Alliance will just be NPC only since more and more keep faction changing to the Horde.

Yes, they should definitely stop doing that, what is nonsense is they banding together, not raging war, and when they do is a dumb story.

It is most of the part, thats why most of the time is the hero with a third part not the factions.

The only time the factions RLY band together was against the LK - most by the banner of a third part like the argent crusade, and even there, tons of conflict happened- and against the Legion, that only last for a brief period of time, like just broken shore event.

different worlds, different variables.

not in a way that make sense or is lore friendly, there are too many unresolved things, and things don’t get resolved easily.

except this is not true, if they just make the alliance attack first -with total lore sense for that - we would have a 100x better storyline.

again its not because not just the faction war theme is garbage, everything else garbage too.

Legion was devoid of faction war and despite suramar was a pile of crap.

If Undercity wasn’t a smoking hole in the ground I’d be more sympathetic.

Am I gonna have to name all the expansions where both sides had to team up. Are you this blind?

That would be awesome. I would love a warthog. Would have to learn how to fly though to get the most use out of it.

They will have to change the name to World of Lovecraft.™

Hahahahaha. Go find your history teacher and apologize to them. But seriously, look up Afghanistan (Soviet invasion version), Korea, and Vietnam.

Saying other games have factions, but they’re not the same as Warcraft’s because reasons is pretty nitpicky.

I didn’t say confusion. I said convoluted. And have you even looked at the lore? There is no justification for the Horde’s continued existence. They have plot armor a mile thick in order to keep going.

What is it with you? Do you think the only possible options are all out war or peace? Why is that? We’ve seen dozens of examples of enemies other than the Horde and Alliance.

The faction war will never go anywhere. Neither faction can have a conclusive victory over the other.

Legion was amazing and shows what we can accomplish when we drop the lame faction war nonsense. We defeated one of the biggest threats in the universe, and now we’re stuck at the bottom of the ocean fighting each other.

Getting rid of the crutch will force them to come up with something new.


Remind me again why we invaded Undercity? Oh, right, because of the complete destruction of Teldrassil. Also, you may want to look at the battle again, Sylvanas was the one who turned it into a smoking hole in the ground.

Considering we spend more time fighting world ending theats than each other I am indifferent. The most I could see them doing possibly is an allaince/thrall horde against sylvanas horde but even then its a stretch and a half.

then by definition there is faction conflict

yet, how you want that to happen but advocate for the end the factions or end of the faction conflict, but there is still conflict among races?

you are just making no sense.

its not because “reasons” i said those reasons.

no other game have such solid faction structure as wow.

then you have to proof that, cause every lore today show justification.

or you know like alliance plot armor, that they have to make Garrosh evil, otherwise he would sit on stormwind throne with varian skull in his feet.

dozen examples of enemies other than the horde and alliance yet the horde and alliance will not fight anymore, tis peace among factions and its lame

there is no middle ground, if there is minor conflicts then there is no peace at all, or the factions will not end at all, if then don’t have this then its lame.

and thats completly fine by the game premise, its a game, with fictional lore, as long as they can put numbers and as long the game continue to exist there is no need for a “victory over other”

lmao, sure, thats explain a lot of things of what you said, legion lore was garbage, lot of retcons, lot of inconsistencies, everything by the rule of cool, dumb plot, that we didn’t even face sargeras but some lame titan that we never hear about, Illidan edgy story and so on.

we should hold each other hands jkust like Illidan kill X’era, basicaly the lighforged God, and everyone was ok with that.

sorry thats a dumb storyline and escalte that crap into the factions is even worse.

so we should face what? another big bad worse than Legion… than after that? even worse? you can’t conceive how this is a crap anime plot escalating power level?

like i said wishful thinking

something new will be garbage if the writers are garbage

The artifice of the ‘conflict’ has suffered from this constant story-line of the ‘outside’ threat. We’re all playing in a static game where nothing we do really changes anything, and it is a non-sandbox world.

So we see the same trope again and again of the factions ‘joining together’. It’s been done for every expansion because it has to.

But it has gotten old.

No. You have repeatedly went out of your way to deliberately misunderstand what I’m saying.

It’s possible to have something in between total peace and total war. You refuse to acknowledge that possibility. Since you refuse to see in anything other than black and white, I think I’m done here. It’s obvious that you’re arguing just for the sake of arguing.

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im pretty sure the topic is about removing the faction CONFLICT

i never said it need to be total war

I said many times we could focus on other things and faction war would be a minor thing like it was in Cata and WtLK just fine

good x evil is lame, Neutral parties who fight each other vs Evil have more nuances and its more enjoyable leading to more plots

Like Horde constantly having to be the bad guy, despite not being evil, and losing warchiefs every other expansion? No thanks. Let the Alliance be the bad guys for a few expansions.

Factions can still exist, but Red vs. Blue is just dead to me. I’d rather it become straight up good vs. evil with the players aligning to either save Azeroth (or the Wowverse) and the others joining the Old Gods crusade in corrupting Azeroth (WoWverse).

Not all will agree with me, but the faction conflict between the Horde and Alliance just feels forced at this point.


I have heard for over a decade that “WoW’s going to die” or “This Blizzard decision will kill WoW” or “This new MMO is the WoW killer” and yet, here we are. Whatever Blizzard decides to do will not kill WoW. Even if in retail they dissolve factions to bring absolute balance to the game- I’m looking at you, racials- they will simply advise those that do not like the change to go and play Classic.

Frankly, this game is ancient now. It’s really insane to think I was only 25 years old in the original, vanilla beta, and how much my life and this game has changed over all these years. If they change it, it will be like everything else they do, and will either be liked or disliked. Same with a level squish, and anything else they can concoct. WoW is not dying, it’s not dead, and nothing Blizzard does will kill it, unless they literally unplug the servers themselves, forever.

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I think there will only be choice. Alliance can choose to side with tyrande against the ‘horde’ or they can work together as a neutral faction. Horde can side with sylv or work together with alliance.

At least, this is the best possible outcome in my opinion.

Funny, the expansion that is about faction conflict made me take a nice long break a couple days ago…and not only that, when its written as dumb as it is now, it ruins it. MoP was prolly the best example on how to re-ignite faction conflict.

The funny thing about this comment to me is that MoP was the opposite in my view. If you look at my reputations, you’ll see that I am almost exalted with every faction in the game, including now unobtainable ones, yet, I never got Vol’jin’s Spear in MoP. The reason? When we went to Sen’jin with Thrall and Chen, at the end Vol’jin said he was going to go get the Alliance’s aid to help attack Orgrimmar and end Garrosh.

Yep. The Horde had to crawl over to the Alliance and beg for help. So I stopped doing the quests right there. I felt no faction conflict, unless you mean being pissed at my own faction lol

World of warcraft =/= world of factioncraft

Personally I’m tired of the alliance vs. horde nonsense, at this point it doesn’t even make sense.

Living vs death is more likely, or shadow vs light.