World of Warcraft dies with if they remove the faction conflict

Everyone says there won’t be wars in the game if the factions disappear. But there would still be wars on several fronts from several factions. Active or cold.

  • Night Elves would be gunning for the Orcs and Undead.
  • Blood Elves would probably be sending assassins after the Void Elves and possibly Jaina.
  • Humans would probably have massive civil war if Westfall is any indication.
  • The Mag’har still have a war to fight on Dreanor with the Lightbound.
  • Gnomes still have a war within their capital to win.

That’s just off the top of my head. There is a lot of war in Azeroth and each can easily have a spotlight to keep the fires of war going. I’m just saying that if Blizz can’t properly write faction wars, they should stop and focus on singular ones.

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He is inconsistently written, something that even Blizzard has admitted to.

So Garrosh was yours, huh? From beginning to end?

Not quite from beginning to end.

Cataclysm seemed like he was going in a different direction for a while there … .

He was.

He was? Tell us about that – why he had that shift.


So Stonetalon …


You did Stonetalon?

I did Stonetalon.

I didn’t stick to that path with Garrosh. I didn’t – not everyone was on board. Not everyone got the memo as it were, as we were designing – and that was my fault. Because when you’re doing, when you’re trying – because I was actually trying to bring Garrosh around, and Stonetalon was going to be the first of that. Cataclysm was pretty crazy time for us.

You had so much to do.

We did quite a lot of work. So I feel like there was a little bit of miscommunication on my part that kind of led to Garrosh going down another, darker path. So there’s an interesting tidbit for you.

It was interesting though, in the aspect of seeing that glimmer of what he could have been.

Well he was good at the other way. He did well at that. He was a good killer and plunderer and murderer.

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YAWN Factions, it’s great for a while, but it gets old. Especially when every damned xpac goes the same way. Red vs. Blue then UNITE to fight against the new scary Green factions.
Then we get the zomg not garrosh 2.0 as an excuse for factions again, even though it’s going to be right back to unite to kill the scary big bad.
Someone mentioned merc mode for pve,it’s a great way to give the game some new life,because sooner or later the division of the playerbase is going to klll the game.


and what pillar you suggest? azeroth vs evil ones? this one already exist, its one of wow aspects

what could possible replace something so unique, crucial and iconic thati the faction war and hate between the races?

again,i just see people who don’t care about wow lore saying this would be a good thing, sure its blizzard fault for let the recent past lore so lame, but still, there is more lore than just legion and “team up”

I see. Very interesting.


Where do you think the shift was my friend? A shift so obvious, the interviewer apparently need not say? Mists, perhaps?

At the time of this interview, Warlords of Draenor.

Neither you or your source states his inconsistency within the boundaries of only Cataclysm itself. Only other expansions.

Whether or not I am wrong in this instance, where if the implied shift is instead Stonetalon itself, it is popularly known that Garrosh was better in Cataclysm as his own person, than in MoP as the designated pinata.

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It’d be better than “Horde and Alliance slap fight each other ineffectively before turning to face the bigger threat”.

It’s not unique. It’s not crucial. And it’s only “iconic” because some people don’t want to give it up.

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You’re stretching way too hard. They were clearly talking about Catacylsm at the time.

It would seem they are trying to shift it to where Cataclysm was where he was badly written, and Mists and Warlords is where he was “intended”. That’s very interesting. So is it that, or is it that he was good in cataclysm, and bad in Mists and Warlords.

No, it’s not.

It’s Burning legion and alliance
it’s old gods and alliance
it’s scourge and alliance

Allaince must be burned to the ashes

They won’t end the factions because Taliesen and Bellular speculated on it.

Blizzard isn’t run by arts majors, its ran by nerds who worked their way up in the company and they all have roots in the 90s fantasy gaming scene.

The faction war will never end. World of Warcraft will never be “peacecraft” but with that said, cross-faction PVE is not that bad of an idea.

PVP for bgs, lore, and warmode should and will most likely still be here. Cross-faction for PVE world and dungeon/raid content.

The playerbase is weakening since servers have been dying, cross-realm activity, and the years gone by. WoW is still in a very very profitable state, but they need to allow Cross-faction pve to compete with the other MMOs.

Combined, the other MMOs have more players than WoW these days. As confirmed by Blizzard themselves.

They were talking about the direction during Cataclysm. Seriously, I’ve proven you wrong and you can’t stop shoving goal posts around to try and keep arguing.

You have dodged my question entirely. IF you ACTUALLY think he was a good, well written character in Mists and Warlords, rather than Cataclysm, then I conclude this debate as I have no words in a polite language to speak to you.

and what could be done? just stop teaming up,boom, we fix the problem without the need to make the game a lame generic one of good x evil, having more stuff and lore.

it is unique, other games can’t even pull the same recipe

it is, most of the world events happen somehow because of the factions, its a plot device factor that change the world without restoring to big baddies, so we don’t need to escalated like dragon ball

its iconic because it come since warcraft 1, and strong until today, regardless people not caring about wow lore.

I think if you were able to poll the fan base you’d be surprised. I’d say support for continuing the faction war is no better than 50/50 and may be much less.

Right now the faction war is about as plot-driven as a Scooby Doo cartoon. We know ahead of time none of the gang is going to suffer any permanent repercussions for any of their actions. We know they’re going to unmask the Big Bad at the end and everyone is going to slap each others backs and then go have coffee at the diner, until tune-in-next-week.

When the game was younger, you could hold out that suspense with some fairly modest plot turns but no one is fooled any longer. Once that happens, “lore” isn’t being done for lore’s sake but rather for the sake of tradition, and the world is littered with companies that wouldn’t change their ways (Kodak, Sears, KMart, etc.) until it was too late, and customers told them to stick tradition up sideways.

At best, going forward I think you’ll have a third “neutral” faction that can group with either of the two extremes for content. Whether it’s race-based or philosophically-based, I wouldn’t hazard a guess. It’s clear Thrall and Baine are being set up to lead again, with Saurfang in tow, and all three of them right now are lovey-dovey with Jaina and Anduin.

Maybe it works and maybe it doesn’t – even “Law & Order” couldn’t find a way to stay on the air after multiple cast and writers’ changes – but what I can tell you right now is I am watching sentiment for ending the faction conflict rise. It’s being talked about in general chat and in guilds. People are trying to figure out what to do if it comes to pass. It didn’t help that the 8.2 zones are more bust than boom, and it’s given people the opportunity to simmer their disappointment that much more.

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Just let the alliances swap like what happened in WC3
1- Night Elves, Worgen, Draenei, Void Elves, HMT
2 - Orcs, Trolls, Goblin, Pandaren
3 - Humans, Dwarves, Gnomes, Tauren, LFD
4 - Forsaken, Blood Elves, Nightborne


What I said was that he was never a good character. That means he wasn’t a good character in Mists or Warlords.

And I haven’t dodged anything, you just keep shifting goal posts.

Please state at least an implication that this leans that way, that heavily, as hard evidence is difficult to find for both sides of our argument. Mine is that the fans are very passionate, even in real life at Blizzcon about their factions. What would be yours?

Good writers will fix this, as Burning Crusade, and WotLK did it successfully, and satisfactorily.

When the game was younger, it had its original creators and in a more efficient manner. People like Jeff Kaplan.

As long as there is at least a war between the two non neutral factions, I could live with this.

In my opinion, the game and theme itself is taking the hits that the writers should be taking. Characters written inconsistently, stories ruined, this is not the work of a tool, of a theme. This is the work of the people who manage them.

It’d make infinitely more sense given how often we’ve had to team up before to face bigger threats. The fact that we keep devolving into this meaningless slap fight should be an insult to anyone who can read.

No other games have playable factions?

It absolutely is not crucial. It’s lame and unimaginative and we should collectively be demanding that Blizzard do a better job with the story, which would mean they would have to stop relying on the faction war crutch whenever they run out of ideas.

Again, it’s only “iconic” because people don’t want to give up on it. We should have abandoned the faction war years ago.


What makes him a bad character, and in which one, Warlords & Mists, or Cataclysm? You cannot say both, as according to your source, the direction is shifted differently between the two categories.

I know you might be about to argue that because he mentioned stonetalon specifically, that he contradicted himself even back in cata, if we’re only talking about cata. However, I have not found a single shred of his character tripping over itself in Cataclysm, but only at the beginning of mists.

Nothing can comer of it not because of bad story writing but because if there was ever an actual victor in the game half of the player base would quit.

How can you have any form of WoW if one side be it Alliance or Horde wins the war?

Maybe it is time for new Alliances and new battles to fight against common enemies. Even in the real world former enemies are now allies.