World of Warcraft dies with if they remove the faction conflict

What did I miss that proves this is going to happen? Is it the cinematic with Jaina and Thrall? I mean there has always been friends and neutrals between factions. There have also been times both factions worked together to defeat a greater threat.

Oh look, there’s a world threatening crisis on our hands, and population size is at a state that extinction is a possibility if we don’t get our act together. But I have a sad about old grudges so better aimlessly kill the other faction over it instead of doing something about the threat that might end our world. This is the greatest plan!


It’s true. A lot of it is due to bad writing. I miss the days when there was a terse peace between the Alliance and Horde, but there were flareups from time to time, where neither side was in the right or wrong. THAT was fun.

Which brings me back to my own opinion on the matter. If they can’t write a proper three way war, then they should stick to what they know. I actually don’t care either way but I want WoW to get out of this rut in writing they’ve put themselves in. And that can only be solved by writing better or getting better writers.

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That is quite true and they even admitted later they made a big mistake with the events that lead up age of sigmar but still I think they should let the bad guys win every while or keep a constant struggle where the evil can win somethings but not fully and the same thing can be said with the factions.

Another option is to make it like star wars with long periods of peace and war but Blizzard is very dependant of the old guard(wc2 and wc3 characters)

They rely on the old guard when they are perfectly capable of making new and very liked characters. Just look at Nazgrim and Admiral Taylor. We watched them grow and become really recognized and liked characters. It boggles my mind.

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Pretty much every MMO out there has cross-faction PVE. ESO is a great example of this.

They probably want to introduce Cross-faction PVE. Similar to Cross-Server play. Its not joining eachother’s guilds, and always being able to fully play with eachother, but it allows that Cross-faction PVE for everyone.

PVP will still be there for when you turn on Warmode. You won’t be able to group with the opposite faction most likely and there should be a lot of Warmode incentives but not so much that non-Warmode users feel left out.

The Alliance and Horde have been fighting side by side since Warcraft 3 days. Every single expansion we see the Horde and Alliance come together for a time, then there is the lore on why we still fight.

PVP won’t die. The faction war is not over. Letting Blood Elves and Void Elves group up and do a raid with eachother is not going to break the game lore or the gameplay.


I’m fine with removing the factions as long as they keep fighting.
Like the night elves waging war against the orcs but the other races don’t care


Cataclysm - He was honorable, but a fighter. He starts wars, but fights them fairly. Every last dishonorable action named to him in cataclysm - Twilight agents in Ashenvale disguised as Horde, and unknowingly having his blade poisoned in the would have been fair duel in which he defended himself from Cairne’s challenge of Mak’gora.

Mists of Pandaria - He begins with destroying Theramore, although a military target, with a super weapon, something he reprimanded and killed an officer for.

Only in one quest in one zone. But hey, let’s ignore what even Blizzard has said they screwed up on so you can keep your head canon going.

All i see is people who don’t care about wow lore saying it will be good to end the factions ~because lore~ LUL

if its just “us” vs “big baddies” it will be just another generic cliche mmo of good vs evil, it rip off one of the nuances of neutral x neutral

Faction war is one of the game pillars, it don’t need to be the focus of the expansion but one of its aspects.

The player don’t represent the faction, neither the people, just because you team up with some people of the other faction in the class hall don’t mean old hatreds will cease to exist.

Don’t blame the faction war theme for the poor work blizzard have being doing with the lore, it could be good like was good in the past.

Let’s keep it fair, as I have not seen you state in detail the examples that aren’t stonetalon that you keep mentioning.

A pillar that’s been eaten away and ready to fall over at any moment.


The only example you have of him being “honorable” is in Stonetalon, so back at you.

You made a claim and the burden is on you to prevent evidence. If Blizzard stated such too, like you said, it should be easy to find.

This is how conversations like this work.

The evidence of him being honorable? Not being responsible for the dishonorable actions that I’ve stated. I will provide more.

He quelled the Grimtotem, and kicked them out of the Horde for what they did.

He spurns at Sylvanas, who is raising undead, and tells her explicitly NOT TO USE THE BLIGHT.

He dethrones a corrupt Dragonmaw leader, and brings them into the Horde.

The whole no faction thing likely won’t happen. But faction boundaries are in danger of being changed. It’s possible that factions will be based around ideals instead of races. And I can see both the good and bad if this change.

So? you just remove and let the structure rumble to dust? or you fix it, make it strong and better?

No, you made the claim first that he was a good character.

They’ve said the exact opposite, that his characterization in Stonetalon Mountain was a mistake.

Replace it with a different pillar. The “faction war” pillar is beyond repair.


Yes, he is well written in Cataclysm. I provided evidence of him being not responsible for popular accusations often attributed to him.


Please find this, or it does not exist. Even if by chance it does, it’s simply false, even by them, considering all other things. Like refusing to admit that his character was ruined by MoP.