World of Warcraft dies with if they remove the faction conflict

No. Wrong. This game can evolve past the lame faction conflict. We can have war without having to slap fight each other every other expansion. What you want is an unchanging, boring, repetitive, dull faction conflict that will never be resolved in any meaningful manner. Maybe you should go find another game instead of dragging us all down with you.


Azeroth doesn’t need to be united. The Alliance just needs to wipe a few horde cities off the map and depopulate a few horde zones to make this war a proper war.


No you misunderstand again. Go reread I won’t restate things again.

From me personally, I’d like to see that improved. Because in terms of story, I think Wrath did it the best. Everyone had their reasons to be there, both factions were in conflict with one another and there were tragedies and decisions that had to be made left and right that shaped a lot of the characters that we know today.

For me if they perfected the story with faction conflict while still having a bad guy to deal with, it’d be an amazing expansion story wise. And would be a driving force as to why I’m doing what I’m doing be it in the open world or instanced content.

Warcraft 1: Orcs vs Humans

Warcraft 2: Orcs vs Humans

Warcraft 3: Orcs vs Humans, end: Allied against evil < Most successful, and most emulated

World of Warcraft: Horde vs Alliance, end: Neltharion, Old Gods

Burning Crusade: Horde vs Alliance, end: Illidan

Wrath of the Lich King: Horde vs Alliance, end: Lich King < Most successful in the MMO category

Cataclysm: Horde vs Alliance, end: Deathwing < Garrosh is a good character

Mists of Pandaria: Horde vs Alliance, end: the Sha < Garrosh is ruined because of BAD WRITERS.

The cycle from MoP has continued until now, and because of the writers. Removing the theme will remove Warcraft. Every complaint you have, should be directed at the people themselves upstairs, not the game’s results.

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Please take remedial English and then restate your title.

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Obviously because there always needs to be a balanced outcome. Just because someone is being paid doesn’t mean they can do the impossible. Coming up with something unique with all the constraints that this game demands is virtually impossible.

It’s not like writing a novel. You don’t get to create a story using your own imagination and follow that through to a conclusion of your own choosing. Every idea is vetted by the Blizzard team and game play is paramount. The story always defers to that.

New Warchief takes over from hippie Warchief
New Warchief begins an initially successful campaign
New Warchief becomes uncharacteristically ruthless
New Warchief hatches plan involving Old God relic
Horde leaders grumble like old hens, conspire against New Warchief
New Warchief turns against own people
Horde leaders cahoot with Alliance to oust New Warchief

Totally NOT a recycled story.


To me that is why Wrath was one of the better expansions in how to write a three way war. The faction war was more subtle but still explosive. It wasn’t thrust in your face every second but when it showed it was impactful.

I see you’re on to something, please read my above post for an expansion of your ideas, and clarity on what’s actually wrong with WoW’s story.

The thing about that is that the Horde vs Alliance conflict isn’t even the basis for the Warcraft series; the original orc invasion of Azeroth was just one small element out of hundreds making up Sargeras’s plan, just as the Legion were another fundamental part.

The entire “Orcs vs Humans” storyline — and everything that followed — was just a small piece located relatively near the end of a much larger puzzle. It’s not some ingrained, mandatory concept without which the story, and game as a whole, falls apart.

At this point, the Horde and Alliance have spent more time fighting against external threats than they’ve ever spent openly fighting each other. No matter how much the clueless “bUt BUt buT mUh FActIoN WAr!” trolls want to insist the game can’t exist without two exclusive sides locked in a toothless “war” no side will ever be allowed to win, the fact remains that we’ve seen it can exist, and we know it can.


Just because you can’t imagine a future without the Horde and Alliance slap fighting each other all the time doesn’t mean it’s impossible.

You also ignored how many of those H/A conflicts fell apart because of fighting a bigger enemy.

And Garrosh was never a good character. He had one good quest when he was a bad guy everywhere else.


Garrosh was consistent until MoP, yes.

I speak of his quality, not his morality.

No, he wasn’t. He literally had one quest in Stonetalon Mountains that was written inconsistently and everyone acts like that is how he was all the time.

Prove how he was inconsistent from that in the Cataclysm expansion only.

Brb, food

Having a game with a dwindling subscription base unable to group and play with 50% of the community will kill this game.

I came into this game for the faction war. I wanted vanilla to be focused on PvP with PvE as an afterthought. That never happened though. I came in thinking “contested” zones were warzones that could be owned by one faction or the other depending on your collective conquests. Instead I saw that they were static and unchanging. Basically just PvE zones where some max level character can gank you and pretend he’s skilled.

We didn’t even have proper battlegrounds until the thing was half over. The instanced PVP didn’t even get proper rewards until BC. And the largescale open world pvp zone wasn’t even attempted until WotLK. A big failure that was only active during random times of the day and never had all its promised content put in.

So since WoW is clearly a PvE game and the story constantly has us uniting to kill a greater threat, why are we holding onto this redundant faction conflict?


The same can be said by the monster of the week, even the scourge was reduced to cheap mooks. Honestly Blizzard should go back to their roots aka being Warhammer fantasy foil with letting the villains being an actual threat

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That’s not the point of my post. I’m saying it’s not a recycled story had they done all of the following things I listed.

And in my opinion, that’s a story I’d love to see. Not a full blown war. The war was a mistake no doubt. Especially since there was nothing to showcase the possibility of it even happening. And what makes it worse is that there’s clearly an evil faction at play here while the other are angels and have done no wrong.

I don’t believe the idea needs to go, but what we have is bland, bad writing.

I literally just explained it to you. This is something even Blizzard has admitted to. I don’t see how you could possibly think otherwise.

Warhammer may be a bad example here, because even Games Workshop knew when the setting had ran its course and Age of Sigmar’d the whole thing.

They actually let one of the major factions WIN. Yeah, chaos blew up the world, Blizzard could never let the same happen here in WoW.

At least, not without making a WoW 2 and I doubt thats going to happen at this point.