World of Warcraft dies with if they remove the faction conflict

Burn baby burn.
Maybe then we can start over fresh and get it right this time.

Absolutely. This hollow theme has resulted in quite bizarre story lines that can’t be taken at all seriously. The Orc vs Human theme may have started WoW, but to be flogging that old nag still, this many years down the track, seems very sadistic. Let that one trick pony rest in peace now, it’s gone as far as it can go.


And like I said earlier, this is just bad writing at work here. There was no buildup, no probable causes and no understanding of how this war even happened directly after a demon invasion.


Sounds like you don’t like the game. Try another instead of changing this one.


It’d be hard to make it worse. There’s pretty much no possible explanation for why the Alliance would let the Horde go unchanged or unpunished after they’ve been taken over by a genocidal maniac twice now.

I mean, which Alliance city are we going to lose next? The writers can’t come up with any other way to start a faction conflict, so they’ll roll some dice until they figure out which Alliance city is going to get obliterated by not-Garrosh 3.0.


It’s useless as it is. And if they keep it as it is, the game will die anyway from circular storylines.

And that’s the problem. If they can’t come up with a good reason for it then cut it out.


If a writer was truly good, they can get around this. Sorry. It has nothing to do with the quality.

Sylvanas at the helm? Sylvanas gets punished.

Garrosh at the helm? Garrosh got punished.

Both of these are bad story, and because of the WRITERS, not the THEME.

Imagine if Genn started the war. Imagine if the Scarlet Crusade joined the Alliance. Anything. It’s the writers.

But the Horde didn’t get punished. That’s what’s unbelievable. The Horde let things get out of control. A large chunk of the Horde supports their warchief, no matter how evil that person ends up being.

You talk about the writers being bad, but you’re defending them pretty hard just so you can keep your precious faction war.


I’m defending the theme, the writers changed over time.

I agree. There are different ways to start wars, and different ways to resolve them. They also do not need to be started and ended in the same expansion. The writers limit themselves.

My good sir you are quite confused and incorrect. The quality of the story directly effects the quality of the game. Otherwise we wouldn’t be here discussing this.


Hippie Horde is coming back. Thrall Metzen demands it.


I was referring to the theme, which worked in the past because it was quality, but now does not because they aren’t doing the right things where they should, and it feels meaningless.

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Of course they are. It’s obvious that every story starts with them establishing an outcome and then working backwards. Writing that has to provide for two separate warring factions, while allowing neither to gain any lasting advantage or to win is a very heavy anchor indeed.


Can you tell me why this is NEEDED? Why is it ESSENTIAL that it all has to be the same? If you’re getting paid to do this, you should be able to come up with unique ways to keep the fire going, instead of turning this franchise into something it never was.

And I’m saying the theme has been used too many times and it should have been retired already.


The idea doesn’t need to be cutout. There needed to be proper build up to this whole thing. It’s not really a recycled story like you said when new characters, new motives and different events and story elements at play.

And that affects the quality of the game. If the story of a game like WoW tanks then the game will become poor.

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Then I’m sorry, it won’t be Warcraft. You’d be looking at a different game, and I suppose I could play classic in compensation, but I’d mourn this game’s future.

Just because the Horde started the war all the time, does not mean the theme is tired out. It means that the writers are having the Horde start the war all the tme. That’s it. The Alliance are perfectly capable of making mistakes, they won’t let it happen. Jaina is capable, but she got redeemed. Thrall is capable, but he’s uniting everyone AGAIN.

If all the game has going for it is a puerile “go beat up these other guys” red vs. blue mentality, then it deserves to die and I’m happy to see it go. Personally, I’ve stuck with it all these years because I think it has something more than that (like killing dragons and taking their stuff), but if I’m wrong, I’d be happy to leave.


And I would have no problem with that if they did that. But they are proving that they can’t. The better stories they’ve done has be the ones following a singular storylines with a unified front. Their warring factions stories have been really bad.