World of Warcraft dies with if they remove the faction conflict

You chose to play this game knowing that the IP was Horde vs Alliance. And it always has been. 25 years now. The factional conflict is foundational. Times may change but this doesn’t.

I don’t know where this rash of peace-lovers came from, but I wish someone would find a cure. There are plenty of other games out there where you can play with everybody else.


And yet you don’t explain anything. You just say stuff as if it’s fact when it’s just opinion.


Yeah I can make up a bunch of possible future scenarios off the top of my head as well, but that doesn’t mean any will come to pass.

Here I’ll give you one of my own.

If they dropped the Horde versus Alliance shtick, you know what will happen? Nothing much.

Some people like yourself will come on the forum to brood and the rest of the player base will take it in stride and nothing of value would be lost.


I am stating the fact that since this is how the game was designed, and advertised, and shown as one of the prominent unique features, that most people’s opinions would be that the faction conflict is essential to the story.

Star Wars Galaxies was a popular game in which one of the most unique things was that you could work hard and roll the dice enough to find out if you were force sensitive. A controversial update came that wiped that away and made it a class you could play in the beginning. Not only this, the way the game was played was changed in the same update, causing it to die swiftly.

You can look at history to see how it would repeat itself.

Remove a pillar? The ceiling. Will. Fall.

You need to realize. They will lose A TON of people if they remove factions from this game. I’m literally gone the day they announce it… or if


because the pvp scene is so booming currently. /s

if factions unite that doesnt mean pvp will go bye bye. But a merc mode for dungeons and raids will solve the alliance issues with raiding and mythics.


How though? You never explained that. Explain how you think the faction conflict is essential to the story.


I actually did in the very post you quoted. If you advertise one of the games core features like that, and people are attracted to that, they will not like it if it’s removed.

What if they removed leveling entirely and it’s just gear level?

What if they removed an entire race?

What if they destroyed Azeroth and made us exiles on a new planet?

Warcraft, since the beginning, and hopefully to the end, is REVOLVED around Alliance vs Horde. You take that away? Welcome to not Warcraft.


Where are ppl reading about this if it’s true? Also, I never liked the idea of having Horde on my BG team and/or Alliance vs Alliance Battlegrounds, etc (For Randoms)

And I think this is because of just bad writing. This expansions story is a big mistake in terms of going to war because reasons. Even if it’s because of something like Sylvanas trying to lure out N’zoth it still just doesn’t work because we already had a crazy warchief story and we just finished a full blown demon invasion.

We can have a new threat but still have conflict with one another. Leaders don’t need to be at each others throats but that doesn’t mean the players or regular characters can’t.

There can still be bad blood between people that don’t agree with peace, can’t accept what has happened in the past, how the past has caused them pain in the future, how some people just can’t be swayed, how some people can be just plain racist and many other things.


After 15 years, the faction conflict has gotten stale. Even major lore characters are sick and tired of it. Let the current war play out throughout the rest of BfA, but if they keep pushing the faction war beyond that, it will show they have officially run out of ideas, and… well, you know the definition of insanity.

The people who pay hundreds, or even thousands of dollars to go to BlizzCon are the most hardcore of the hardcore fans, and do not represent the overall player base as a whole.


That had nothing to do with the story. That’s just advertisement and game mechanics. It’s meaningless and can be changed at the literal drop of a hat. Just like they’ve done to PvP and several other mechanics. They’ve even lied on their advertisements. You’ve explained nothing and I will not ask a third time. You have proven that you cannot explain the faction war’s essential role to the story. You simply can’t do it.


Agreed. I can’t believe people are using story quality as a reason for faction war removal, when they do not realize, the same writers write it. Nothing would change, just get boring.

If this is not enough for you, I question your genuine interest in the game.

We can have war without having this hamfisted faction conflict shoved down our throats every other expansion.


Please quote his full text sir. You still explain nothing but advertisement and I know you didn’t read the post.

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We have a lot of lose ends that we haven’t even begun to tie up. And with the characters in this story and what has transpired between the 2 factions, holding hands and singing kumbaiya does not seem to be a reality. And if written that way, personally I think it would be very unsatisfying.


I read the post and know he tried to make an argument against, but instead ended up proving that the people who care most about this game care about the faction war.

It doesn’t have to be a full on peace. But this faction war is meaningless. This is the third “war” we’ve had and nothing come of it. It can’t. And because it can’t it’s gotten stale.


I’d have more to cheer about if my faction wasn’t constantly losing territory.

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It’s the writers. Nothing will change. Removing faction conflict will not magically make the story better. The writers are anchored by NOTHING. They write what they write, and it will always be that quality. You are advocating for a removal of the most integral part of the story since the very first game. That will only ever make things worse.