World of Warcraft dies with if they remove the faction conflict

Other games with no faction conflict are waiting for you.

Don’t go into taco bell asking for burgers, dude.


I agree that the game kinda needs to have a faction Cold/Hot war. However, I think we need a reshuffle of the deck. Perhaps an expansion of peace and allow new alliances to be formed. Maybe the Cows, NE and Space Goats decide that they have more in common with each other. Maybe the Blood elves are finally disgusted enough with the forsaken and bolt.

Actually, I can’t see why anyone would want to be aligned with the forsaken. But maybe the writers can come up with reasons.

It would be nice to have humans and orcs pushed aside for different races taking the lead.


But those games won’t have the characters, the lore, and the community that keeps them here. The game is defined by much, much more than Red vs. Blue.


Then we are going to have to agree to disagree.

For me this nonsense became tiring a long time ago. Like I said, it’s pointless, and neither ending will be satisfying thanks to Blizzard’s lack of writing creativity.

The Horde are now frothing villains yelling “Muh honor!” every other sentence and the Alliance are just reacting to whatever evil scheme Sylvanas cooks up next and the night elves get kicked in the gut one more time because Blizzard thinks purple is ugly.

Let’s not ruin this MMO by doing more of the same that has obviously not been working.

Seriously, that horse is dead. Let it rest in peace already.


I do play Tera, FFIV, and Destiny 2 also. It’s because I play a lot of other games, I know that this faction BS in WoW is lame.


Oh, so then they should be fine with a continued faction conflict until this game dies.

Otherwise, they came here for something else.

Homogenization sucks.


Dude, peoples’ experiences in games evolve as the game progresses. Things you are made to care about in the process of playing don’t suddenly become invalid because “it wasn’t like this ten years ago”. It sounds like you should go play Classic when it’s out and not worry about what’s going on in Retail.


You can think new ideas and progress for the sake of progress is good all you want, but the second this game drops factions, it drops a large ton of the quality and loyal parts of the fanbase.

Which do you want to sacrifice?


citation needed


Horde! blizzcon cheers
Alliance! blizzcon cheers

It’s simple guy.

100% this.


Can someone explain what makes the faction war so great? We’ve done this twice now and nothing’s come of it and this is the third. Nothing WILL come of it. Why? Because both factions are playable. Neither can win so there will be no end and we’ll be stuck in a circular loop of monotony. So explain to me why the faction conflict is so great.


Give me a break. True Warcraft fans want the game to succeed. The faction war, which has not had a rational basis for years, is hurting the game, not helping.

But sure. Let’s keep the war going. Let’s let the Alliance go through five or six faction leaders as they are shoehorned into stupid villain roles as a justification for the war. Just go ahead and destroy all faction pride completely.


You can say the same about IRL.

This is the way the game was since the beginning. Removing a staple will let the pages fall out. You’ll see it happen, if this comes to pass.

The story quality is not exclusive with the faction war. It will always be like this. Dropping the wars will not make the story better. Because there must always be a lich king, remember? That line out of nowhere?


No I can’t see that. Now explain to me why it’s so great.


They did that when they let us play both factions on the same account. That was years ago, bud.


Ok, your reaching is getting ridiculous now, you are going to throw out that shoulder… my guy.


The fanbase is dedicated to this idea clearly, and you’ll see a bunch of hate toward this game if it drops the only, ONLY thing that makes it unique.

I think we’ve all seen enough, now, and can move on to more interesting threads that aren’t all “mark my words” doomsayery.


Why do you feel as if you speak for multiple people’s interest in this thread? Only you know yours for certain.