World of Warcraft dies with if they remove the faction conflict

The Player character, is a murderous Hobo.

But more importantly, the player has also killed demons, scourge, ancient blood gods, Lovecraftian monsters, and teamed up with the other faction on multiple occasions, like the orderhalls in legion, the wrathgate, ETC.
Hell, you’re a druid, the Cenarion Circle has people from both sides.

Hell, also EVERY player character is a champion of their faction, the leader of their order hall, and the Champion of Azeroth, so bringing player characters into this argument seems a bit superfluous.

I was saying that you, AS A PLAYER, as in the person behind the computer, should be able to decide your faction.

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Do not worry union of factions or not, you will always be scum.

There is no faction conflict.

Constantly saying the sky is green doesn’t make it green.

You’re taking assumptions way to far. No one knows what’s going to happen except blizz, and they haven’t announced anything.

Perhaps people will be able to chose their faction, and it can then be based on something other than racism.

No it doesn’t. If that happens, then it only means that the Forsaken narrative doesn’t get a Carte Blanche to be ridiculously over the top “stupid evil” and hold back every other race’s story.

“we ebil an edgy!” was interesting… never. They should of just said they were raised Necrolyte skeletons from the First War or something. It would of given more depth to the race than what Sylvanas pushes these days. I used to like her, but the writing has become so bad; I want her retired now before more damage is done to the character (than already has been).

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Haven’t had a real faction conflict in a long time, maybe never, just trumped up things that are actually misunderstandings and we come together again at the end as BFFs to defeat the “real” threat.

let the gnomes and goblins unify the mail system.

that would be a start.

Its amazing how many times these MMOs “die.” Every forum has those like the OP claiming the game is going to die because of x,y,z.

These people can spend upwords of 15 years of their life on this crusade of claiming a video game is going to die. Its rather sad if you ask me.

The (re)birth of OSRS coupled with changes to the core systems of RS3 caused it to die.

We’re at 1 million subs, possibly 2 at best. Would WoW die? No, but retail will. The faction conflict is the core theme of the game, remove it if you’d like but be prepared to put retail on dialysis.

This guy really said it best.


I still think the best way out of their current plot hole is to take all of the faction leaders and split them into 2 camps, each made up of both factions, who then declare that they are sick of the whole thing and all will bow down to them, yada yada yada… Then there is a short quest line where each player chooses a side.

But finally, and most important, there must be a way to commit treason and switch camps, which Blizzard will probably charge for, but with a cool down timer of a month or more. Also, current Alliance and Horde players will have ways to grind out reputation with each capital city and so begin mixing in each others territory.

This way every race/class combo can be on either side so no limits on the players choices and World PVP can have a chance, albeit a small one, of actually balancing itself out.

But, that’s just what I was thinking…

Honestly, I am tired of ancient factional wars too. A new horizon of World of Warcraft awaits. Beware, though, if you don’t understand all of historical lore going into this new era. It’s a nightmare of confusion if you don’t. Sometimes I wonder how Blizzard expects players to know it all? Now we can go straight to BfA at lvl 10!!! So, what are the new players going to know that makes WoW a successful game experience for them? I say that they’ll leave. It has been touch and go for this 11yr vet to stay. We really do need a new history on Azeroth; a new story is not so cumbersome. I hope Blizzard is doing this with SL.

I’ve played both factions multiple times. They haven’t mattered since classic. All they do is show me the players eligible to be ganked.

For the most part I agree, although I am quite aware that peace in Word of Warcraft would certainly not work. I think taking war, as a united Azerothian peoples (1 battle standard), elsewhere (while maintaining home) to fight evil is much more preferable at this time. (Furthermore, I would love to take my Horde main into Stormwind.) Somehow that idea just feels neat.

No, it wont. The one expac that tried to focus on faction conflict has been arguably in the top 2 for the Worst Expansion and Drove off the Most Players awards. The warcraft in world of warcraft is easily satisfied by a united playerbase fighting an external threat.

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Honestly the faction part of WoW is pretty much just side flavor, Players are usually the ones who are active about “Faction War” when they want instead of forcing it. In the end as you said it’s mainly about Us vs Some Othee Big Threat as the main part.

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You can still have factional conflict while giving players the option to engage in cross-factional play.

3000 IQ thinking I know.

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Side flavor until BfA. I prefer it remain side flavor.

The faction conflict doesn’t need to end, it just needs to stay far in the background. Every time they do a faction war expansion, it’s a nightmare.

Keep the faction conflict far in the background, and have it remain low white noise.


Don’t be so melodramatic. We’ve been toying with becoming one peoples all throughout Azeroths history - always banding together: Enemies don’t do that. The war hasn’t ever been on front street like with BfA. Expansions are just that - making the game “bigger.” So, let’s maintain Azeroth and seek to fight evil as a one people, elsewhere, rather than fight each other. Sometimes history just has to fade away

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